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OTHER ENVIRONMENT BEHIND THE LUXURY HOUSING AREA: THE CASE OF NARLIDERE IN İZMİR ABSTRACT Especially after 1980 in the world, with the concept of decentralization processes, metropolitan cities began developing the outskirts of the city in Turkey and the majority of people desire to live on the peripheries of the city. It is showed that many social groups resided in the same district. Behind the luxury home, there is both luxury and non-luxury housing namely poor housing. There is a variety of the same built environment in luxury housing and the other built environment, which includes low life standards and urban slums, especially in urban environment. The upper middle class and the low income groups reside in the same place in peripheries of city. This article examines the relationship between luxury and low-income housing, as well as ways to alter physical aspects of the built environment and social life. The goal of the study was to examine and interpret changes in the landscape, as well as the physical and sociocultural environments of luxury homes and other types of dwellings in Narlıdere in İzmir. For the paper, satellite images, quantitative data, strategic and implementation plans and spatial analysis such as land use, housing types, building information, visual materials are used. As a result, Narlıdere includes not only luxury home sections, but also poor housing areas behind the luxury housing areas, and people from many social categories coexist. In terms of spatial, and sociocultural links, there is a connection between these groups. Key Words: Other; Periphery; Luxury; Poor; Narlıdere
The house types differentiate at successive social periods. This is the evidence of the transformation in social structures, economic status and the political approaches. In this sense, the diachronic examinations can reveal the interrelation between changing housing types and social formations. The housing reserve and the house ownership relations in Istanbul changed considerably within a century. The population of the city increased. There are a large number of people who need to have houses in proper environmental conditions. For the sake of finding solutions the authorities modify the regulations and try to appropriate the rights into the contemporary conditions. However the contractors' eagerness to earn more results in use of the utmost space. In this way the citizens get the opportunity of owning a house but the spatial quality both in and outside of the houses diminishes. In this paper the diachronic relations between residential buildings and social structures will be evaluated. The housing types built in Kadikoy, one of the districts of the city that holds a significant number of housing settlements will be scrutinized. The purpose of this paper is to argue on differentiating housing types in relation to socio-cultural changes and to scrutinize the coexisting housing types and the resulting plurality pertaining to form in the contemporary city.
Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, City and Regional Planning, Izmir, 2019Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 117-132)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and EnglishIn this thesis, housing production in the last thirty years and housing question of the poor in İzmir is examined. The case study focuses on the squatter housing area in İkinci İnönü Neighborhood that has been suppressed by the luxury housing development and was declared as the urban transformation area under the Redevelopment of Areas Under Disaster Risk Law (no. 6306) by Narlıdere Municipality in 2013. The squatter housing development in İzmir started as the solution by the poor for the housing problem. Particularly in the last ten years, the urban transformation projects that aim to renew and transform the squatter housing areas resulted in exclusion through dispossession of the poor. The research problem is whether the poor can enter into the housing market; how and in what ways they articulate t...
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2012
Globalization and effects of changes in life-style on urban environment; in parallel with incessantly increasing rate of migration, have led to some problems such as unmethodical expansion of cities and merger of peripheral areas to urban ones. Social, economic, cultural and technological changes in cities have changed housing pattern and its customers. Peripheral areas faced this rapid alteration and transformation especially after 1980. Turkey, as a developing country, experienced these remarkable changes in the process of globalization and the mentioned problems are entrenched patterns in Istanbul. In consequence, problem of housing with regard to the its social and cultural aspects should be investigated. This study aims at scrutinizing the changes of relation between houses and their users in Ikitelli region, a popular suburban area attracting enterprisers, in Istanbul after 1980. This paper mainly focuses on the changes of quarters in the vicinity of mass housing projects and how they are affected by these new housing patterns. Housing characteristics, user profile, changes in the region, and expectations of users in Ikitelli are the main parameters to be studied. Ikitelli was situated in outside part of İstanbul in 1960s; where concentration of central business district (CBD) in city center and movement of industrial estate to this area caused a rapid increment in its population. Due to the fact that the area is open to improvement, it is a matter of paramount importance to evaluate the future housing allocation planning, considering today’s conditions. The study is supported by interviews with residents of the district. It was revealed that the changes in the region cannot keep the pace with existing urban transformation project and it is rather people-oriented since it is clear that where people cannot adopt themselves to the mandatory social, economic and cultural alterations, this may lead to further changes and problems in their urban life, particularly from the point of social relations. Keywords: Housing, Change, Social Relations, Urbanization, Istanbul
ERSA conference papers, 2005
Being a current problem of globalization, "quality of life" which is redefined by multi transformations interdeveloped within economic, political, socio-cultural context at the end of 20th century throughout the world appear as the main problem of the society. Quality of life which can be defined as the ratio between the demand and supply of the services and conditions needed by the city dwellers and which develops as a result of physical (objective) and psychological (subjective) inputs is possible via a viable environment and different spaces that define it. Along the globalization process, the new way of life that is brought into the order of life of today's people by the changes in question is reflected upon residence which is the most tried subject of architecture and which affects the quality of life directly. After 1980, in many cities around the world, with the new upper and middle class starting to move to housing estates which are formed as residence groups in and outside the city limits and require great amount of capital investments, gated communities emerged as a controlled way of living areas which are a new way of presenting the classical residence structure with a different spatial organization to consumers. With the increase in the population of Ankara, new areas zoned for housing, gated communities and the fact that they are preferred, the rising standard of life, inequality in the quality of residences, transportation and environment affect the quality of life of the habitants. In this study, residences and the quality of life around residences are analyzed via closed/open gated communities in Çayyolu area, Ankara. By a survey which examines the residence and the living environment quality of residence, approaches the changes considered necessary in direct proportion to the period of usage of the housing estate and the positive/negative ways of these changes with regard to the users, the space quality of the residence within the context of especially flexibility/variability and dimensional sufficiency with the participants who are living in a closed gated community chosen in Çayyolu, Ankara, post occupancy process was done. The purpose is to ensure the development of characteristics of quality, especially within the context of gated communities, regarding residence and its environment via the evaluation of period of usage. At the end of the study, after determining how the habitant of these areas evaluate the spatial and environmental conditions and the behaviors that develop in their living conditions, it was aimed to evaluate the need for a change of the living environment quality around the residence and the residence itself in time, and the quality of spaces parallel with these.
The residential textures in cities form the perceptible majority as area. The changes in residences and residential areas are factors for the change of cities and can be seen as observable changes. The changes in dwelling areas so in cities depends on the economical, social, cultural and communal reasons, these changes are in architectural area when they are thought on parcel basis and texture basis in sectional and totalities way. The starting point of the study is the character of these observable changes and how these changes happen in detached dwelling areas. These changes which effect the urban change especially in the morphological and contextual meaning are important as they bring the identity change with themselves. The aim of this study is determining the physical changes on building and urban texture basis in detached dwelling areas as visual, morphological and contextual changes and exposing the reasons. In the direction of this aim, analysis and synthesis method are used...
MEGARON / Yıldız Technical University, Faculty of Architecture E-Journal, 2017
Pek çok ülkede tarihi ve doğal çevreler zaman içerisinde sosyo-kültürel, ekonomik, politik etkenler doğrultusunda dönüşüme maruz bırakılmıştır. Mevcut kent dokusu içinde insanların uzun yıllar boyunca deneyimleyerek oluşturdukları ve kültürel yapılarının bir yansıması olan geleneksel konut dokularının, çeşitli dönemlerde ortaya çıkan farklı gereksinimler doğrultusunda ve yeni yapım tekniklerinin kullanımıyla hızla ve kontrolsüz bir biçimde dönüşmesi, kentsel sorunlara sebep olmuştur. Türkiye'de de bozulma sürecini tetikleyen en önemli unsur çok katlı konut yapılarının kentin mevcut dokusunu göz ardı ederek çoğalması olmuştur. Bu makalede çalışma alanı olarak seçilen İstanbul'da, 19. yüzyıldan itibaren inşa edilen çok katlı konutların yarattığı değişim analiz edilmekte, sosyal ve fiziksel çevre üzerindeki etkileri sorgulanmaktadır. Makalede yeni mimari anlayışın insan ve kent yaşamını dönüştürmesindeki hızı irdelenmekte ve günümüzde tüm kenti etkisi altına alan bu yapılaşmanın kent belleğine olan etkileri değerlendirlmektedir. Çağdaşlığın biçimsel bir ifadesi olduğu düşünülen çok katlı konutlar, yalnızca kent dokusunu değiştirmekle kalmamış, kullanıcıların yaşamlarını da derinden etkilemiştir. Çeşitli araştırmacılar, konutun bulunduğu yerden ayrı düşünülemeyeceğini, çevresiyle bir bütün olduğunu ifade etmektedir, ancak Türkiye'de konut ve çevre bütünlüğünün bulunduğu yaşam çevrelerine rastlamak giderek güçleşmektedir. Kitlesel üretim mantığında, ihtiyaç ve çıkarlar doğrultusunda hızla çoğalan ve kolektif yaşam biçimini barındıran yeni konut formları, değinilen sebeplerle günden güne bulunduğu çevreye yabancılaşmakta ve beton yığınları biçiminde kenti istila etmektedir. Modernleşme sürecinden en çok etkilenen bölgelerden olması ve diğer metropollere oranla farklı yapı tekniği ve formlarını bünyesinde barındırması dolayısıyla İstanbul bu çalışma için örnek olarak seçilmiştir. Bu makalede yeni mimari arayışların etkisiyle İstanbul'da 19. yüzyıldan itibaren giderek yükselen çok katlı konut formlarının insan yaşamını nasıl etkilediği, süregelen bu modern mimari anlayışın kentin mevcut dokusunu nasıl değiştirdiği ve günümüz kentindeki durum incelenmektedir.
*First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to Mrs. Seniha Çağıl Erol (granddaughter of Mebus Munir Bey and a dear colleague of my mother), for sharing with me her family archive of documents and photographs, therefore I was able to prepare this paper. Such detailed information about this mansion situated in the core of the area I worked during my dissertation was a real treasure for me. This paper examines, through the history and nearby vicinity of a family mansion, the physical and social environment in Süleymaniye urban zone during and after the 19 th century and how the area changed from being a residential area for the Ottoman and Early Republican elite to an area of slums for the lowest income group and immigrants. Mebus Münir Bey's mansion marks clearly the threshold for the beginning of transformation in the area and determines the socio-demographical rank of the neighborbood by the time the structure itself and the delicate furniture it was housing was sold in an auction in 1948. Süleymaniye Urban Zone, a World Heritage Site since 1985 in the Historical Peninsula of Istanbul, covers the districts of Süleymaniye, Vefa and Vezneciler. The area preserved its authentic urban features more or less without any major change except earthquake and fire damages until the mid of the 20th century. However, it went through certain radical changes in the second half of the 20th century. This paper taking as focal point the mansion of an ex-member of parliament in the Ottoman Assembly, at the same time expands the boundaries of its research to the complete zone in order to understand the problems of preservation in the urban cultural landscape.
This paper examines an important sociocultural landmark in Ankara, namely 96'lar Residential Block, within the sociocultural context of its development. As the research reveals, 96'lar Residential Block occupies a significant place in the architectural development of its context, in terms of its planning understanding that is developed under the effect of the contingencies of the housing development in Ankara, between 1950's and 1980's. Attempting to analyze the sociocultural development and architectural formation of the block under the light of the cultural, social and architectural developments of its time, this paper respectively studies the housing production in Ankara between 1950's and 1980's, the position of 96'lar Residential Block within this development, the planning understanding and architectural characteristics of 96'lar Residential Block and the references made to Modern Movement in architecture.
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