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2001, Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics
Monomial mappings, x ↦ xn, are topologically transitive and ergodic with respect to Haar measure on the unit circle in the complex plane. In this paper we obtain an analogous result for monomial dynamical systems over p-adic numbers. The process is, however, not straightforward. The result will depend on the natural number n. Moreover, in the p-adic case we will not have ergodicity on the unit circle, but on the circles around the point 1.
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2014
This paper is devoted to the problem of ergodicity of p-adic dynamical systems. We solved the problem of characterization of ergodicity and measure preserving for (discrete) p-adic dynamical systems for arbitrary prime p for iterations based on 1-Lipschitz functions. This problem was open since long time and only the case p ¼ 2 was investigated in details. We formulated the criteria of ergodicity and measure preserving in terms of coordinate functions corresponding to digits in the canonical expansion of p-adic numbers. (The coordinate representation can be useful, e.g., for applications to cryptography.) Moreover, by using this representation we can consider non-smooth p-adic transformations. The basic technical tools are van der Put series and usage of algebraic structure (permutations) induced by coordinate functions with partially frozen variables. We illustrate the basic theorems by presenting concrete classes of ergodic functions. As is well known, p-adic spaces have the fractal (although very special) structure. Hence, our study covers a large class of dynamical systems on fractals. Dynamical systems under investigation combine simplicity of the algebraic dynamical structure with very high complexity of behavior.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2006
Let L 1 be the set of all mappings f : Z p → Z p of the space of all p-adic integers Z p into itself that satisfy Lipschitz condition with a constant 1. We prove that the mapping f ∈ L 1 is ergodic with respect to the normalized Haar measure on Z p if and only if f induces a single cycle permutation on each residue ring Z/p k Z modulo p k , for all k = 1, 2, 3, . . .. The multivariate case, as well as measure-preserving mappings, are considered also.
Doklady Mathematics, 2012
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 2018
We consider a family of (2, 1)-rational functions given on the set of padic field Q p. Each such function has a unique fixed point. We study ergodicity properties of the dynamical systems generated by (2, 1)-rational functions. For each such function we describe all possible invariant spheres. We characterize ergodicity of each p-adic dynamical system with respect to Haar measure reduced on each invariant sphere. In particular, we found an invariant spheres on which the dynamical system is ergodic and on all other invariant spheres the dynamical systems are not ergodic.
The American Mathematical Monthly, 2005
American Mathematical Monthly, 2005
We study Markovian and non-Markovian behaviour of stochastic processes generated by $p$-adic random dynamical systems. Given a family of $p$-adic monomial random mappings generating a random dynamical system. Under which conditions do the orbits under such a random dynamical system form Markov chains? It is necessary that the mappings are Markov dependent. We show, however, that this is in general not sufficient. In fact, in many cases we have to require that the mappings are independent. Moreover we investigate some geometric and algebraic properties for $p-$adic monomial mappings as well as for the $p-$adic power function which are essential to the formation of attractors. $p$-adic random dynamical systems can be useful in so called $p$-adic quantum phytsics as well as in some cognitive models.
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2006
In this paper we investigate the behavior of trajectories of one class of rational p-adic dynamical systems in complex p-adic field Cp. We studied Siegel disks and attractors of such dynamical systems. We found the basin of the attractor of the system. It is proved that such dynamical systems are not ergodic on a unit sphere with respect to the Haar measure.
We give lower bounds for the size of linearization discs for power series over $\mathbb{C}_p$. For quadratic maps, and certain power series containing a `sufficiently large' quadratic term, we find the exact linearization disc. For finite extensions of $\mathbb{Q}_p$, we give a sufficient condition on the multiplier under which the corresponding linearization disc is maximal (i.e. its radius coincides with that of the maximal disc in $\mathbb{C}_p$ on which $f$ is one-to-one). In particular, in unramified extensions of $\mathbb{Q}_p$, the linearization disc is maximal if the multiplier map has a maximal cycle on the unit sphere. Estimates of linearization discs in the remaining types of non-Archimedean fields of dimension one were obtained in \cite{Lindahl:2004,Lindahl:2009,Lindahl:2009eq}. Moreover, it is shown that, for any complete non-Archimedean field, transitivity is preserved under analytic conjugation. Using results by Oxtoby \cite{Oxtoby:1952}, we prove that transitivit...
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 2013
In the paper, we obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for ergodicity (with respect to the normalized Haar measure) of discrete dynamical systems f ; S 2 −r (a) on 2-adic spheres S 2 −r (a) of radius 2 −r , r ≥ 1, centered at some point a from the ultrametric space of 2-adic integers Z2. The map f : Z2 → Z2 is assumed to be non-expanding and measure-preserving; that is, f satisfies a Lipschitz condition with a constant 1 with respect to the 2-adic metric, and f preserves a natural probability measure on Z2, the Haar measure µ2 on Z2 which is normalized so that µ2(Z2) = 1.
Journal of Number Theory, 2013
This paper is devoted to (discrete) p-adic dynamical systems, an important domain of algebraic and arithmetic dynamics. We consider the following open problem from theory of p-adic dynamical systems.
Doklady Mathematics, 2011
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 2011
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 2012
We completely describe the Siegel discs and attractors for the p-adic dynamical system f (x) = x 2n+1 + ax n+1 on the space of complex p-adic numbers.
Journal of Number Theory, 2013
Yurova [16] and Anashin et al. [3, 4] characterize the ergodicity of a 1-Lipschitz function on Z2 in terms of the van der Put expansion. Motivated by their recent work, we provide the sufficient conditions for the ergodicity of such a function defined on a more general setting Zp. In addition, we provide alternative proofs of two criteria (because of [3, 4] and [16]) for an ergodic 1-Lipschitz function on Z2, represented by both the Mahler basis and the van der Put basis.
Stochastics and Dynamics, 2009
We define topological and measure-theoretic mixing for nonstationary dynamical systems and prove that for a nonstationary subshift of finite type, topological mixing implies the minimality of any adic transformation defined on the edge space, while if the Parry measure sequence is mixing, the adic transformation is uniquely ergodic. We also show this measure theoretic mixing is equivalent to weak ergodicity of the edge matrices in the sense of inhomogeneous Markov chain theory.
Journal Journal of Difference Equations and Applications , 2017
In the present paper, by conducting research on the dynamics of the p-adic generalized Ising mapping corresponding to renormalization group associated with the p-adic Ising-Vannemenus model on a Cayley tree, we have determined the existence of the fixed points of a given function. Simultaneously, the attractors of the dynamical system have been found. We have come to a conclusion that the considered mapping is topologically conjugate to the symbolic shift which implies its chaoticity and as an application, we have established the existence of periodic p-adic Gibbs measures for the p-adic
Journal d'Analyse Mathématique, 2009
We study the relationship between minimality and unique ergodicity for adic transformations. We show that three is the smallest alphabet size for a unimodular "adic counterexample", an adic transformation which is minimal but not uniquely ergodic. We construct a specific family of counterexamples built from (3 × 3) nonnegative integer matrix sequences, while showing that no such (2 × 2) sequence is possible. We also consider (2 × 2) counterexamples without the unimodular restriction, describing two families of such maps. Though primitivity of the matrix sequence associated to the transformation implies minimality, the converse is false, as shown by a further example: an adic transformation with (2 × 2) stationary nonprimitive matrix, which is both minimal and uniquely ergodic.
The São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2008
It is well-known that stable Cantor sets are topologically conjugate to adding machines. In this work we show are also conjugate to an algebraic object, the ring of P −adic integers with respect to group tramnslation. This ring is closely related to the field of p-adic numbers; connections and distintions are explored. The inverse limit construction provides a purely dynamical proof of an algebraic result: the classification of adding machines, or P −adic integers, up to group isomorphism.
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