An empirical study of secure MPEG video transmissions

1996, sndss


MPEG (Moving Pictures Expert Group) is an industrial standard for video processing and is widely used in multimedia applications in the Internet. However, no security provision as specified in the standard. W e conducted an experimental study of previously proposed selective encryption schemes for MPEG video security. This study showed that these methods are inadequate for sensitive applications. W e discuss the tradeoffs between levels of security and computational and compression eficiency. commonly available software and hardware encryption mechanisms often cannot encrypt entire MPEG streams without severely degrading performance and quality of service. In this paper, we examine previously proposed selective encryption schemes for secure MPEG transmission. We find that these selective encryption schemes offers a limited level of security, especially for sensitive applications. For example, certain objects in the scene are clearly visible even if the video sequence is "encrypted". We suggest improvements to such schemes, evaluate their security, and discuss tradeoffs in higher encoding complexity and lower compression rate.