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SSRN Electronic Journal…
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Domestic violence is a very well known and most frequent towards women's in India. Domestic violence against women is understood as a situation supported and reinforced by gender norms and values that place women in a subordinate position in relation to men. This study reviles the presence of domestic violence in Indian women's. An interview schedule was prepared to assess the prevalence of domestic violence. 50 women's of lucknow were interviewed to get adequate result. The study showed that alcoholism of husbands is one of the main cause of domestic iolence against women's. The result showed that Domestic violence is still prevailing in the Indian society and women's are very less aware of the laws and organizations dealing with domestic violence. The study showed that alcoholism of husbands is one of the main cause of domestic violence against women's.
Domestic violence against women is understood as a situation supported and reinforced by gender norms and values that place women in a subordinate position in relation to men. The various factors that perpetuate it, may be cultural or political. In this research paper, the main focus of the researcher is only on the physical and psychological form of Domestic violence. The researcher has focused on the fatal and non-fatal outcomes of Domestic Violence on females irrespective of age and children and had tried to find out what could be the possible solutions for controlling domestic violence, for the better understanding of the data collected the researcher had compiled it in a tabular form.
Society & Change , 2018
Gender discrimination can be track back to ancient society or civilization. The most common type of violence against women worldwide is "domestic violence" or the physical, emotional and/or sexual abuse of women by their intimate partners or ex-partners (Heise et al., 1999).Research on violence against women raises important ethical and methodological challenges in addition to those posed by any research. According to available statistics from around the world, about 33 per cent of the women have experienced violence in one form or the other in their intimate relationship at some point in their life (WHO, 1997). In India, the actual prevalence of domestic violence against women is scant. For a variety of reasons, women may fail to report violence that takes place in the family .Even today, various forms of violence against women are prevalent in our society, though many cases remain unreported due to cultural norms, apathy or ignorance. Present study try to enlighten the actual scenario of domestic violence in our society. The study is limited to view perception pertaining to domestic violence through schedule survey by purposive random sampling. The study was conducted in the state of Tripura as it ranks 4 th in National Crime Record Bureau, 2015 regarding Violence against Women. Though, the study is confined to the analysis of socio-cultural and educational background of the victims of domestic violence, however, critical appreciation of pertinent literature and analysis of secondary data on matters related to domestic violence and other related aspects has been ensured in the study.
ijetrm journal , 2022
This paper deals with protection of women against domestic violence 1 The starting point of the Act lies in Article 15 (2) of the Constitution of India, which obviously says that "State can make exceptional arrangements for ladies and kids" towards understanding the directly to correspondence. 2 This shows the utilization of governmental policy regarding minorities in society to cure an off-base. It is frequently said that India has a few laws however they are not executed. 3 The issue, be that as it may, isn't the absence of usage, yet the absence of a component by which it tends to be executed. Ladies have deficient comprehension of the law and absence of access to the courts. Subsequently it is important not exclusively to institute a law however to furnish the fundamental infrastructural instruments with which to get to the law. 4 The method for doing this is to set up a component in the law itself. In the Act, this has been finished by making the workplace of the Protection Officer and perceiving the job of the Service Providers. The present study is an empirical study done by survey method. The simple random sampling method was used for the purpose of the research. There were totally 1502 respondents who were took as the samples. 5 The independent variables are took here was age and gender. The dependent variables are …. The alternate hypothesis is proved in this research i.e There is a significant relationship between the Age and the thought that the domestic violence is invisible in our society an d also the Protection of Women Domestic Violence Act (2005. A reduced domestic violence crime in India.
Domestic violence has been defined in many lights by various strands of knowledge. Psychological explanations were the centre-staged, up until the feminist theoretical positions have started to question them. In-depth studies on Domestic Violence provide evidence that the causes behind the issue are multi-pronged. The factors that regulate the violent behavior and situations are aplenty. The study attempts to cross examine 150 cases that have been registered under the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 (PWDVA, 2005) in the state of Kerala, India. The cases were brought to Women Protection Officers in three districts in the state, i.e., Kozhikode, Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulum. In depth analysis of these purposively identified cases concludes and establishes that alcohol addiction of male partners and dowry related issues remain the major reasons for Domestic Violence in Kerala, surpassing all other causal factors.But property based issues were the maincause for violence against mothers in the age group of 50-90 years.
The rise in domestic violence against women in India, especially in the pandemic and post-pandemic period, is an alarming issue that needs immediate attention. The dominant explanation for this emerging trend is structural inequality, internalized patriarchy, and misogyny. Previous studies have shown that factors such as the patriarchy of society, the hierarchy of relationships, the perception of women as housewives, child bearers and caregivers and the lower sex, the existence of norms that encourage violence in society, the existence of a model of violence. domestic violence in families is influenced by instability in relationships, excessive male power, poverty, preference for male offspring, alcohol and drug abuse by the male partner, and economic imbalance. This study attempted to identify the relationship between socio-personal factors and domestic violence against women. The study revealed that there is a significant relationship between the education level, caste, age, household income, family type and nature of marriage of the victims.
IJAR, 2024
The rise in domestic violence against women in India, especially in the pandemic and post-pandemic period, is an alarming issue that needs immediate attention. The dominant explanation for this emerging trend is structural inequality, internalized patriarchy, and misogyny. Factors such as patriarchal nature of society, hierarchy of relationships, perception of women as housewives, caregivers and child bearers they being the lower sex, encourage their suppression. Domestic violence in families is influenced by instability in relationships, excessive male power, control over the mobility of women, poverty, power relationships, preference for male offspring, alcohol and drug abuse by the male partner, and economic imbalance. This study has attempted to identify frequency of different forms of domestic violence such as physical violence, emotional violence, social violence, economic violence and sexual violence. The study revealed that all forms of violence were reported to be prevalent among the respondents. Considering each type of violence, emotional violence topped the chart, followed by economic violence and social violence. Respondents also reported to suffer from sexual violence and physical violence. The study suggests that for holistic sustainable development and women empowerment, different forms of domestic violence and causes/situations leading to it, needs to be identified. Additionally, the society needs to be sensitized how it affects the physiological, psychosocial and psychological wellness of women, at large, thus hampering their empowerment.
In our society, when a man hits a woman, it is considered to be illegal, but when a woman commits violence against a man, it is often taken as a laughing matter. It is hardly believed by the society, that men can also be put through violence by women. For them, the male is always a delinquent and the female is always a sufferer. Just because the person is a man, does not mean he should not be victimised. Violence is not a gender issue. No person of a particular gender should have the right to inflict violence on another person. Due to the patriarchal mindset of the society, it is hardly accepted that men can also be the victims of domestic violence. We need to accept the fact that women can also abuse men. Abuse is not only physical but also psychological, verbal, emotional or sexual in nature. Domestic violence is a serious issue and it is not just faced by women. In India, there is no law that protects men from domestic violence. This research paper aims to explore the seriousness of domestic violence against men.
South East Asia Journal of Public Health, 2014
Domestic violence was identified as a major contributor to the global burden of ill health in terms of female morbid-ity leading to psychological trauma and depression, injuries, sexually transmitted diseases, suicide and murder. The study was conducted to find out the prevalence of different types of life time domestic violence against women; fac-tors associated with it and care seeking behavior. An observational cross-sectional study was done among 260 ever married women of 15-49 years of age using a predesigned pretested pro-forma from April 2011 to January 2012 by face to face interview. Data were compiled and analyzed by Epi Info 6 version and SPSS 17 version. The overall prevalence of any form of violence during the life time among the study population was 40.4%. Verbal/psychological violence was the most common form of domestic violence (85.7%) followed by physical (71.4%) and sexual violence (57.1%). Slapping and or beating, kicking, object throwing were the major forms of p...
BMC Public Health, 2009
Background Violence against women is now widely recognised as an important public health problem, owing to its health consequences. Violence against women among many Indian communities on a regularly basis goes unreported. The objective of this study is to report the prevalence and other related issues of various forms of domestic violence against women from the eastern zone of India. Methods It is a population-based study covering both married women (n = 1718) and men (n = 1715) from three of the four states of Eastern India selected through a systematic multistage sampling strategy. Interviews were conducted using separate pre-piloted structured questionnaires for women (victimization) and men (perpetration). Women were asked whether their husband or any other family members committed violent acts against them. And men were asked whether they had ever perpetrated violent acts against their wives. Three principle domestic violence outcome variables (physical, psychological and sexual violence) were determined by response to a set of questions for each variable. In addition, data on socio-economic characteristics were collected. Descriptive statistics, bi- and multivariate analyses were done. Results The overall prevalence of physical, psychological, sexual and any form of violence among women of Eastern India were 16%, 52%, 25% and 56% respectively. These rates reported by men were 22%, 59%, 17% and 59.5% respectively. Men reported higher prevalence of all forms of violence apart from sexual violence. Husbands were mostly responsible for violence in majority of cases and some women reported the involvement of husbands' parents. It is found that various acts of violence were continuing among majority of women who reported violence. Some socio-economic characteristics of women have significant association with the occurrence of domestic violence. Urban residence, older age, lower education and lower family income are associated with occurrence of domestic violence. Multivariate logistic regressions revealed that the physical violence has significant association with state, residence (rural or urban), age and occupation of women, and monthly family income. Similar associations are found for psychological violence (with residence, age, education and occupation of the women and monthly family income) and sexual violence (with residence, age and educational level of women). Conclusion The prevalence of domestic violence in Eastern India is relatively high compared to majority of information available from India and confirms that domestic violence is a universal phenomenon. The primary healthcare institutions in India should institutionalise the routine screening and treatment for violence related injuries and trauma. Also, these results provide vital information to assess the situation to develop public health interventions, and to sensitise the concerned agencies to implement the laws related to violence against women.
National Journal of Community Medicine, 2019
"Introduction: Domestic violence is the wilful intimidation, physical as-sault, battery, sexual assault, and or other abusive behaviour as part of a systematic pattern of power and control perpetrated by one intimate partner against another. From pre-vious studies alcohol is most im-portant cause for domestic violence among intimate partner. Women experiences domestic violence relat-ed to alcoholism in her lifetime not only because of intimate partners but also from their close family members. Objectives: To identify the preva-lence of various forms of domestic violence among women living in rural areas of Tamil Nadu. Methodology: A cross sectional study was done in rural field practice area of Kanchipuram district of Tamil Nadu. It was completed in duration of 4 months. Multistage sampling method was used for selection of study population and WHO stand-ardized questionnaire was used. Results: The prevalence of various forms of domestic violence against women related to alcoholism was reported as 6.9% physical abuse, 13.9% mental abuse and 15.8% both physical and mental abuse. Conclusion: Alcohol not only affects the abuser but also leaves behind an irreplaceable loss to his family members. It is an agent which causes unintentional injuries which can be preventable by initiating an appropriate health awareness program in the community"
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