Iconography and iconology

1996, Oxford Art Online


Article contents  Iconography and iconology. o I. Introduction. o II. History of practice.  1. Early history, 16th century to early 19th  2. Early 19th century to early 20th.  3. The schools of Aby Warburg, G. J. Hoogewerff and Erwin Panofsky. o III. Specific studies.  1. Analysis of motifs, themes and types.  (i) Introduction.  (ii) Transformations.  (iii) Imitation theory.  (iv) Vehicles of transmission.  (v) Motivkunde.  2. Analysis of symbolic meaning.  (i) Introduction.  (ii) Panofsky's study of Early Netherlandish painting.  (iii) Late 20th-century studies of 17th-century Dutch genre painting. o IV. Indices and classifications. o Bibliography  Early sources  Methodology  General iconography  Christian iconography  Secular and classical iconography  Early Netherlandish and Dutch art