The Act of Love in Coleridge's Conversation Poems

2008, Sydney Studies in English

cellent book is by far the best study of the Conversation poems available. Harper's essay, republished in his Spirit of Delight (1928), is readily available in M. H. Abrams (ed.), English Romantic Poets: Modern Essays in Criticism (1960). 2 English Romantic Poets, p. 144. he. He almost believes it. And when he is asked, 'What trick, what device', etc. he doesn't answer pat. Richardson paused a long time for Falstaff to corne out of his imagination role (seeing himself fighting 4-7-11 men in buckram suits) and think up some excuse for himself. Falstaff almost has to slough off this role, then think, before saying, 'By the Lord, I knew ye as well as he that made ye'.