Acta 02-Ania

The aim of this paper was to present changes in vegetation and climate which occurred during the late Sanian 2 (Elsterian) glaciation, the Mazovian (Holsteinian) interglacial and the early Liviecian (Saalian) glaciation. The reconstruction was based on results of palynological studies of the palaeolake sediments of the Nowiny Żukowskie site. The analysis covered two profi les: NŻ 05 (drilled in 2005) and NŻ 50-4 (drilled in 1950 from borehole 4 and examined repeatedly). The analysis revealed that the late Sanian 2 glaciation was marked by the presence of steppe-tundra that was in the Mazowian (Holsteinian) interglacial replaced by boreal birch forests, riparian forests dominated by Fraxinus, spruce forests with a zone of yew (43%), an intra-interglacial oscillation with pine and birch, an alternating dominance of Abies and Carpinus, and fi nally by boreal pine forests with larch and juniper. The early Liviecian (Saalian) glaciation was characterized by the development of shrub tundra with Betula nana and steppe-like communities. The abundance of taxa identifi ed in both examined profi les allowed not only for a detailed description of changes in vegetation in the Nowiny Żukowskie area, but also for an accurate reconstruction of changes in climate conditions characterizing this part of Pleistocene, and a reinterpretation of its palynostratigraphy when compared with results obtained by . Pollen succession recorded at Nowiny Żukowskie was compared with several other sites representing the Mazowian (Holsteinian) interglacial in Poland. Differences observed between them indicate that the large variability of fl ora resulted from changes in climate affecting this area, passing from continental into an oceanic one.