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SHS Web of Conferences
11 pages
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Pursuance of prosperity has always been the aim of rural development program. A strategy to vitalizing rural economy to ensure equitability is achieved through optimal utilization of local resources. It is an inclusive approach, widely implemented which also applied in Indonesia. In order to examine the concept, a qualitative study was conducted in Sumba Barat Daya in East Nusa Tenggara Province, in which agriculture is the leading sector of regional development. Assessment is focussed toward the potency of natural resource, specifically traditional agroforestry system, producing variety of estate crops which are sold in local, regional and international market as well. Representing different type of market system, assessment on cashew and coffee crops were discussed. The analysis indicates that potency to achieve prosperity seems more promising when the strategy implemented is local driven. We encounter that farming activity in managing coffee based agroforestry generates local inn...
The basic human needs of food, shelter and fuel are often supplied by separate systems of land management. Building material and fuelwood are harvested from forests and food is produced from fields of herbaceous crops, fruit orchards and livestock grazing in pastures. Agroforestry is a land use management system in which trees are mixed in the same land with food crops or pasture for domestic animals. This study was conducted to examine the agroforestry activities and to examine monetary values of goods collected by selected village communities in Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The local government seat of Tana Toraja is in Makale, which comprises 47 sub-districts with 112 villages adjacent to Toraja Utara District and West Sulawesi Province in the north, Enrekang and Pinrang District in the south, Luwu District in the east, and West Sulawesi Province in the west. Monetary value of various agriculture and non-timber forest products (NTFPs) collected from the forest and the ...
E3S Web of Conferences, 2021
Agroforestry is a deliberate combination of agriculture and forestry to create an integrated environment and sustainable land use system. This study aims to identify the form of agroforestry management and the financial feasibility of agroforestry in Sipolha Horison Village. The research method is descriptive analysis and financial analysis using NVP, BCR, and IRR parameters. The results showed that there were two agroforestry patterns commonly practiced by the people of Sipolha Horison Village, Pematang Sidamanik District, namely agroforestry pattern A (suren and coffee plants) and agroforestry pattern B (suren, coffee, and clove plants). The results of the analysis show that suren agroforestry produces an NPV value of Rp. 166,343,919, - per ha (at an interest rate of 8%), Rp. 126,566,124, 51 per ha (at an interest rate of 10%), and Rp. 73,322,098.68 per ha (at an interest rate of 14%). The BCR value with an interest rate of 8% is 4.29, at a 10% interest rate is 3.78, and at a 14% ...
Pelita Perkebunan/Pelita perkebunan, 2024
The leading agricultural commodities in South Konawe Regency consist of several types, such as coffee, coconut, pepper, and patchouli. Among these various flagship commodities, only coffee has undergone a successful downstream process by the farmers. This is based on the support from the South Konawe Regency, such as providing special fertilizer assistance to coffee farmers and even assistance for the innovation of packaged ground coffee products for household industry players.The purpose of this research is to find out and describe the feasibility of coffee farming at the level of farmers who cultivate coffee beans and at the level of home industries in South Konawe Regency which produce packaged ground coffee. The parameters used to assess the financial feasibility of coffee farming are by calculating the value of Revenue Cost Ratio (R/C), Net Present Value (NPV) and Net Benefit Cost Ratio (NBCR) at interest rates of 12% and 35% of farming and ground coffee processing businesses. Based on the R/C ratio, a value of 16 is obtained, this shows the benefits of coffee farming, where every USD 65.59 invested in coffee farming will generate 16 times the income. The NPV value of coffee farming has a value of USD 2,370; supported by an NBCR value of 2.04, and the ground coffee processing business by coffee industry obtained an NPV of USD 5,052; and also an NBCR value of 1.12, meaning that smallholder coffee farming in South Konawe Regency is financially profitable and feasible to develop.
International Journal of Biology, 2012
Agroforestry homegarden-dry field are the last biodiversity resort of land management which synergizes the production and the conservation as well. Market orientation changes will encourage dry field homegarden monoculturization to be a threat. Based on these considerations homegarden-dry field has a degree of urgency for management revitalization to do. This study aims to determine the traditional knowledge of homegarden-dry field agroforestry management and its developer's revitalization scheme. This research was conducted in Kulonprogo Regency, Java, Indonesia with three agroecological zones of the Kulon Progo Coastal Plain (cluster 1); Kulon Progo Plain (cluster 2) and Kulon Progo Hills-Mountains zone (cluster 3). The traditional practices that are developed in the agroforestry management can be seen from the space arrangement in the homegarden-dry fields that seems to be perfunctory. On its function connectivity there is an overlap among the cultivated species-trees and seasonal crops-but its productivity is low. However, crop and tree species diversity in agroforestry systems is higher compared to agriculture and forest crops. Based on these considerations then revitalization management of agroforestry homegarden-dry field (RMA-HD) is made by integrating in a single management unit. Through RMA-HD schemes, agroforestry in the outside part of the forest will have a new management approach, and may be promising for agroforestry reference in Indonesia, particularly for the pro-poor program which is compatible with the intensive smallholder management.
Forest and Society
A traditional agroforestry of West Timor, namely Mamar, produces important ecosystem services to the people of this arid region, however, its management tends to change, thereby disrupting its sustainability. This study aims to assess the sustainability of Mamar agroforestry by analyzing the livelihood assests of the community, the biophysical land performance of the soil, and the value of ecosystem services. Furthermore, data, on perception and livelihood assets; the level of soil damage, the importance value index, and diversity index, the value of ecosystem services based on the opinion of experts and community leaders, as well as change in land use were collected in five villages in Kupang district using surveys with a qualitative and quantitative approach. The results showed a change of perspective in Mamar's management; the decrease in the important value index of cultural crops, the diversity index is classified as declining, there is soil damage in several parameters, an...
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 2019
The Baduy community who resides in the Village of Kanekes, the Sub-district of Leuwidamar, the District of Lebak, South Banten has maintained the Sundanese tradition, particularly in practicing swidden farming (ngahuma). They practice swidden farming based on Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) and belief. According to the Baduy tradition, the commercial plants, including coffee, clove, cacao, teak, and rubber have been prohibited to cultivate in Baduy area. However, because the population has increased rapidly and market economy has intensively penetrated the Baduy area, some commercial plants, including robusta coffee (Coffea canephora Pierre ex A. Froehner) have been introduced by the outer Baduy community. The objective of this study was to elucidate the traditional practice of the Outer Baduy in cultivating coffee trees that are integrated into the traditional agroforestry of mixed-garden (dukuh lembur or leuweung lembur). This study used qualitative method with some techniques of collecting data, including observation, participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and plant survey in the sample plots of the dukuh lembur. The results of the study showed that in 1980-s the robusta coffee plants were introduced by some Outer Baduy people and have since been planted in the dukuh lembur. In the past, because coffee was prohibited to be cultivated in Baduy area, the coffee trees were regularly cut during the purification of the Baduy tradition (pembersihan adat). Nowadays, however, the robusta coffee trees have been properly integrated into the existing dukuh lembur which is based on hybrid knowledge of TEK and scientific Western knowledge. The Outer Baduy coffee farming system has provided subsistence as a well commercial economy that may support the sustainability of the Outer Baduy swidden cultivation that is considered as the cultural identity of the Baduy community.
E3S Web of Conferences, 2021
Agroforestry cultivation is very often practiced in Indonesia. In particular, combining cocoa plantations with several other types of plants such as woody plants, bananas and other plants. This is also done by farmers in the Nglanggeran Agricultural Technology Park. Cultivating agroforestry crops has many advantages, one of which is increasing profits. This study aims to determine the composition of agroforestry patterned crops that provide the highest income and welfare levels for farmers. This research uses analytical descriptive method. The sample used is 60 farmers who cultivate the main crop of cocoa in Nglanggeran Village. Based on the research results, it can be seen that type 6 criteria provides more benefits by combining cocoa with Mahogany, sengon, guava crystals, and durian plants. These criteria have an Average income / household / year of IDR 18,120,430. The highest contribution is in Criterion IV, followed by Criterion VI, then followed by Criteria I, II, V and III. Th...
Agroforestry is the management and integration of trees, crops and/or livestock on the same plot of land and can be an integral component of productive agriculture. It may include existing native forests and forests established by landholders. The study was conducted in Mekar Sari Raya village, Panei sub, Simalungun regency, North Sumatera. This study aims to gain the ability to use agroforestry in suren crops and cocoa that provides benefits to farmers and the feasibility of the model farm. The study site has Net Present Value (NPV) is 2,670,306,905 ( IDR) for 15 of year , Gross B/C Ratio (BCR) is 2.3; Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is 28 %; and Payback Period (PP) for 5 years 4 months 24 days. Agroforestry using commodities cacao and suren crops are financially feasible to be cultivated and developed.
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South Asian Journal of Social Studies and Economics
E3S Web of Conferences
International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research