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1981, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society
3 pages
1 file
We show that every simple graph of order 2r and minimum degree ≧4r/3 has the property that for any partition of its vertex set into 2-subsets, there is a cycle which contains exactly one vertex from each 2-subset. We show that the bound 4r/3 cannot be lowered to r, but conjecture that it can be lowered to r + 1.
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 1994
Let v = v(G) and e = e(G) denote the order and size of a simple graph G, respectively. Let G = {G i } i≥1 be a family of simple graphs of magnitude r > 1 and constant λ > 0, i.e. e(G i) = (λ + o(1))v(G i) r , i → ∞. For any such family G whose members are bipartite and of girth at least 2k + 2, and every integer t, 2 ≤ t ≤ k − 1, we construct a family G t of graphs of same magnitude r, of constant greater than λ, and all of whose members contain each of the cycles C 4 , C 6 ,. .. , C 2t , but none of the cycles C 2t+2 ,. .. , C 2k. We also prove that for every family of 2k-cycle free extremal graphs (i.e. graphs having the greatest size among all 2k-cycle free graphs of the same order), all but finitely many such graphs must be either non-bipartite or have girth at most 2k − 2. In particular, we show that the best known lower bound on the size of 2k-cycle free extremal graphs for k = 3, 5, namely (2 − k+1 k + o(1))v k+1 k , can be improved to ((k − 1) • k − k+1 k + o(1))v k+1 k .
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 1981
In this paper we consider non-separating induced cycles in graphs. A basic result is that any 2-connected graph with at least six vertices and without such a cycle has at least four vertices of degree 2, and this is best possible. For any 3-connected graph G we prove that there exists a non-separating induced cycle C, such that all cycles in G-V(C) are contained in the same block of G-V(C). We apply our results in various directions. In particular, we obtain an extension of a conjecture of Hobbs (first proved by Jackson), and a new proof of Tutte's theorem on 3connected graphs. Moreover, we show that any graph with minimum degree at least 3 contains a subdivision of K a in which the three edges of a Hamiltonian path of the K4 are left undivided. This is an extension of a conjecture by Tort and implies an extension of a conjecture of Bollob/ts and Erd6s (first proved by Larson) on the existence of an odd cycle with at least one diagonal. Finally, we obtain a result on the existence of a vertex joined by edges to three vertices of a cycle in a graph. This implies an extremal result conjectured by Bollobas and Erdfs (first proved by Thomassen), as well as the conjecture of Toft that every 4-chromatic graph contains such a configuration.
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Let G be a simple connected graph. Suppose Δ = Δ 1 , Δ 2 , … , Δ l an l -partition of V G . A partition representation of a vertex α w . r . t Δ is the l − vector d α , Δ 1 , d α , Δ 2 , … , d α , Δ l , denoted by r α | Δ . Any partition Δ is referred as resolving partition if ∀ α i ≠ α j ∈ V G such that r α i | Δ ≠ r α j | Δ . The smallest integer l is referred as the partition dimension pd G of G if the l -partition Δ is a resolving partition. In this article, we discuss the partition dimension of kayak paddle graph, cycle graph with chord, and a graph generated by chain of cycles. It has been shown that the partition dimension of the said families of graphs is constant.
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 2018
Let L be a set of positive integers. We call a (directed) graph G an L-cycle graph if all cycle lengths in G belong to L. Let c(L, n) be the maximum number of cycles possible in an n-vertex L-cycle graph (we use c(L, n) for the number of cycles in directed graphs). In the undirected case we show that for any fixed set L, we have c(L, n) = Θ(n k/ ) where k is the largest element of L and 2 is the smallest even element of L (if L contains only odd elements, then c(L, n) = Θ(n) holds.) We also give a characterization of L-cycle graphs when L is a single element. In the directed case we prove that for any fixed set L we have c(L, n) = (1 + o( ))( n-1 k-1 ) k-1 , where k is the largest element of L. We determine the exact value of c({k}, n) for every k and characterize all graphs attaining this maximum.
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 1971
Journal of Graph Theory, 2005
An old conjecture of Erdo ˝s states that there exists an absolute constant c and a set S of density zero such that every graph of average degree at least c contains a cycle of length in S. In this paper, we prove this conjecture by showing that every graph of average degree at least ten contains a cycle of length in a prescribed set S satisfying jS \ f1; 2; . . . ; ngj ¼ O(n 0:99 ).
A set S of integers is called a cycle set on {1, 2,. .. , n} if there exists a graph G on n vertices such that the set of lengths of cycles in G is S. Erdős conjectured that the number of cycle sets on {1, 2,. .. , n} is o(2 n). In this paper, we verify this conjecture by proving that there exists an absolute constant c ≥ 0.1 such that the number of cycle sets on {1, 2,. .. , n} is o(2 n−n c).
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 2006
Improving a result of Erdős, Gyárfás and Pyber for large n we show that for every integer r 2 there exists a constant n 0 = n 0 (r) such that if n n 0 and the edges of the complete graph K n are colored with r colors then the vertex set of K n can be partitioned into at most 100r log r vertex disjoint monochromatic cycles.
Information Processing Letters, 2012
A graph G = (V , E) of order n is called arbitrarily partitionable, or AP for short, if given any sequence of positive integers n 1 , . . . ,n k summing up to n, we can always partition additionally G is minimal with respect to this property, i.e. it contains no AP spanning subgraph, we call it a minimal AP-graph. It has been conjectured that such graphs are sparse, i.e., there exists an absolute constant C such that |E| Cn for each of them. We construct a family of minimal AP-graphs which prove that C 1 + 1 30 (if such C exists).
Discrete Mathematics, 2004
For c ¿ 2 and k 6 min{c; 3}, guaranteed upper bounds on the length of a shortest cycle through k prescribed vertices of a c-connected graph are proved. Analogous results on planar graphs are presented, too.
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Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 2000
Discrete Mathematics, 2005
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 2002
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 1994
Advances in Applied Mathematics, 2014
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 1996
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2013
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 2001
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Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 1996
Graphs and Combinatorics, 2016
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 1978
Discrete Mathematics, 2001
Open Journal of Discrete Mathematics
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 1999