Risk assessment of radiation-induced thyroid cancers in Belarus

Environmental Management and Health

The paper presents results of a qualitative assessment of the morbidity and mortality in thyroid cancers by the Belarusian population caused by the Chernobyl accident. In the period of 1986-1998 about 3,851 radiation-induced thyroid cancers appeared in Belarus: about 615 cancers by children and about 3,236 cancers by adolescents and adults. The number of lethal thyroid cancers in this period of time in Belarus is assessed as about 167 cases. The excessive absolute risk (EAR) of the morbidity in the thyroid cancer assessed for the period of 1986-1998 on the basis of given data on the morbidity is about 1.7 per 104 PYGy. The excessive absolute risk of mortality is assessed as about 0.075 per 104 PYGy. These values agree quite well with analogous risk coefficients established for other groups of people in other epidemiological studies.