Tradicionalne I Moderne Vrednosti U Tranzicionoj Srbiji 


TRADITIONAL AND MODERN VALUES IN TRANSITIONAL SERBIA Abstract Serbian society is described as characterized by a profound division of values: rural vs. urban, patriotic vs. traitorous, cosmopolitan vs. nationalistic. What is also pointed out is the anomie of the Serbian society, which results partly from the specific Serbian past and its regional position, and partly from the global diminishing of traditional values. This paper aims to determine the presence of positive values in the Serbian society through the analysis of the data collected in a quantitative-qualitative research study conducted from 2008 to 2011. The identified values will be classified into ideally-typically constructed models of traditional-collectivistic or modern-individualistic values. The findings show that the contents of traditionally highly valued social phenomena and relationships (family, marriage, religion) are being changed and reformed in the real social framework of Serbia. Key Words: Traditional, Mo...