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2004, Physics Essays
17 pages
1 file
Through investigating history, evolution of the concept, and development in the theories of electrons, I am convinced that what was missing in our understanding of the electron is a structure, into which all attributes of the electron could be incorporated in a self-consistent way. It is hereby postulated that the topological structure of the electron is a closed two-turn Helix (a so-called Hubius Helix) that is generated by circulatory motion of a mass-less particle at the speed of light. A formulation is presented to describe an isolated electron at rest and at high speed. It is shown that the formulation is capable of incorporating most (if not all) attributes of the electron, including spin, magnetic moment, fine structure constant, anomalous magnetic moment, and charge quantization into one concrete description of the Hubius Helix. The equations for the description emerge accordingly. Implications elicited by the postulate are elaborated. Inadequacy of the formulation is discussed.
A model of the electron is proposed in which it is composed of a known and detectable particle. This model clearly defines what is mass, what is energy and why E = mc 2 . It shows that the special relativity corrections of mass, length and time with velocity are automatically a function of the structure of an electron as it moves. It also proposes the origin of electric charge and uses that origin to derive the equation for the Bohr magnetron. It shows that the electron's spin of ½ħ is simply angular momentum, further explaining why the electron has only two states of spin. This model gives an expression for the radius of an electron, at the same time pointing out why it has been detected as a point particle, yet still has angular momentum of ½ħ. It explains why the mass of an electron increases with velocity while its spin and charge remain the same and its magnetic moment decreases, as well as why its charge spirals when it travels through space. This model gives a physical reason for the existence of the de Broglie wavelength and derives the expression for it. As well as matching the known properties of an electron it also makes predictions of previously unknown properties, pointing out that they may have been detected but not recognized as such.
Visión electrónica, 2017
This paper presents an analysis around the ideas that emerged about the electron’s structure starting from the original writings of Langeving, Lorentz and Poincar´e, within the context of classical electrodynamics. Langevin seek an electromagnetic interpretation around of the inertia of the charged particles, while recognizing that such electromagnetic synthesis may be impossible. Lorentz, considered the mass of the electron of electromagnetic origin, constituted for inertial mass and electromagnetic mass, also evidence the need of inserting forces of nature different at the electromagnetic for counteract the effects of the electrostatic repulsion. Poincar´e introduce besides of the electromagnetics actions, actions that prevent the disintegration the electron by effect of the repulsion electrostatic of the component parts. Sets together with the electric field, one force of nature mechanic for establish the unity the electron. This analysis allows us to contribute elements for the teaching of electromagnetics giving the possibility of develop a different teaching practice than the usual characterized for new schemes and levels of phenomenon explanations.
Physics Essays, 2003
A physical model of the electron is suggested according to the basic structures of matter (BSM) hypothesis. BSM is based on an alternative concept about the physical vacuum, assuming that space contains an underlying grid structure of nodes formed of superdense subelementary particles, which are also involved in the structure of the elementary particles. The proposed grid structure is formed of vibrating nodes that possess quantum features and energy well. It is admitted that this hypothetical structure could account for the missing "dark matter" in the universe. The signature of this dark matter is apparent in the galactic rotational curves and in the relation between masses of the supermassive black hole in the galactic center and the host galaxy. The suggested model of the electron possesses oscillation features with anomalous magnetic moment and embedded signatures of the Compton wavelength and the fine-structure constant. The analysis of the interactions between the oscillating electron and the nodes of the vacuum grid structure allows us to obtain physical meaning for some fundamental constants.
The values of four different fields related to electron: gravitational, circulation, electric, and magnetic, can be written with very similar formulas that bind them in pairs: gravitational-magnetic and circulation-electric. Moreover, the four integrals over these fields in space and time produce the electron-specific 'charges': circulation quantum, rest mass, magnetic flux quantum, and elementary charge, which also form pairs analogous with respect to their proposed structure: circulation quantum-elementary charge, and rest mass-magnetic flux quantum. A specific value of the gravitational constant is hypothesized and an extension to the SI system of units is proposed allowing for comparisons between its mechanical and electromagnetic units, as was the case in the CGS-Gaussian system of units. It is hypothesized that total rest energy of electron consists in equal parts of contributions from its gravitational and electromagnetic energies.
In this paper we introduce a framework to unify quantum and special relativity theories conforming the principle of causality through a new concept of fundamental particle mass based on new models of both stochastic process and elementary particles as concentrated energy localized on the surface of 3-dimensional sphere-form (2-manifold without boundary). The natural picture of fundamental connection between quantum and special relativistic aspects of particles is described by the existence of the intrinsic random vibrating motion of an elementary particle in a quantum-sized volume (Planck scale) directly connected with a spin phenomenon, which is playing fundamental role as internal time. The results show that fir st, relativistic effects fundamentally relate to dynamic aspects of a particle. Second, new equations indicate antiparticle (antimatter) must have positive energy. Third, these are different from the Dirac's equation exhibiting an electric moment in a pure imaginary. Our equation presents a real electric moment. We also show that the antiparticles only present in strong potential causing the non-symmetry reality between matter and antimatter in the universe.
In the first part ͑Secs. I and II͒ of this paper, starting from the Pauli current, we obtain the decomposition of the nonrelativistic field velocity into two orthogonal parts: ͑i͒ the ''classical'' part, that is, the velocity w ϭp/m in the center of mass ͑c.m.͒, and ͑ii͒ the ''quantum'' part, that is, the velocity V of the motion of the c.m. frame ͑namely, the internal ''spin motion'' or Zitterbewegung͒. By inserting such a complete, composite expression of the velocity into the kinetic-energy term of the nonrelativistic classical ͑i.e., Newtonian͒ Lagrangian, we straightforwardly get the appearance of the so-called quantum potential associated, as it is known, with the Madelung fluid. This result provides further evidence of the possibility that the quantum behavior of microsystems is a direct consequence of the fundamental existence of spin. In the second part ͑Secs. III and IV͒, we fix our attention on the total velocity vϭwϩV, now necessarily considering relativistic ͑classical͒ physics. We show that the proper time entering the definition of the four-velocity v for spinning particles has to be the proper time of the c.m. frame. Inserting the correct Lorentz factor into the definition of v leads to completely different kinematical properties for v 2 . The important constraint p v ϭm, identically true for scalar particles but just assumed a priori in all previous spinning-particle theories, is herein derived in a self-consistent way.
IOSR Journals , 2019
The primary purpose of this paper isto provide the general solution to the equation describing radial motion for a classical extensible model of an electron as formulated by Dirac (1962). The general solution can be used in a Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization scheme for both angular momentum and vibrations. It is shown that one cannot satisfy both quantum requirements simultaneously but one or the other can always be satisfied exactly. Dirac considered only the vibration quantization (leading to a definition of the muon) from the point of view of small amplitude oscillations around an equilibrium state and so did not obtain an acceptable mass for the muon and he was silent about the angular momentum requirement.
The article shows that in a rotating frame of reference the magnetic dipole has an electric charge with the value depending on the dipole magnetic moment and rotational velocity. A hypothesis was stated that the electric charge of elementary particles, and in particular the electron charge, is caused by rotation of their magnetic field. It was shown that the electron is the system composed of bound negative and positive charges whose net charge is equal to the charge of a classical single point electron, and that in external uniform electric fields the electron behaves like a single point charge. It is noticed that all charged leptons – electrons, muons and tau-leptons – are described by similar equations. Difference of leptons from each other is caused by distinction in magnitudes of their magnetic moments and the magnetic field angular velocity, being inversely proportional to the magnetic moment of a corresponding particle. There was stated an assumption that particles differ from their antiparticles only by direction of the magnetic field rotation. The electron - positron annihilation process is explained by the fact that all fields become fully zero provided particles with opposite magnetic moments are superposed.
American Journal of Physics, 1992
The Electron new theory and experi~ent I edited by David Hestenes and Antonio ~elngartshofer. p. cm.-(Fundamental theories of phySiCS ; v. 45) Proceedings of the 1990 Electron Workshop held at St.
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Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology, 2021
arXiv (Cornell University), 2012
arXiv (Cornell University), 2019
Physics Essays, 2014
Journal of high energy physics, gravitation and cosmology, 2022
Journal of physics, 2003
The Dirac Electron, 2023
monopolar electron, 2019
Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, 1996
Physics Essays, 2009