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Information Technology and Libraries
Virtual reality (VR) is a rich visualization and analytic platform that furthers the library’s mission of providing access to all forms of information and supporting pedagogy and scholarship across disciplines. Academic libraries are increasingly adopting VR technology for a variety of research and teaching purposes, which include providing enhanced access to digital collections, offering new research tools, and constructing new immersive learning environments for students. This trend suggests that positive technological innovation is flourishing in libraries, but there remains a lack of clear guidance in the library community on how to introduce these technologies in effective ways and make them sustainable within different types of institutions. In June 2018, the University of Oklahoma hosted the second of three forums on the use of 3D and VR for visualization and analysis in academic libraries, as part of the project Developing Library Strategy for 3D and Virtual Reality Collecti...
Information Technology and Libraries, 2019
Virtual reality (VR) is a rich visualization and analytic platform that furthers the library’s mission of providing access to all forms of information and supporting pedagogy and scholarship across disciplines. Academic libraries are increasingly adopting VR technology for a variety of research and teaching purposes, which include providing enhanced access to digital collections, offering new research tools, and constructing new immersive learning environments for students. This trend suggests that positive technological innovation is flourishing in libraries, but there remains a lack of clear guidance in the library community on how to introduce these technologies in effective ways and make them sustainable within different types of institutions. In June 2018, the University of Oklahoma hosted the second of three forums on the use of 3D and VR for visualization and analysis in academic libraries, as part of the project Developing Library Strategy for 3D and Virtual Reality Collection Development and Reuse (LIB3DVR), funded by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. This qualitative study invited experts from a range of disciplines and sectors to identify common challenges in the visualization and analysis of 3D data, and the management of VR programs, for the purpose of developing a national library strategy.
Educational Media and Technology Yearbook, 2019
In developing a Virtual Reality (VR) project, the library creates a democratic home for a teaching and lab space for a visiting Fulbright scholar to build energy and community around this new immersive technology. Following three academic quarters of VR teaching, workshops, community outreach and awareness building, interviews of volunteer faculty and student participants provides valuable feedback on their reflection as to the potential of Virtual Reality experiences to scaffold and supplement student learning and their value of the positioning of such technology within the library as a central location. Faculty (N = 5) each provide unique lenses on the importance of the immersive technology within their areas of practice. In addition, two advanced students in the paired Communication Studies VR courses discussed their experiences. Advanced students explained after intensive use of VR software and final project development, the experience changed their thinking about education and future career opportunities. Additional pre-medicine students provided written reflective responses following a VR biology experience (N = 13). Future study is recommended to explore the library as a technology hub and further nuanced details of how immersive technology can expand and scaffold student learning outcomes across a variety of subject areas.
A team led by Nathan Hall of Virginia Tech (VT), in collaboration with Jennifer Laherty of Indiana University (IU), and Matthew Cook of University of Oklahoma (OU) request $95,024 with $29,148 cost-share, to organize a series of three national forums. These forums will develop a roadmap and white paper for library adoption of Three Dimensional (3D) and Virtual Reality (VR) services to support new ways of interacting with digital content. The intended audience for this work includes administrators, imaging professionals, and VR project managers at academic libraries, public libraries, and technology-focused library consortia, as well as scientists, humanists, and artists who use 3D and VR applications in their research. The timeframe for this project is December 1, 2017 November 30, 2018. 3D and VR technologies show great promise for a range of scholarly fields as they offer new potential for interactive visualization and analysis of artifacts, spaces, and data. Scientists for exampl...
Collection Management, 2019
In this paper, we discuss possible pedagogical applications for virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR), within a humanities/social sciences curriculum, articulating a critical need for academic libraries to collect and curate 3D objects. We contend that building infrastructure is critical to keep pace with innovative pedagogies and scholarship. We offer theoretical avenues for libraries to build a repository 3D object files to be used in VR and AR tools and sketch some anticipated challenges. To build an infrastructure to support VR/AR collections, we have collaborated with College of Liberal Arts to pilot a program in which Libraries and CLA faculty work together to bring VR/AR into liberal arts curricula.
Journal of Documentation, 2020
Purpose-Virtual reality (VR) is becoming a more available technology including in public spaces like libraries. The value and role of VR as a tool for learning and social engagement are unclear. The purpose of this paper is to explore the ways in which library patrons and librarians perceive VR and experience VR through library drop-in programs. Design/methodology/approach-This paper is based on research conducted in seven Washington State Libraries where VR was adopted for drop-in programming for the first time. Data was collected between March and June 2018 and involved interviews with librarians and patrons, a patron user experience survey, and observational field notes from researchers on site during library programs. Findings-Findings are presented in relation to user perceptions of VR compared to their actual VR experiences, and in relation to informal learning and social engagements. The authors frame the analysis and discussion in relation to sociotechnical imaginariesculturally situated ideas about the relationship between society and technology, and considering the larger cultural landscape that informs collective views about the present and future. Social implications-The paper discusses pending and potential inequalities related to gender, race and class in conversation with technology industry and VR. Issues discussed include unequal access to technology in public libraries and representation of minoritized groups in VR. Originality/value-This work takes a critical perspective considering the inequities in relation to mainstreaming VR through public spaces like libraries.
International Journal of Information and Education Technology
The importance of the continuous development and education of every professional cannot be authentically reinforced enough in the case of academics as they are the source of knowledge, inspiration and leadership to tomorrow's professionals. The use of innovative technologies and pedagogies assist in enabling and facilitating the learning process especially in specific circumstances where the learners are educators and the domain is their area of specialization. In this article, we make the case for the pedagogic role of Virtual Reality techniques as part of the Career Professional Development of educators and academics in general. We discuss issues surrounding this concept and present our recommendations, the foreseeable future of this particular application of virtual reality, and draw our conclusions.
This bibliometric study examines the overall research trends and productivity in the field of virtual reality (VR) in higher education. Bibliometric data were retrieved from Scopus databases. The findings suggest a rising trend in terms of citations and publications showing increased interest in the VR domain have been seen during the last few decades. The year in which the most citations of this type occurred was 2009, in which 1913 citations were recorded, whereas 2019 was the most productive year, as 127 documents on this subject were published in that year. The data analysis revealed that all the top ten researchers belong to Australia. Further, the top three researchers (Gregory S., Lee, M.J.W., and Wood, D.), countries (United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia), organizations (Charles Sturt University, Queensland University of Technology, and University of New England, Australia), journals (Computers and Education, International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, and Journal of Surgical Education) and collaborations (Australia and New Zealand, United States and the United Kingdom, and Australia and the United Kingdom) belong to developed countries. Virtual reality, virtual worlds, augmented reality, e-learning, and simulations are the top keywords used in the VR domain. The thematic evolution of the keyword shows the importance of “Virtual Reality” as a keyword throughout the 27 years of its existence (1994–2020). Furthermore, the main finding of the study is the interdisciplinary nature of the VR domain, which extends from the field of computer sciences to other disciplines.
Virtual Reality is a science of illusion, which is an imaginary or visionary technology where the computer creates a 3D environment in which one can navigate and interact to a great extent. VR is about simulating reality which involves human senses viz. computer graphics (sight), 3D sound synthesis (hearing), and haptics (touch). The main goal of VR is to create the user for the illusion of 'being in' an environment or feeling of living a 'real experience'. Two main factors describe VR experience, i.e immersion and presence. Immersion is related to the physical configuration of the user interface of the VR application. It is the most important element of VR because it allows seeing things from inside too. VR systems can be classified as-a) Fully immersive-with help of head-mounted displays, b) Semi-immersive-with 3D sound and high-resolution graphics eg. CAVE, multiuser workplace, c) Non-immersive – with low cost, ease of use, risk free installation eg. Video games. ...
Journal of Hospital Librarianship, 2021
ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2014
Virtual reality (VR) is extensively used in various applications; in industry, in academia, in business, and is becoming more and more affordable for end users from the financial point of view. At the same time, in academia and higher education more and more applications are developed, like in medicine, engineering, etc. and students are inquiring to be well-prepared for their professional life after their educational life cycle. Moreover, VR is providing the benefits having the possibility to improve skills but also to understand space as well. This paper presents the methodology used during a course, namely "Geoinformatics applications" at the School of Spatial Planning and Development (Eng.), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, to create a virtual School space. The course design focuses on the methods and techniques to be used in order to develop the virtual environment. In addition the project aspires to become more and more effective for the students and provide a real virtual environment with useful information not only for the students but also for any citizen interested in the academic life at the School.
Journal of the Medical Library Association, 2017
Virtual reality (VR) is an increasingly hot tech topic. Because VR may be the ultimate virtual project as defined by this column, replacing the real world with a simulated one, it is worthwhile to pause and reflect on its potential and practicality for health sciences libraries.
Imagine a world where the ability to obtain educational knowledge and enrichment is no longer contained solely in a top-down structure, limited to those who have on-campus access to the information or training. Augmented reality (AG) is already being integrated into educational platforms, and changing the way people learn, experience and gain knowledge. (Krey & Minock, 2017) The Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association, defines augmented reality as “the use of technology which allows the perception of the physical world to be enhanced or modified by computer-generated stimuli perceived with the aid of special equipment.” (Spina, 2017) In a library, this can mean utilizing a tablet device to locate hotspots with “trigger images” inside the library that provide content. The purpose of integrating augmented and virtual reality (VR) into academic libraries is to improve the overall student learning outcomes, and enhance the educational experience. This paper will briefly review augmented reality applications and virtual reality platforms already in-use by Academic Libraries, the characteristic disposition traits of virtual instructional librarians and some of the reasons they choose to integrate AG and VR technology into their classrooms.
DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology
Immersive environments refer to a computer-simulated 3-dimensional virtual world. Libraries worldwide have been adopting and implementing new immersive technologies to enhance users’ experience and learning. The Central Library of IIT Kharagpur offers (i) web-based augmented reality (WebAR), (ii) virtual reality (VR), and (iii) data visualisation immersive services. This research investigates the users’ perceptions on factors that influence their satisfaction with WebAR/VR services. The study surveyed 135 random users to note their immersive library experience; out of them, only 100 users responded to our survey. The results show that 90 per cent of the respondents were satisfied with our services. Secondly, the respondents revealed that data privacy, health, and safety were some of the critical factors that influenced their satisfaction. Further, 14 per cent were apprehensive in terms of their health & safety. In fact, these users reported vision problems, disorientation, dizziness...
International Robotics & Automation Journal, 2023
Community college libraries provide valuable resources and services to both students and local residents. However, these libraries are not used as much as they could be, partly because people can find them hard to access and are unaware of what they offer. This study used both qualitative and quantitative methods to measure how well people remembered information from a virtual reality (VR) library tour compared to a traditional public presentation about the library's offerings. The study found no statistical difference in user knowledge retention between the control and experimental groups. Additionally, VR participants described positive experiences of autonomy and immersiveness while using the interface, expressed desires for a wider range of actions during the tour, and at times reported motion sickness and discomfort using the VR interface. While such VR tours afford access to students and members of the public not able to physically travel to the library, VR tours should be utilized as augmentations, not replacements, for ways of sharing what libraries offer. Future research should specifically investigate gendered differences in user experiences.
Abstract: Mubil, is a 3D laboratory established in 2012 by the University Library of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim (NTNU UB) in collaboration with the Percro lab of the University of Santa Anna in Pisa. The project focused first at the development of a consistent methodology for the use of Virtual Environments as a metaphor to present manuscripts and books. Then the project team developed a 3D game with context from the particular books and invited school classes to test it. Two school classes participated in our workshops and interacted with the 3D products in our 3D lab. The activity was organized as a field trip in collaboration with the subject teachers. The students worked in groups and they were observed, filmed and answered survey questions. A focus group was selected and interviewed. The present study has been using qualitative analysis to examine the user behavior and performance in such an environment. We present here the applications and some preliminary results of user performance analysis. Survey data and content analysis has shown that while the students participate in a group activity solving a task they tend to use their tacit knowledge of gaming in a 3D metaphor of the real world and thus share knowledge with each other. This creates a paradigm shift on how libraries and archives can communicate knowledge from their historical collections to young users through the use of technology. Our study can have a universal value added to the dissemination strategy discourse on designing solutions to attract younger audiences to archives and libraries.
In this paper we present an experimental environment of 3D books combined with a game application that has been developed by a collaboration project between the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway the NTNU University Library, and the Percro laboratory of Santa Anna University in Pisa, Italy. MUBIL is an international research project involving museums, libraries and ICT academy partners aiming to develop a consistent methodology enabling the use of Virtual Environments as a metaphor to present manuscripts content through the paradigms of interaction and immersion, evaluating different possible alternatives. This paper presents the results of the application of two prototypes of books augmented with the use of XVR and IL technology. We explore immersive-reality design strategies in archive and library contexts for attracting new users. Our newly established Mubil-lab has invited school classes to test the books augmented with 3D models and other multimedia content in order to investigate whether the immersion in such environments can create wider engagement and support learning. The metaphor of 3D books and game designs in a combination allows the digital books to be handled through a tactile experience and substitute the physical browsing. In this paper we present some preliminary results about the enrichment of the user experience in such environments.
Article , 2022
Rationale of Study-Virtual reality is a universal technological phenomenon that has made a tremendous impact on a wide range of professions, including medicine, engineering, aviation, military, and, more lately, librarianship, among others. It is worrisome that libraries in Delta and Edo states, Nigeria are yet to deploy virtual reality services. This study investigated virtual reality services in university libraries in Delta and Edo States, Nigeria. Methodology-A descriptive survey research method was adopted for the study using a population of 116 librarians from the 15 university libraries in Delta and Edo States, Nigeria. The total enumeration sampling technique was utilised for the research because of the small population size. A structured questionnaire to collect data from the respondents face to face. Findings-The findings revealed that librarians' willingness to implement virtual reality technologies in university libraries in Delta and Edo States, Nigeria is high. The study further revealed that the respondents agreed that information literacy service, library orientation service, and user education service, among others, can be done via virtual reality technologies in university libraries. However, the respondents were not aware of virtual reality technologies to adopt. Implications-This study recommends that library management should allocate funds for the acquisition of virtual reality technologies for university libraries. Training on virtual reality should also be organised for librarians in university libraries in Nigeria. Originality-The study was an original research conducted on the potential use of virtual reality library services in Delta and Edo States, Nigeria.
Augmented and Virtual Reality in Libraries (LITA Guides) , 1918
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research
Since the release of more affordable, portable, and easy-to-use virtual reality (VR) systems in 2014, there has been renewed interest in using this technology in education, as an alternative to traditional learning, because it creates more opportunities for experiential education. Despite the many benefits and affordances of VR, widespread adoption in post-secondary education has been limited, and gaps remain in the provisioning of detailed guidelines for implementing this technology in curricula. Our team developed the CVRRICULUM (CVR) initiative: a pilot program that recruited instructors to adapt a traditional written assignment into a VR format. A mixed-methods approach was used to collect data from five instructor and 18 student participants. In this manuscript we describe the implementation process, report the identified challenges, and provide suggestions that should improve subsequent offerings. Our team addressed raised challenges by creating a set of resources available on...
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