Microsurgical Resection of Multiple Giant Glomus Tumors

Journal of Neurological Surgery Part B: Skull Base

Glomus tumors, also called paragangliomas, are challenging lesions, demanding accurate knowledge of complex anatomy and pertinent approaches. We present the case of a 39-year-old male presenting with headache, vertigo, tinnitus, hearing loss, and hoarseness. Neurological assessment showed facial paralysis House–Brackmann IV and lower cranial nerves deficits. Preoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrated two large lesions, suggestive of a glomus jugulare, and carotid body paragangliomas. Considering worsening of the symptoms and the important mass effect of both lesions over the neurovascular structures, microsurgical excision was offered, after preoperative tumor embolization. We preferred to approach both lesions in the same operation, starting by the cervical tumor. Initially there was not an easily identifiable dissection plane between the tumor and the carotid artery, but it was achieved after performing a subadventitial dissection, being possible to resect the enti...