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At two streams in the Czech Republic, eight dye-tracing experiments were carried out during past two years. The purpose of these experiments was to collect data sets for the calibration and verification of both analytical and numerical solution of mathematical model of advective-dispersion problem. First part of the paper deals with the preparation, accomplishment and preliminary evaluation of the experiments. Preliminary evaluation deals with the assessment of stream discharge conditions and mass balance of the dye injected. Evaluation of tracing tests by modelling techniques was performed using both one-dimensional and two-dimensional analytical and numerical stream water quality models. Within the solution, the estimate of the coefficients of transversal and longitudinal dispersion was carried out together with the estimate of the lag coefficient using inversion algorithm. Obtained values of mentioned model parameters generally correspond with values referred to in available lite...
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics
The modelling of solid transport in open channels requires good knowledge about parameters related to basic processes such as hydrodynamic dispersion, advection and decay rates. Such parameters are usually determined by dye tests. Numerous tracer studies have been performed on laboratory flumes and natural rivers. However, on-site sampling is often difficult, expensive and needs special apparatus. The main aim of the study was to justify simplified method based on the monitoring of the dye cloud shape in order to determine both longitudinal and transversal dispersion coefficients. In this study, four dye tests were carried out on a small local stream (the Lipkovsky) using Rhodamine WT fluorescein dye as a tracer. The tests were carried out in such a manner that both longitudinal and horizontal transversal dispersion data were obtained. For this purpose, the visually determined extent of the dye cloud was interpreted via the analytical solution of the advection-dispersion equation. T...
WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development
Mathematical models are well known as useful tools for water management practices, directly or indirectly related to the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) in European countries. They can be applied to solve or understand either simple water quality problems or complex water management problems of trans-boundary rivers or multiple-purpose and stratified reservoirs. Accidental spills of pollutants are of general concern and could be harmful to water users along the river, becoming crucial to get knowledge of the dispersive behaviour of such pollutants. In this context, the mathematical modelling of dispersion phenomena can play an important role. Additionally, a judicious selection of mathematical models for application in a specific river basin management plan can mitigate prediction uncertainty. Therefore, intervention measures and times will be established with better reliability and alarm systems could efficiently protect the aquatic ecosystems, the water uses and the public health. The main purpose of this paper is to evaluate the performance of river water systems dispersion modelling, based on tracer experiments data for calibration and validation. The present work describes the methodology used in the monitoring programs, basically consisting in the injection of a tracer dye (rhodamine WT) in an upstream river section and follow-up of the dye cloud along the river to determine the water dispersion behaviour in situ. The models were developed to simulate different water quality management scenarios on each reach of the three Portuguese rivers under study: Mondego, Douro and Tagus rivers. However, further developments are needed for Douro and Tagus rivers in order to simulate vertical and transversal dispersion processes and improve the model correlation with the experimental data. The models were calibrated and validated in order to produce operational tools used to estimate the probabilistic leading edge/peak/tail times, the pollutant losses by volatilization, adsorption, precipitation, etc. and remaining concentrations. These tools allows to define, for example, how long water intake need to be suspended after a pollutant spill and can be easily integrated in a future DSS, which should be developed and implemented by each one of the river basin management authorities. The good correlation between experimental and simulated data allows us to conclude that the applied models are accurate enough to describe and predict conservative pollutant transport under different hydrodynamic scenarios. This methodology is appropriate to assess the environmental impact of pollutant loads directly introduced into the streams and, subsequently, to define and implement the best water sources protection practices.
Environmental Processes, 2014
The Water Framework Directive requires as an obligatory goal to achieve and to keep "good water quality" status within the defined period (for Slovakia-up to the year 2015). For surface waters, the main criterion is the ecological and chemical status of the water. Mathematical and numerical modelling allows evaluating various situations of contaminants spreading in rivers (from everyday wastewater disposal through fatal accidents and discharges of the toxic substances) without immediate destructive impact to the environment. Determination of longitudinal and transverse dispersion coefficient values, as the main hydrodynamic characteristics of the dispersion, has the highest extent of uncertainty for hydrodynamic models simulating pollutant transport in streams. This paper deals with the determination of dispersion coefficients based on field tracer experiments performed in a small modified stream (basic hydrodynamic parameters during the experiments were: discharge Q = 0.138-0.553 m 3 .s −1 , depth h=0.29-0.48 m, width B=5.2-5.9 m). During the experiments, various conditions and situations were taken into account, e.g., continuous and instantaneous pollution source, as well as various positions of pollution source along the river width, among others. Field measurements were evaluated using three different methods for dispersion coefficient determination: based on statistical evaluation, based on analytical solutions of advection-dispersion equation, and using numerical models. The dimensionless dispersion coefficients values were determined, which can be used for numerical simulation of pollutant transport in similar types of streams.
Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2019
River water quality models usually apply the Fischer equation to determine the longitudinal dispersion coefficient (D x) in solving the advection-dispersion equation (ADE). Recently, more accurate formulas have been introduced to determine D x in rivers, which could strongly affect the accuracy of the ADE results. A numerical modelling-based approach is presented to evaluate the performance of various D x formulas using the ADE. This approach consists of a finite difference approximation of the ADE, a MATLAB code and a MS Excel interface; it was tested against the analytical ADE solution and demonstrated using eight well-known D x formulas and tracer study data for the Chattahoochee River (USA), the Severn (UK) and the Athabasca (Canada). The results show that D x has an important effect on tracer concentrations simulated with the ADE. Comparison between the simulated and measured concentrations confirms the appropriate performance of Zeng and Huai's formula for D x estimation. Use of the newly proposed equations for D x estimation could enhance the accuracy of solving the ADE.
Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2000
Although several methods are available for dispersion in natural streams, no method is accurate enough to satisfactorily predict the time variation of stream pollution concentration. Further, limited studies exist for dispersion of nonconservative pollutants. In this paper a six-parameter concentration equation for dispersion of conservative and nonconservative pollutants has been proposed. The parameters of the equation have been related to hydraulic variables and stream geometry. Using these predictors, the equation is fairly accurate for concentration predictions. It is hoped that the equation is useful in water quality management studies.
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2004
Understanding scalar transport in solvents is important in chemical engineering, pollution control, and water remediation, where the longitudinal dispersion coefficient (LDC) is a key parameter for describing solute transport in fluids. For flow in classic conditions such as in a pipe or a regular open channel, formulas for LDC are derived from adopting the ideas of the advection-diffusion equation. However, when the flow encounters largescale roughness, such as an open channel with vegetation, longitudinal dispersion becomes complicated. This paper aims to estimate LDC in an open channel that is partially covered with artificial vegetation. This kind of artificial vegetation is emergent, which comprises eight floats. A two-zone model is proposed to determine LDC in this channel condition. In validating our model, experiments are conducted with Rhodamine as a tracer, whose timeconcentration curves are measured at two locations. The routing procedure is applied to obtain LDC from these curves. Results show that the measured LDCs are consistent with the predicted ones, thereby validating the accuracy and reliability of our proposed twozone model.
Acta Horticulturae et Regiotectuare, 2014
The Water Framework Directive (WFD) is a key initiative aimed at improving water quality throughout the EU. The development of the computer technologies enables us to solve the ecological problems in water management practice very efficiently. The mathematical and numerical modelling allows evaluating various situations of contaminants spread in rivers (from everyday wastewater disposal through the fatal discharges of toxic substances) without immediate destructive impact on the environment. The paper deals with 1-dimensional numerical model HEC-RAS and its response on various values of dispersion coefficient. This parameter is one of the most important input data for simulation of pollution spread in streams. There were performed tracer experiments in the Malá Nitra River and results of these measurements are compared with results of numerical simulations. The values of the longitudinal dispersion coefficient were estimated from this comparison. The range of mean values of this coe...
Study on the mechanism of Pollutant transmission in the river is a major part of the knowledge of environmental engineering. If the pollution transmission mechanisms in the river with various geometries were specified, the river water quality managing does by more accuracy and his leads to reduce the effects of river pollution on public human's health. In this paper, the pollution longitudinal dispersion coefficient (LDC) is calculated by dispersion routing method for Severn River. To calculate the LDC the concentration profile data published by Atkinson and Davis is used. They considered seven stations along the river for measuring and record the concentration profile at each station. The minimum value of LDC is 12.5 and maximum value dispersion coefficient is 41.5. . For calculating the LDC by empirical formulas, 12 of the famous equations related to the dispersion coefficient is collected and assessing them to calculate the LDC for Severn River shows that the Tavakollizadeh and Kashefipour equation by correlation coefficient about 0.4 is the most accurate empirical formula.
România, ţară membră al Uniunii Europene, s-a angajat ca până în anul 2015 să amelioreze, până la "o stare ecologică bună", calitatea apelor de suprafaţă. Sectoarele de râu în care se descarcă ape uzate (epurate parţial sau neepurate) sunt cele mai expuse riscului de a nu atinge standardele de calitate. În articol se compară rezultatele măsurătorilor unor indicatori de calitate a apei pe Oltul superior cu simularea numerică realizată prin aplicarea unui pachet de programe. În concluzii, se arată că modelarea matematică reprezintă un mijloc important de investigare, în condiţiile în care se beneficiază de date experimentale in situ. Romania, as European Union member country, has undertaken that by 2015 to improve the surface water quality to "good ecological status". The most at risk of failing to meet quality standards are the rivers in which wastewater (partially treated or untreated) are discharged. In the paper it is compared the results of measurements of water quality indicators on the Upper Olt River with the numerical simulation obtained using a software package. The conclusions show that the mathematical modeling is an important tool of investigation under the conditions of existence experimental data obtained in situ.
Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances
The research study was performed by estimating the longitudinal dispersion coefficient for Dor Nwezor section of Bodo-Bonny River and conducting a tracer experiment using the constant distance variable time method. Eleven empirical models for the prediction of longitudinal dispersion coefficients were considered and analyzed using the hydraulic and geometric parameters of the river. The empirical and experimental results were analysed and compared statistically with Deng et al model yielded the most reliable method of predicting the longitudinal coefficient of dispersion of Dor Nwezor section of Bodo-Bonny River with the least root mean square value of 0.1221, mean absolute value of 0.0617 close to zero and discrepancy ratio of -0.2303 that falls within the accepted accuracy range of -0.3 to 0.3.
Knowledge of dispersion coefficients in longitudinal, lateral and vertical flow directions is of utmost importance when evaluating the timeconcentration distribution of pollutants at any point in a stream. Remotely sensed field data (from the National Administration of the Ocean and Atmosphere and télédétection) were used to identify the river sector for a dye tracing experiment. The main criteria were to locate a sector without significant anthropogenic influence and with similar hydraulic conditions. The sector selected for sampling was 2.5 km long. The longitudinal and threedimensional dispersion coefficients were determined. The time-concentration curve for rhodamine dye obtained under different hydraulic conditions of flow (different stages) was measured on the Dâmbovita River. The stage was nearly constant for each experiment but different in each case, therefore it was possible to obtain information for different regimes. Additional information needed to make use of the one-dimensional and three-dimensional mathematical models of dispersion was obtained at the Malu cu Flori gauging station (continuos stage recording and stage-discharge curve). Finally, the experimental data were used to verify the mathematical dispersion model proposed for the Dâmbovita River. Integrating tracer with remote sensing techniques for determining dispersion coefficients Integrating tracer with remote sensing techniques for determining dispersion coefficients Résumé La compréhension du fonctionnement des zones humides riveraines du cours moyen des rivières passe par la reconstitution et la modélisation de la mise en place des alluvions qui leur servent de substrat. Sur les zones humides des vallées de l'Aube et de la Seine, une prospection thermique aéroportée a ainsi été mise en oeuvre, dans le but de fournir des images dans le visible et le thermique lointain. Suite aux premiers résultats obtenus-distinction entre les zones d'eau libre et les zones d'eau stagnantes, localisation rapide et à grande échelle des anciens réseaux hydrographiques-un site test d'une superficie de 1 ha a été sélectionné sur un des axes de vol. Les mesures électromagnétiques et les sondages réalisés sur ce site ont révélés une concordance des résultats sur les sols vierges de toute pratique agricole. D'autres investigations géophysiques mais également géochimiques (traceurs), permettraient à l'avenir de définir les paramètres hydrauliques de cette zone humide. Thermogaphie infrarouge aéroportée pour l'étude de l'hétérogénéité d'une zone humide 85 d'onde, permet l'acquisition d'images à la fois dans le domaine du visible et du thermique. L'émission du sol, définie par remittance W, est proportionnelle à la puissance quatrième de sa température:
Environmental Earth Sciences, 2017
The modelling of pollution transport processes in open channels requires good knowledge about parameters such as hydrodynamic dispersion, advection and decay rates. These parameters can be determined by tracer studies. The basic output of these studies takes the form of observed time course data for the concentration of injected tracer in sampling profiles. In this study, Rhodamine WT fluorescein dye was used as a tracer. The travel time of the front and tail of the dye cloud and the magnitude of the peak concentration can be additionally derived. Two dye tests were carried out at the Svitava and Svratka rivers in the Czech Republic. These are rivers which are mostly regulated and feature widths ranging from 10 to 25 m. Data were collected from 4 and 5 sampling profiles, respectively, along 16.1-km-long reaches of the rivers. The transport parameters were derived via inverse numerical analysis of the collected data and were compared with values obtained by previously published empirical formulas based on dimensional analysis. The resulting dispersion coefficient was from 7.2 to 9.5 m 2 /s and showed good agreement with previous studies.
UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series D: Mechanical Engineering
La nivel naţional industrializarea şi urbanizarea au determinat evacuarea în diverse bazine hidrografice a unor cantităţi importante de substanţe poluante, care au modificat tabloul ecologic. Realizarea unui sistem integrat de modelare a proceselor de transport a poluanţilor în mediul acvatic, de evaluare a propagării agenţilor poluanţi şi estimare a impactului asupra mediului şi sănătăţii populaţiei, este imperios necesară. Designing a new mathematical model system for pollutant transport in aquatic medium and the evaluation of pollutants agents flood routing and estimation the impact over the environment and human health are strongly recommended.
Ecology Safety, 2014
Article is focused on comparison of some aspects of 1D and 2D water quality model use for modeling of contaminant spreading in rivers. Properties of numerical models MODI and HEC-RAS were tested at 422 m long reach of the Ondava River. Results showed that HEC-RAS model can be used only for scenario or river reach along which the transverse pollution spreading can be complete. Better choice for this case study represents the model MODI that in 2D schematization shows detailed spatial structure of contaminant distribution in time as well as to specify the exact position of pollutant source outlet that effect the character of pollution cloud downstream transported. The results of simulations have proved that numerical models MODI as well as HEC-RAS model allow a reasonable support in decision making process connected to river water quality management.
Engenharia Agrícola, 2011
Information about capacity of transport and dispersion of soluble pollutants in natural streams are important in the management of water resources, especially in planning preventive measures to minimize the problems caused by accidental or intentional waste, in public health and economic activities that depend on the use of water. Considering this importance, this study aimed to develop a warning system for rivers, based on experimental techniques using tracers and analytical equations of one-dimensional transport of soluble pollutants conservative, to subsidizing the decision-making in the management of water resources. The system was development in JAVA programming language and MySQL database can predict the travel time of pollutants clouds from a point of eviction and graphically displays the temporal distribution of concentrations of passage clouds, in a particular location, downstream from the point of its launch.
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