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Journal of Mechatronics and Robotics
This system is designed to detect intruders, gas leakages as well as to serve as a surveillance system. This work focuses on the development of a reliable access control and fire prevention system synergized with surveillance system. In developing the system, Passive Infrared (PIR) sensors, gas sensor, buzzer, Global System Mobile (GSM) module, Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and RGB Light Emitting Diode (LED) were connected to an Arduino Mega microcontroller. Fingerprint module and keypad were connected to Arduino Nano for access control. For the surveillance system, a 3D camera was connected to the PC to view the screen of the LCD and surroundings of a building with the aid of a Yaw am, Many Cam, Mirror OP and Google Remote Desktop (RDP). In addition, the system also contains Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) which turns ON in the dark and OFF when there is light. The performance evaluation of the system was carried out through the rate of access allowed correctly and access denied incorrectly, accuracy as well as the precision. The result showed 71.8% efficiency for positive access allowed rate and 28.2% false access denied rate. The practical application of this system is that it can be adopted at home and industrial environment as an efficient means of controlling intruders, fireoutbreak as well as serving as a surveillance system.
IJEECS, 2013
In this paper, a PIR based security system which saves the power consumption and the memory space of the recording system has been proposed. Passive Infrared Radiation (PIR) sensor detects the change in infrared radiation of warm blooded moving object in its detection range. According to the change in infrared radiation, there will be a change in the voltages generated which was amplified and used to turn ON the webcam and lighting system through relay. Software was developed and installed in the computer to capture and record the video when the webcam gets turned ON. When an intruder comes in the detection range of the PIR sensor, it actuates the lighting system and the webcam. The software detects the webcam connection; it will start to record and save the video. Once the intruder moves out of detection range of the sensor, the webcam and light gets turn OFF. The software repeats the process. Thus the saves power consumption and the memory space of the recording system as the lamp and webcam will only get turned ON when PIR sensors detects an object. Consequently the system starts recording only when the webcam is turned ON; hence saving memory space.
This paper presents home office and industrial security system using sensor based surveillance camera which consumes less amount of electricity & memory. It also increases product lifetime and ensure better performance.
—The work on " Development of automated room security system " using Microcontroller is a reliable circuit that takes over the task of security of a room very accurately. When somebody enters into the room then the count will be incremented by one and the set limit is checked, if the count is less than the set limit then the door opens and the person is granted access. When any one leaves the room then count will be decremented by one. If the total count exceeds the set limit then the buzzer is sound and the image of the person trying to enter the room is captured via a camera. The microcontroller does the above job. It receives the signals from the sensors, and this signal is operated under the control of software which is stored in ROM. 89s51Microcontroller continuously monitor the sensors, an IR Sensor sends signal to the microcontroller , to increment or decrement the count accordingly. The system includes IR sensor, microcontroller, LCD, display, buzzer, camera and a 12v power is supplied to run the system. The system uses a compact circuitry built around 89s51 microcontroller programs are developed in Embedded C. Keywords—89s51 microcontroller, Infrared sensors (IR sensors), LCD display, Embedded C.
According to the well-known scholar-Abraham Maslow, security is the second most essential need of man. There is having to ensure life and property, so as to do this a security framework must be created. The reason for this venture is to build up an exceptionally proficient and reasonable security framework with a mechanical unpredictable as a contextual investigation, which would take important countermeasures against conceivable security dangers to man and property. These countermeasures are in three layers. The main layer is assurance against fire flare-ups through a fire identifier containing a smoke alarm and a temperature sensor. The subsequent layer is interruption recognition which screens and forestalls unapproved access. The last layer is live video checking and examination utilizing the utilization of IP surveillance cameras. Furthermore, Automated Fingerprint ID System (AFIS) guarantees that solitary enlisted staff are permitted admittance into the mechanical complex anytime in time and an entryway counter decides the quantity of individuals present in the structure at some random time. All the more along these lines, this framework is totally computerized and adjustable, joining Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and rich Graphic User Interfaces (GUIs).
International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology
We have prepared a project named as ‘Arduino based security system using PIR sensor’. In this project, we use Arduino (Microcontroller) because; it is open source for hardware use. Arduino boards are able to read inputs - light on a sensor, a finger on a button, or a Twitter message - and turn it into an output - activating a motor, turning on an LED, publishing something online. Basically, we are going to make a system which use sensors like PIR sensor, MQ9 sensor, IR flame sensor. Process of system, first of all system will using MQ9 sensor to detect the leakage of LPG, CO, CH4 & it will forward the flow to PIR sensor so it, will detects the range of flame/fire coverage area. After this it will send message to the user that the fire is in low/high level. This system has proper coordination with their allocated sensors.
Security is the major concern in our day-today life for our convenience and safety purpose. Everyone wants to be much as secure as possible because of the drastic increase crime rate due to increasing unemployment or starvation in corona epidemic. In this review paper, we had tried to increase the standards by combining new design techniques and developed lowcost home and industrial automated security systems. Lot of research been carried out deploying sensors like PIR, sensor, camera, GSM modules towards detecting the intruder at home. But the major drawback in all these systems is that they are all too much costly to be deployed integrated with LCD panel or camera. As a part of our review paper, we have developed an integrated 3 level HSS. The first level being authentication access for the residents, where in we have used a fingerprint scanner. The next level in our HSS is to detect any unwanted intruder entering the house. The 3rd level is to detect fire in the house.
A smart system is designed to control the lighting system, fans and security in the industries . We all know sometimes forget to switch off the lights and fans before leaving the room. This system can control 8 units of lights and 6 units of fans every day. Besides, our highly developed industry consist of lot of appliances which needs security and care. Our project focuses on total security with the help of fire alarm and a message alert of any invader. This project uses the Passive Infrared Sensor (PIR sensor) to detect the body heat and the movements of humans. The PIR sensor will give signal to hardware. The hardware of this project is PIC16F887A and RS232 communication module to interface with GSM Modem.
Communications, 2019
With the advancement of technology things are becoming Simpler and easier in every aspect of life. Automation is the use of control systems and information technologies to reduce the need for human work. Security is an essential part of our life at this crucial moment, the problems of security in our home, industry, banks, schools, hotels and even offices cannot be tackle manually. The main aim of this research work is to design and implement an intelligent and reliable security system using Passive Infrared (PIR) and Global System for mobile communication (GSM) Module embedded on Arduino Uno board. C programme is uploaded on the board using Arduino IDE. The system have surveillance over the movement of people around the house premises 7m to approach the door the security system send an SMS to a GSM phone (HTC) numbers included in the C programming codes.
This work aims to protect homes against danger, damage, and any criminal activity using Passive Infrared (PIR) and LASER sensors. Depending on cutting beam that emitted from the laser source or from PIR, there are three cases to warn; the first case (without GSM (Global System Mobile)) to issue a warning aerobically by sound. The second case (with GSM modem and Arduino), will be sent a warning SMS (Short Message Service) directly to the user through GSM Networks. In addition, final case with GSM and Arduino, gives the order to the phone (Nokia 6500) snapped a picture and is sent to the user depending on GSM networking MMS (Multimedia Message Service). The LASER sensor is used to detect any move depending on cutting beam. The PIR is used to detect a human body. In addition, the devise cannot work until activated by the user through the password (to activate protection device) as well as confidential in the same way it is closed. This system is built with open source hardware (Arduino uno 328). Beside to software has been the use of Micro C language in programming microcontroller (Arduino uno 328) addition to Proteus program to simulate the work of Ardino.
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 2019
The use of smartphone technology as a tool for communication is ever-increasing, and this technology shows no sign of decline. Moreover, since the era of social networking, smartphones have become a significant entity that humans cannot do without. Internet of things has now opened a new era where we can keep contact data, surf the internet, exchange messages, take notes, carry files and documents, etc. Besides, we can now control hardware like lights, fans, air conditioners, etc. This research aims at designing home security systems to keep selected space safe from intruders and detect gas leakage. The methodology integrated GSM module, ultrasonic sensor, Passive Infrared Sensor (PIR), and gas detectors to implement the wireless remote home security technology. This system adopts the Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) technology for optimal functionality and is programmed to respond rapidly as intrusion or gas leakage is detected. The GSM module alerts the homeowner via p...
TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control, 2019
In this paper, the design and realization of motion detector system for house security based GSM network is presents. The development of microcontroller carried out intruder detection that supports tracking techniques to provide vital security with control and alert operation inside and outside the home. The pivot of security on the integration the motion detector and cameras into web applications has become more interested. The smart surveillance Pi camera obtain the input from the motion detector and controller which is send the video to the web server allowing the homeowner to access this video by use web applications. An intrusion alert send to the owner by mean of message via mobile and buzzers alarms located at suitable distance. This system is typify proficient video camera for remote sensing and tracking with live video for succeeding play again to offers efficient and easy implementation with omnipresent surveillance solution.
3 ABSTRACT: Security system was implemented more than years ago, but only today are the conditions united for mass application of this technology. The customer requires simple, reliable and high performance core system. In recently the system design with high resolution camera and built up with different sensor and also provides Internet service for global access for databases. In this design we survey the current work on security system and application. We examine the existing work, which is held by ultrasonic sensor to inform any intruder passed through the surveillance region, PIR (Pyroelectric Infrared) sensors for activities observation i.e. for motion detection with the help of majority voting mechanism and monitoring alarm system, which is commonly used. This review contributes to better understanding of the challenging in existing work on security system and further research direction. In this design we implemented a reliable embedded security system based multiple wireless ...
International Journal of Engineering and Manufacturing, 2017
This paper deals with the designing and implementation of microcontroller based security system to alert when unauthorized persons try to enter in a home. The first phase of security was implemented using a GSM module to send alert message (SMS). To make the system robust additional layers of security has been incorporated by including security devices such as android based door password, manual keyboard to open the door, PIR motion to detect unauthorized person in the home, rotating ultrasonic sensor by servo motor to active the camera to capture image and RF transceiver to produce voice signal to alert people outside the home. The system's main hardware was designed by Arduino based microcontroller ATmega328. Arduino ISP was used for system designing and Arduino serial monitor is used to test the GSM module. The implemented system was seen to perform well.
According to the popular philosopher - Abraham Maslow, security is the second most basic need of man. There is need to protect life and property, in order to do this a security system must be developed. The purpose of this project is to develop a highly efficient and affordable security system with an industrial complex as a case study, which would take necessary countermeasures against possible security risks to man and property. These countermeasures are in three layers. The first layer is protection against fire outbreaks through a fire detector comprising a smoke detector and a temperature sensor. The second layer is intrusion detection which monitors and prevents unauthorized access. The last layer is live video monitoring and analysis employing the use of IP security cameras. In addition, Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) ensures that only registered staff are allowed access into the industrial complex at any point in time and a door way counter determines the...
– Home security systems are solutions for overcoming intrusion when residents are not around. There are many types of home security systems which are expensive and complicated to use. This paper focuses on the development of a home security system with a passive infrared sensor as a motion detector and is integrated with a voice recorder/playback system that deters the intruder with a recorded voice alert. The system is made up of hardware and software modules. A passive infrared sensor, a microphone and keypad are the input components of the system while the siren, Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) camera and loudspeaker are the output components. The PIR sensor accommodates itself to the background conditions in the area of coverage within 30 seconds. The PIR sensor registers a change in heat as a result of human movement within 290cm range, the system perceives the intruder as a change in its previous state of equilibrium, then the Microcontroller activates the voice alarm system and the recorded warning message is playback and CCTV camera is activated to start recording. However, if the intruder stays within the area of coverage after a preset 20 seconds delay, the system activates a strident siren. The system components used are relatively cheap; the system also saves cost by reducing power and memory usage of the CCTV system.
MATEC Web of Conferences
Remote and scattered valuable and sensitive locations such as labs and offices inside university campus need efficient monitoring and warning system. As well as scattered area and belonging. This research presents a Real-Time intruder Surveillance System based on a single board computer (SBC). Thus the design and development of a cost effective surveillance management system based SBC that can be deployed efficiently in remote and scattered locations such as universities belonging. The fusion of embedded Python codes with SBC that attached to cameras, Long distance sensors, alerting circuitry and wireless module presents a novel integration based effective cost solution and enhances SBC of much flexibility of improvement and development for pervasive remote locations. The system proves the high integrity of smooth working with web application, it's cost effective and thus can be deployed as many of units to seize and concisely covered remote and scattered area as well as university belonging and departments. The system can be administrated by a remote user sparsely or geographically away from any networked workstation. The proposed solution offers efficient stand alone, flexibility to upgrade and cheap development and installation as well as cost effective ubiquitous surveillance solution. In conclusion, the system acceptable boundaries of successful intruder recognition and warning alert are computed between 1m and 3m distance of intruder from system camera. Recognition rate of 95% and 83% are achieved and the successful warning alert were in the range of 86-97%.
In this research work, an advanced automatic multifunctional compact security system technology is developed using wireless networking system. The security system provides smart security and also alerts the user to avoid the critical circumstances in the daily security issues is held. This system provides a smart solution to the variety of different problems via remote control by the software name Cayenne. This software provides the user to control the system using smart mobile or computer from all over the world and needs to be connected via internet. The system provides general security for essential purposes as the Motion detecting system alerts for any kind of movement inside the area where it is installed, the gas detecting system alerts the user for any type of gas leakage inside the room and also clearing the leaking gas by exhaust fan automatically, the fire detection system detects instantly when a slight fire is emerged also warning the user with alarm, the LDR system is for electrical door lock and it can be controlled by Cayenne using mobile or computer and lastly a home light system which can be turned on/off by the user of Cayenne. Raspberry Pi has been used to connect and control all the necessary equipment. The system provides the most essential security for home and also for corporate world and it is very simple, easy to operate, and consumes small space.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2023
Smart Home Security" is the term normally used to express a dwelling that has application, heating, computers, air condition, TVs, entertainment audio, video and camera systems, security systems that are capable of connecting with one another and can be measured remotely by a time schedule, from any apartment in the household, as well as distantly from any locality in the world by phone or internet. Water is an essential resource. Quality of water is more important, find whether the water is contaminated or pure. The accidents due to gas leakage has become a serious problem in our country's daily activities. This project is aimed to Design a Gas, TDS, CO2, fire and motion detector with alarm for house, office, and shop security. The importance of this project is to give an alert when there is leakage of Gas, detection of CO2, fire and TDS and fan.
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 6, 2019
The world has been digitalized and also technologies have been developed but still home security is a major threat in the society. To provide security, this Home Security and automation system has been implemented using a microprocessor, arduino uno and a web application which can monitor home appliances for 24 hours. A Bio-metric lock is used to open/close the door. Gas sensor is used to monitor the gas in the house for 24/7. Passive Infrared Sensor (PIR) sensor is used to monitor the house when the door is locked. If any movement is detected by this sensor immediately this system alerts the user via SMS. This system also has some additional features for automation measures. While we leave the house we may forget to turn off the home appliances. So a web application is used to check the status of home appliances and also it can be turned on/off via web app. This system is implemented to secure the house from unauthorized persons.
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology
Fire alarms and building security systems are currently separate systems and are liable to monthly fees. Video recording for closed-circuit television (CCTV) is done locally subsequently requiring high storage space. Whenever there is a break-in, the footage records can be stolen consequently losing data. To address high data storage space, monthly premium subscriptions, cost of separate systems and data loss issues of the aforementioned systems, we design and implement a Raspberry-pi based fire and intrusion detection systems in this work. The system sends an SMS in the case of an intrusion or fire detection, and then records and uploads the surveillance videos. The system used a GSM modem for sending SMSs, a video, a PIR sensor to detect motion and a smoke or heat sensor to detect fire. The system is a low cost combined home security and fire detection Raspberry-pi system intended for home and small offices use.
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