Communication for development: new paradigms?


Our research choose an “orchestral” perspective on communication not only as a tool, but as the way in which the social communicator relies both on multistrategical approaches and dynamics of social actors involved in a process of pluralistic mutual endorsement. Participatory approach for communication has been highlighted as the new key strategy and as the contemporary way to manage conflicts related with natural resources management. It has been shown the need to empower democracy throw an integrated perspective between local and central perspective. The “multiway” or “orchestral” visions of communication propose that the flow of messages is not the mainly focus of the social communicator, emphasising on additional functions of communication (i.e. sharing production of knowledge processes). So we need methods to understand the interconnected and distinctive mechanisms of the social and local arenas where different forms of communication and power relationships contribute to negotiate, produce and share knowledge. We try to consider different social arenas and points of view, by the means of one case analysis, looking for integrated methods in “orchestral communication”. The case study on “Indian women role in water management” will show that lack in communication may affect participation in local community democracy issues. We will consider two different communication methods on the grass-root and international arenas. As we can assume by the experience of two NGOs working on Indian women’s issues, locally oriented and internationally oriented perspectives lead to different perceptions on the local level as on the international level. This scenario tells us about the way in which institutional and non institutional bodies can work in order to improve communication between local movements and international mediatic arenas giving the idea of a new role for local community subjects on the international stage.