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Achlita Dewinta Fajrin STEI TAZKIA Menurut data BPS pada tahun 2012, jumlah masyarakat yang bermata pencaharian sebagai petani masih dominan, yakni 39%. Namun, sebenarnya jumlah masyarakat bermata pencaharian sebagai petani berkurang 7,42% dari tahun sebelumnya. Usia mereka rata-rata 45 tahun, danini mengindikasikan teknologi pertanian seperti jalan ditempat.Sedangkan, kebutuhan pangan dari hari ke hari kian meningkat seiring dengan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk di Indonesia.
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam (Journal of Islamic Economics and Business)
As an agricultural country, the agricultural sector has a vital role in the development of the national economy. But it does not mean the agricultural sector work without an obstacle. In fact the sector is often faced with various problems, especially in the weakness of capital. The capital needs will increase along with various choices of commodities and cropping patterns, the development of cultivation technology, post- harvest handling and processing of increasingly rapid results. In the era of agricultural technology, intensive of capital mobilization for both agricultural equipment and production facilities. Farmers can not afford to finance their farms with their own funds so that the farmers decide to finance the majority of which come from conventional lending institutions or even loan sharks and “moneylenders” based on the interest system which contains the element of riba. This is what causes financing by using islamic financial institutions are still minimal. Over this co...
Based on Islamic Banking Law Article 1 paragraph 2 funding was the main activity for Islamic banking in its function as a financial intermediary and drived real sector. This study was aim to determine how much the influences of SBIS, amount of DPK, Non Performing Financing and the exchange rate of dollar against the Islamic banking financing as well as the contribution of Islamic bank financing for the agricultural sector in Indonesia by using VAR/VECM approach. VECM results indicated variables that affected agricultural financing in the short term was variable LNER and SBIS. While in the long term variable lnDPK and lnNPF statistically significant against to agricultural financing. The results of IRF showed that lnDPK, lnNPF and LNER responded positively influencing the contribution of financing on Islamic bank for the agricultural sector in Indonesia. As for The contribution of financing on Islamic bank for the agricultural sector in Indonesia, LNER gave the largest contribution to the Islamic bank financing for the agricultural sector in Indonesia, followed by the variable SBIS, lnDPK, and lnNPF. The higher value of rupiah would increase the financing by the islamic banking for Agricultural sector, as would as the lower of rate SBIS would increase the financing of islamic banking.
This research aims to find the impact of sharia finance toward the value-added of agricultural products in Indonesia, by using the data from 2005 until 2011. The OLS method was used to findcausal relationship among the variables, i.e. the value-added of agricultural products, manufacture products, and sharia finance. The result showed that sharia finance had positive significant impact on the value-added of agricultural products; meanwhile value-added of manufacture product had negative significant impact on the value-added of agricultural products. This is an evidence the important role of sharia finance in boosting agricultural value-added in the long-run, as well as for other industries.
ABSTRAK Sektor perkebunan memainkan peran strategis dalam perekonomian Indonesia. Walaupun demikian, sektor perkebunan ini masih dihadapkan pada beberapa permasalahan, diantaranya kurangnya permodalan pelaku usaha perkebunan. Perbankan syariah, secara teori memiliki potensi besar sebagai pendukung pembiayaan perkebunan karena secara legal formal merupakan lembaga intermediasi keuangan. Namun, fakta menunjukkan penyaluran kredit perbankan ke sektor perkebunan masih didominasi oleh perbankan konvensional. Tulisan ini bertujuan melakukan review terhadap potensi dan peran serta berbagai permasalahan yang dihadapi perbankan syariah dalam pembiayaan di sektor perkebunan. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa minimnya pembiayaan di sektor perkebunan oleh perbankan syariah disebabkan beberapa hal, diantaranya : minimnya pengetahuan mengenai produk bank dan pengalaman menggunakan bank syariah, anggapan kesamaan operasional antara bank syariah dan bank konvensional, penyembunyian keuntungan bila nasa...
SHARE Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam, 2018
ABSTRAK-Beroperasinya sistem perbankan syariah di Indonesia adalah untuk menunjang pelaksanaan pembangunan nasional dalam rangka meningkatkan keadilan, kebersamaan, dan pemerataan kesejahteraan rakyat tidak terkecuali para petani di Sumatera. Pembiayaan sektor pertanian yang dilakukan perbankan syariah di Sumatera dua tahun terakhir (2016-2017) selalu mengalami peningkatan. Adanya pembiayaan yang disalurkan pada sektor pertanian maka dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani. Kesejahteran petani dalam studi ini diproxykan dengan Nilai Tukar Petani atau NTP yang merupakan rasio antara indeks hargayang diterima petani dengan indeks harga yang dibayar petani. Maka dari itu tujuan dari studi ini adalah pertama menguji apakah ada pengaruh signifikan dan positif antara pembiayaan sektor pertanian yang dilakukan oleh BUS dan UUS di pulau Sumatera tahun 2016-2017. Kedua untuk menguji apakah ada pengaruh signifikan dan positif antara pembiayaan sektor pertanian yang dilakukan oleh BPRS di pula...
Jurnal Restorasi Hukum , 2018
Agriculture is an important sector in the Indonesian economy. Capital becomes the main problem of the problems of the peasants. Zakat management productively can be a solutive and alternative as a source of financing where the capital obtained does not have to come from credit but based on the system of profit sharing. The emphasis on the wealth distribution system to grow and drive the reall sector thereby encouraging the productivity rate that impacted the rate of economic growth of the people. This is preferred for farmers who enter the mustahik category with mudarabah and musyarakah contracts. The conformity the essence and purpose of zakat produktif to help solve the problems within the people's economy is appropriately applied in Indonesia. Therefore, the need to optimize productive zakat in the management. All stakeholders must work together so that the production of agricultural products becomes stable and the welfare of the farmers can rise even better and can be a boost to the fertility of Indonesia's economic growth. Abstrak Pertanian merupakan sektor penting di dalam perekonomian Indonesia. Permodalan menjadi masalah utama dari permasalahan-permasalahan para petani. Pengelolaan zakat secara produktif dapat menjadi solutif dan alternatif sebagai sumber pembiayaan dimana modal yang didapat tidak harus bersumber dari kredit tetapi bertumpu pada sistem bagi hasil. Penekanannya pada sistem distribusi kekayaan untuk menumbuhkan dan menggerakkan sektor riil sehingga mendorong laju produktivitas yang berdampak mendorong laju pertumbuhan ekonomi masyarakat. Hal ini diutamakan bagi para petani yang masuk pada kategori mustahik
Economica: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam, 2018
As an agricultural country, attention to the welfare of farmers in Indonesia is considered very strategic. One of the measuring tools for farmers' welfare that is used today is Farmer's Exchange Rate (FER). This study aims to examine and explore some of the problems with the exchange rate experienced by farmers, including; Farmer's Exchange Rate (FER) in identifying the welfare of farmers, determining the increase and decrease of Farmer Exchange Rate (FER) in Indonesia; and the potential of Islamic financing in providing solutions for the welfare of farmers. The results show that an increase in FER is not always good. Determination of the increase and decrease rice farmers' exchange rates are productivity, grain prices, prices of consumer goods, and prices of fertilizers, the exchange rate of farmers on food and nonfood consumption, and production costs. Shariah schemes can be used as a new alternative to help the interest-free and profit-sharing agricultural sector. Sebagai negara agraris perhatian terhadap kesejahteraan petani di Indonesia dinilai sangat strategis. Salah satu alat ukur kesejahteraan petani yang digunakan saat ini adalah Nilai Tukar Petani (NTP). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dan menggali beberapa permasalahan terhadap nilai tukar yang dialami petani, antara lain; Nilai Tukar Petani (NTP) dalam mengindentifikasi kesejahteraan petani, penentu peningkatan dan penurunan Nilai Tukar Petani (NTP) pangan di Indonesia; dan potensi pembiayaan syariah dalam memberikan solusi untuk mensejahterakan petani. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kenaikan NTP tidak selalu baik. Penentu terjadinya kenaikan dan penurunan nilai tukar petani padi adalah produktivitas, harga gabah, harga barang konsumsi, dan harga pupuk, nilai tukar petani terhadap konsumsi makanan dan nonmakanan, serta biaya produksi. Skim syariah dapat dijadikan alternatif baru untuk membantu sektor pertanian yang bebas bunga dan berdasarkan bagi hasil.
Jurnal Agro Ekonomi, 2016
Indonesia's agricultural sector deals with limited financial access. Hence, Islamic banks can play a significant role in providing financial resources for national agricultural development. This paper attempts to analyze determinants of agricultural financing in the Islamic banking industry. It utilizes monthly data of Islamic banking industry from July 2004 until December 2010. It employs VAR/VECM as its analytical method. The findings show that bonus of Islamic 'Bank Indonesia' certificate (SBIS), conventional rate of Bank Indonesia (SBI) certificate, equivalent rate of financing, and equivalent rate of return on deposit (third party fund) positively significantly affect agricultural financing in the long run. However, the number of deposit (third party fund) and conventional bank interest rate are negatively related with agriculture financing. In addition, inflation and non-performing financing are not affecting agriculture financing neither in the short run nor in the long run. This paper suggests the increase in agricultural financing proportion for agriculture should be in accordance with the increase in total deposit value. It also recommends improvement of the human resources competency in agriculture sector as well as strengthening instruments of Islamic monetary policy.
Al-Muzara'ah, 2014
One of the main problems of agricultural sector in Indonesia is the lack of financial support. There are many financing programs which available to overcome this problem, but this problem still persist. Thus, the alternative financing scheme such as Islamic financing that concern on risk sharing concept rather than profit, is a feasible solution. Moreover, the increase of Islamic financing on agricultural sector requires many studies. One of them is about financing risk analysis as well as risk management instruments and systems. This research is applied at BPRS (Islamic Rural Bank) Amanah Ummah, Leuwiliang, Bogor, Indonesia, which provides financing for agricultural business. Thus, this research is focused on analyzing Islamic financing risk and measuring potential loss. In addition, this Islamic financing risk is analyzed with Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework method and the potential loss is measured with creditrisk+ method. Overall, this research contributes to literatures on Islamic financing in agricultural sector and provides ground-study related to financing risk analysis on Islamic microfinance institutions.
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DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2017
Sosiohumaniora, 2014
AL-FALAH : Journal of Islamic Economics
Program Studi Ekonomi Syari'ah Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam, Institut Agama Islam Syarifuddin Lumajang, Jawa Timur, 2016
Cakrawala: Jurnal Studi Islam, 2017
Mimbar Agribisnis: Jurnal Pemikiran Masyarakat Ilmiah Berwawasan Agribisnis
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam (Journal of Islamic Economics and Business)
Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Sharia Economics (IIJSE)