Hssaisoune et al


A multidisciplinary study based on electrical resistivity measurements and hydrogeology boreholes data combined with chemical and isotopic results, was performed in the Souss-Massa plain. The studied area occupies a depression between two major structural domains: the Anti-Atlas in the South and the High Atlas in the North. That depression is filled with Mesozoic to Quaternary deposits overlying the Palaeozoic basement and includes two main aquifers (shallow Plio-Quaternary and Cenomanian-Turonian confined aquifers). The calibration of electrical soundings with deep boreholes allowed to understand the geometry and the structure of the aquifer of Souss-Massa plain. The achievement of geoelectrical cross sections and an isohypse map of the top of the resistant Cenomanian/Turonian strata highlighted three groups of electrical discontinuities and four major compartments. The structural map compiled with transmissivity map, TDS map, isotopic and piezometric surface map support the existence of aquifer compartment. The hydraulic communication, the chemistry and natural and artificial recharge has been controlled directly by the geometry, global structure and lithological nature. The results will allow to improvement in the hydrodynamic and simulation modeling in order to manage the water resources in the area marked by the recurrent water crisis.