On a convex operator for finite sets

2007, Discrete Applied Mathematics


Let S be a finite set with m elements in a real linear space and let J S be a set of m intervals in R. We introduce a convex operator co(S, J S) which generalizes the familiar concepts of the convex hull, conv S, and the affine hull, aff S, of S. We prove that each homothet of conv S that is contained in aff S can be obtained using this operator. A variety of convex subsets of aff S with interesting combinatorial properties can also be obtained. For example, this operator can assign a regular dodecagon to the 4-element set consisting of the vertices and the orthocenter of an equilateral triangle. For two types of families J S we give two different upper bounds for the number of vertices of the polytopes produced as co(S, J S). Our motivation comes from a recent improvement of the well-known Gauss-Lucas theorem. It turns out that a particular convex set co(S, J S) plays a central role in this improvement.