Flood Risk Pattern Recognition Analysis in Klang River Basin

International Journal of Engineering & Technology


This study was implemented to identify the specific factors that lead to major contribution of floods in Klang River Basin. A thirty-year (1987-2017) database obtained from Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID), the selected data was analyzed by using integrated Chemometric techniques. The finding from Correlation Analysis revealed strong correlation between stream flow and water level is more than 0.5 (= 0.799). The finding from Principal Component Analysis proved that the selected parameters were significant with the result of R2 > 0.7was applied as a main tool for further analysis. Based on the result, it revealed that stream flow and water level were the most significant hydrological factor that influenced flood risk pattern in Klang River basin. Based on the result from Statistical Process control (SPC), the finding showed that the Upper Control Limit (UCL) for water level was 30.290m. The plotted data which is more than 30.290 m can cause flood to occur in Klang River...