Cone-theoretic generalization of total positivity

2012, Linear Algebra and its Applications

This paper is devoted to the generalization of the theory of total positivity. We say that a linear operator A : R n → R n is generalized totally positive (GTP), if its jth exterior power ∧ j A preserves a proper cone K j ⊂ ∧ j R n for every j = 1,. .. , n. We also define generalized strictly totally positive (GSTP) operators. We prove that the spectrum of a GSTP operator is positive and simple, moreover, its eigenvectors are localized in special sets. The existence of invariant cones of finite ranks is shown under some additional conditions. Some new insights and alternative proofs of the well-known results of Gantmacher and Krein describing the properties of TP and STP matrices are presented.