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2010, Physics Letters A
In this work we study Lagrangian formulations for the noncommutative versions of the irrotational and rotational fluid models. These formulations will be obtained by using the Faddeev-Jackiw symplectic formalism. In this context, interesting results will be revealed, for example, a chiral behavior into both fluid models comes up. In fact, distinct and non-dynamically equivalent Lagrangian descriptions of the noncommutative versions of the fluid models can be proposed.
The European Physical Journal C
In the present paper we have developed a Non-Commutative (NC) generalization of perfect fluid model from first principles, in a Hamiltonian framework. The noncommutativity is introduced at the Lagrangian (particle) coordinate space brackets and the induced NC fluid bracket algebra for the Eulerian (fluid) field variables is derived. Together with a Hamiltonian this NC algebra generates the generalized fluid dynamics that satisfies exact local conservation laws for mass and energy, thereby maintaining mass and energy conservation. However, nontrivial NC correction terms appear in the charge and energy fluxes. Other non-relativistic spacetime symmetries of the NC fluid are also discussed in detail. This constitutes the study of kinematics and dynamics of NC fluid. In the second part we construct an extension of the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) cosmological model based on the NC fluid dynamics presented here. We outline the way in which NC effects generate cosmological perturbations bringing about anisotropy and inhomogeneity in the model. We also derive a NC extended Friedmann equation.
In this paper, we propose a first order action functional for a large class of systems that generalize the relativistic perfect fluids in the Kaehler parametrization to noncommutative spacetimes. We calculate the equations of motion for the fluid potentials and the energy-momentum tensor in the first order in the noncommutative parameter. The density current does not receive any noncommutative corrections and it is conserved under the action of the commutative generators Pμ but the energy-momentum tensor is not. Therefore, we determine the set of constraints under which the energy-momentum tensor is divergenceless. Another set of constraints on the fluid potentials is obtained from the requirement of the invariance of the action under the generalization of the volume preserving transformations of the noncommutative spacetime. We show that the proposed action describes noncommutative fluid models by casting the energy-momentum tensor in the familiar fluid form and identifying the corresponding energy and momentum densities. In the commutative limit, they are identical to the corresponding quantities of the relativistic perfect fluids. The energy-momentum tensor contains a dissipative term that is due to the noncommutative spacetime and vanishes in the commutative limit. Finally, we particularize the theory to the case when the complex fluid potentials are characterized by a function K(z,z¯) that is a deformation of the complex plane and show that this model has important common features with the commutative fluid such as infinitely many conserved currents and a conserved axial current that in the commutative case is associated to the topologically conserved linking number.
In this paper, we construct for the first time the non-commutative fluid with the deformed Poincare invariance. To this end, the realization formalism of the noncommutative spaces is employed and the results are particularized to the Snyder space. The non-commutative fluid generalizes the fluid model in the action functional formulation to the noncommutative space. The fluid equations of motion and the conserved energy-momentum tensor are obtained.
International Journal of Modern Physics A, 2012
In this work we study Lagrangian formulations for the noncommutative versions of the SU(2) Skyrme model and O(3) nonlinear sigma model. These formulations will be obtained using the Faddeev–Jackiw symplectic formalism. Other noncommutative Lagrangian formulations can be proposed and different noncommutative versions for these nonlinear systems can be obtained.
Physical Review D, 2011
In this paper, we propose a first order action functional for a large class of systems that generalize the relativistic perfect fluids in the Kähler parametrization to noncommutative spacetimes. The noncommutative action is parametrized by two arbitrary functions K(z,z) and f (√ −j 2) that depend on the fluid potentials and represent the generalization of the Kähler potential of the complex surface parametrized by z andz, respectively, and the characteristic function of each model. We calculate the equations of motion for the fluid potentials and the energy-momentum tensor in the first order in the noncommutative parameter. The density current does not receive any noncommutative corrections and it is conserved under the action of the commutative generators P µ but the energy-momentum tensor is not. Therefore, we determine the set of constraints under which the energy-momentum tensor is divergenceless. Another set of constraints on the fluid potentials is obtained from the requirement of the invariance of the action under the generalization of the volume preserving transformations of the noncommutative spacetime. We show that the proposed action describes noncommutative fluid models by casting the energy-momentum tensor in the familiar fluid form and identifying the corresponding energy and momentum densities. In the commutative limit, they are identical to the corresponding quantities of the relativistic perfect fluids. The energy-momentum tensor contains a dissipative term that is due to the noncommutative spacetime and vanishes in the commutative limit. Finally, we particularize the theory to the case when the complex fluid potentials are characterized by a function K(z,z) that is a deformation of the complex plane and show that this model has important common features with the commutative fluid such as infinitely many conserved currents and a conserved axial current that in the commutative case is associated to the topologically conserved linking number.
Annals of Physics, 2000
As found by Bordemann and Hoppe and by Jevicki, a certain nonrelativistic model of an irrotational and isentropic fluid, related to membranes and to partons, admits a Poincaré symmetry. Bazeia and Jackiw associate this dynamical symmetry to a novel type of "fielddependent" action on space-time. The "Kaluza-Klein type" framework of Duval et al. is used to explain the origin of these symmetries and to derive the associated conserved quantities. In the noninteracting case, the symmetry extends to the entire conformal group.
Physical Review D, 2004
This paper is devoted to study gauge embedding of either commutative and noncommutative theories in the framework of the symplectic formalism. We illustrate our ideas in the Proca model, the irrotational fluid model and the noncommutative self-dual model. In the process of this new path of embedding, the infinitesimal gauge generators of the gauge embedded theory are easily and directly chosen. Among other advantages, this enables a greater control over the final Lagrangian and puts some light on the so called ''arbitrariness problem".
International Journal of Modern Physics A, 2006
In this paper we extend the standard differential geometric theory of Hamiltonian dynamics to noncommutative spaces, beginning with symplectic forms. Derivations on the algebra are used instead of vector fields, and interior products and Lie derivatives with respect to derivations are discussed. Then the Poisson bracket of certain algebra elements can be defined by a choice of closed 2-form. Examples
Acta Physica Polonica B, 2015
Annals of Physics, 2002
The Lagrange description of an ideal fluid gives rise in a natural way to a gauge potential and a Poisson structure that are classical precursors of analogous noncommuting entities. With this observation we are led to construct gauge-covariant coordinate transformations on a noncommuting space. Also we recognize the Seiberg-Witten map from noncommuting to commuting variables as the quantum correspondent of the Lagrange to Euler map in fluid mechanics.
We consider Feynman-Dyson's proof of Maxwell's equations using the Jacobi identities on the velocity phase space. In this paper we generalize the Feynman-Dyson's scheme by incorporating the non-commutativity between various spatial coordinates along with the velocity coordinates. This allows us to study a generalized class of Hamiltonian systems. We explore various dynamical flows associated to the Souriau form associated to this generalized Feynman-Dyson's scheme. Moreover, using the Souriau form we show that these new classes of generalized systems are volume preserving mechanical systems.
arXiv: High Energy Physics - Theory, 2015
We present a new approach, based on Noether's energy-momentum tensor, to construct the lagrangian for nonrelativistic nonisentropic Euler fluids. An advantage of this approach is that it naturally provides a generalised Clebsh decomposition for the fluid velocity. This is used to develop a hamiltonian formulation inolving a noncanonical algebra. This algebra is very simply obtained from the symplectic structure. It is used to show that the components of the Noether's energy-momentum tensor satisfy certain Schwinger-type relations. These relations, which are reminiscent of corresponding relations in relativistic field theory, are new.
Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 2010
First, we review the notion of a Poisson structure on a noncommutative algebra due to Block-Getzler and Xu and introduce a notion of a Hamiltonian vector field on a noncommutative Poisson algebra. Then we describe a Poisson structure on a noncommutative algebra associated with a transversely symplectic foliation and construct a class of Hamiltonian vector fields associated with this Poisson structure.
Entropy, 2015
It is known that the dynamics of dissipative fluids in Eulerian variables can be derived from an algebra of Leibniz brackets of observables, the metriplectic algebra, that extends the Poisson algebra of the zero viscosity limit via a symmetric, semidefinite component. This metric bracket generates dissipative forces.
It is known that the dynamics of dissipative fluids in Eulerian variables can be derived from an algebra of Leibniz brackets of observables, the metriplectic algebra, that extends the Poisson algebra of the zero viscosity limit via a symmetric, semidefinite component. This metric bracket generates dissipative forces. The metriplectic algebra includes the conserved total Hamiltonian H, generating the non-dissipative part of dynamics, and the entropy S of those microscopic degrees of freedom draining energy irreversibly, that generates dissipation. This S is a Casimir of the Poisson algebra to which the metriplectic algebra reduces in the frictionless limit. In the present paper, the metriplectic framework for viscous fluids is rewritten in the Lagrangian Formulation, where the system is described through material variables: this is a way to describe the continuum much closer to the discrete system dynamics than the Eulerian fields. Accordingly, the full metriplectic algebra is constructed in material variables, and this will render it possible to apply it in all those cases in which the Lagrangian Formulation is preferred. The role of the entropy S of a metriplectic system is as paramount as that of the Hamiltonian H, but this fact may be underestimated in the Eulerian formulation because S is not the only Casimir of the symplectic non-canonical part of the algebra. Instead, when the dynamics of the non-ideal fluid is written through the parcel variables of the Lagrangian formulation, the fact that entropy is symplectically invariant appears to be more clearly related to its dependence on the microscopic degrees of freedom of the fluid, that do not participate at all to the symplectic canonical part of the algebra (which, indeed, involves and evolves only the macroscopic degrees of freedom of the fluid parcel).
A procedure to obtain noncommutative version for any nondegenerated dynamical system is proposed and discussed.
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 2011
In order to derive a large set of Hamiltonian dynamical systems, but with only first order Lagrangian, we resort to the formulation in terms of Lagrange-Souriau 2-form formalism. A wide class of systems derived in different phenomenological contexts are covered. The non-commutativity of the particle position coordinates are a natural consequence. Some explicit examples are considered.
The aim of the present paper is to highlight the main results of common work with J. Lukierski and W. Zakrzewski on nonrelativistic particle models on the noncommutative plane and round them off by some new results.
We investigate symmetries of the scalar field theory with harmonic term on the Moyal space with euclidean scalar product and general symplectic form. The classical action is invariant under the orthogonal group if this group acts also on the symplectic structure. We find that the invariance under the orthogonal group can be restored also at the quantum level by restricting the symplectic structures to a particular orbit.
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