Access Control, Fire Prevention and Surveillance Security System

Journal of Mechatronics and Robotics


This system is designed to detect intruders, gas leakages as well as to serve as a surveillance system. This work focuses on the development of a reliable access control and fire prevention system synergized with surveillance system. In developing the system, Passive Infrared (PIR) sensors, gas sensor, buzzer, Global System Mobile (GSM) module, Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and RGB Light Emitting Diode (LED) were connected to an Arduino Mega microcontroller. Fingerprint module and keypad were connected to Arduino Nano for access control. For the surveillance system, a 3D camera was connected to the PC to view the screen of the LCD and surroundings of a building with the aid of a Yaw am, Many Cam, Mirror OP and Google Remote Desktop (RDP). In addition, the system also contains Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) which turns ON in the dark and OFF when there is light. The performance evaluation of the system was carried out through the rate of access allowed correctly and access denied incorrectly, accuracy as well as the precision. The result showed 71.8% efficiency for positive access allowed rate and 28.2% false access denied rate. The practical application of this system is that it can be adopted at home and industrial environment as an efficient means of controlling intruders, fireoutbreak as well as serving as a surveillance system.