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2001, Human Resource Development International
ASTD 2005 Research-to-Practice Conference …, 2005
Abstract INSTITUTION BUILDING IN HIGHER EDUCATION : IIMK and AU Experience Author : A H Kalro-IIMK : .Ekta Sharma –Ahmedabad University Published in : The Indian Journal Of Industrial Relations, volume-52, no.2, October 2016 Page no-192-202, ISSN No-0019-5286 India has honor of establishing world-class institutions of higher education thousands of years ago. But this glory succumbed to the colonialization. Its urgent to revive this past glory of our institutions of higher education and to contribute to the well-being of society and development of the nation. Hence, we need to focus on Institution building processes and practices which can facilitate the shaping of the institutions of excellence.Institution Building practices of Higher Educational Institutions are different from the industry practices. The current paper examines Institution Building at two institutions of India: Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode and Ahmedabad University. The paper is the outcome of the experiences of the author. Key words: Higher Education Institutions, Institution Building, Leadership, Strategy, Governance Model
Abstract The purpose of this structured literature review was to find out how organizational culture has been studied within the Academy of Human Resource Development. We reviewed articles published in the Academy Proceedings from 1994 to 2009 to examine how authors defined organizational culture, what research purposes led their studies, what implications for practice were suggested, and how the research has evolved in the 16-year span.
This study examines the state of Human Resource Development Climate (HRDC) in Nigerian commercial banks as perceived by employees in general. The perceptional differences on the level of HRDC by gender categories are also examined. Using Abraham and Rao's HRDC 38-item questionnaire, data from 310 respondents, with 303 valid responses, were entered into excel sheet and analyzed to determine frequencies, mean scores, standard deviation and percentages for four variables: HRDC, General Climate, HRD Mechanism, and the openness, confrontation, trust, autonomy, pro-activity, authenticity and collaboration (OCTAPAC) Culture. Result of data analysis indicates that generally, employees perceive the overall HRDC and its three dimensions of general climate, HRD mechanism and OCTAPAC culture to be at an average or moderate level. The perceptions of both male and female subjects also indicate an average HRDC level although female participants report slightly higher scores than the male subjects but these scores are still at an average level on all the dimensions of HRDC measured. The implications of this result for organizations in general and the banking industry in particular are discussed.
Journal of European Industrial Training, 2006
Purpose -This article aims to offer a theoretical framework that attempts to show the integration among human resource development (HRD), social capital (SC), emotional intelligence (EI) and organizational productivity. Design/methodology/approach -The literature search included the following: a computerized search of accessible and available material using the key words "human resource development", "emotional intelligence", "social capital", "human capital", "organizational productivity", "productivity", and "organizational performance". Findings -The literature review provides evidence that it is logical to assume that the relationship among HRD, social capital, emotional and organization productivity is highly integrated. This finding influenced the authors to conceptualize an integrated model that illustrates the interconnectivity of HRD, social capital, emotional intelligence and organizational productivity with internal and external environmental factors.
Executive summary This report presents the problem faced by UK owned multinational organization in China and Africa. The main problem is high employee turnover and unable to retain skilled professionals hence human resource developmental practices are ineffective in both host countries. This report reflects the importance of “Training and development, communication, intrinsic rewards and job satisfaction of employees”. It also shows cross culture management, employee motivation and learning style in general and how these aspects are different in UK, China and West African countries. Due to inadequate HR related details in West African countries sample like Nigeria has been considered for study. To identify the problem and to look for the possible solutions at first a detail literature review has considered. The various aspects which might be the cause of retention problem which organizations are facing including the culture differences, institutional factors and employee motivation. It also found that UK, China and Africa have different from each other in term of culture, economy, technology, and managerial style and education system. However, both China and Africa believes in hierarchical organization structure where authority, responsibility, relations, group work and job security are very important. And UK has result oriented, individualistic and competitive organizational structure gives less importance to employee. The detail literature review has taken on factors which enable employee to stay with the organization like “Training and development, communication, job satisfaction and motivation”. Learning styles and also how they differ in these three countries were taken in to consideration and it was found that UK has emphasized on both on the job and off the job training, China prefers on the job and Nigeria prefers off the job training programs. In motivation it Maslow’s theories along with Vroom theory of expectancy and Hertzberg two factor theory are discussed and it is found that in China and Africa internal motivation plays a very important role in fact for high skilled professionals it is more important than extrinsic motivation. The detailed conclusion presents the root cause of the employee retention is neglecting many important aspects of culture in host countries and also not focusing on training and development and employee motivation. In the last part detailed recommendation like general and specific has given which will help the organization to cover the gap with respect to culture differences, communication and motivation and also will help the management to make best training and development programs which will help them to reduce the employee retention problem in future.
Kajian ini dilakukan bertujuan mengkaji hubungan etika kerja Islam terhadap prestasi kerja guru di SD Negeri Kecamatan Tanjungpinang Timur. Objektif dari kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti tahap amalan etika kerja Islam dan prestasi kerja dalam kalangan guru, mengkaji pengaruh antara etika kerja Islam dengan prestasi kerja guru, serta mengkaji faktor etika kerja Islam yang paling dominan mempengaruhi prestasi kerja. Kajian ini dilakukan di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Kecamatan Tanjungpinang Timur. Populasi kajian itu terdiri daripada 134 orang responden dan sampel kajian yang bersesuaian adalah 118 responden. Teknik persampelan yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah teknik sampel rawak. Analisis data menggunakan korelasi pearson dan regresi berganda. Dapatan kajian ini untuk tahap amalan etika kerja Islam adalah pada tahap yang tinggi, tahap amalan prestasi kerja adalah pada tahap yang tinggi, tahap amalan etika kerja Islam mempunyai hubungan yang positif dengan prestasi kerja dan menunjukkan tahap amalan etika kerja mempengaruhi tahap prestasi kerja guru. Melalui statistik ini juga dapat dilihat sekiranya tahap amalan etika kerja Islam pekerja meningkat, tahap prestasi juga meningkat manakala sekiranya tahap amalan etika kerja Islam menurun maka prestasi kerja guru juga menurun. Kemudian didapati bahawa faktor bekerjasama dan berfikiran padu merupakan pemboleh ubah yang paling dominan mempengaruhi prestasi kerja dan faktor yang kurang dominan atau yang paling rendah dalam mempengaruhi prestasi kerja adalah Ikhlas dan Amanah. Implikasi kajian sepatutnya amalan etika kerja Islam boleh menjadi elemen universal untuk Indonesia dalam meningkatkan prestasi kerja dalam kalangan guru
Purpose-Purpose of this conceptual study was to explore prospects of coaching and mentoring as a HRD intervention in the private sector organizations and government departments in Pakistan. This study was prompted by coaching and mentoring being an effective and efficient mode of employee development compared to traditional off-the-job classroom training programs.
This paper attempted to review theoretically the HRD and its matrix and revealed to show the positive relationship between HRD and organizational effectiveness. In HRD shows the different variables (outcomes) such as HRD instruments, HRD processes & climate variables and organizational dimensions. HRD affects the organizational goals which may result from higher productivity, cost reduction, more profits, better image and more satisfied customers and stake holders considered as organization dimensions HRD activities, as such, do not reduce costs, improve quality or quantity, or benefit the enterprise in any way. It is the on-the-job applications of learning that ultimately can reduce costs, improve quality, and so forth. In the organizational context, therefore, HRD means a process which helps employees of an organization to improve their functional capabilities for their present and future roles, to develop their general capabilities, to harness their inner potentialities both for their self and organizational development and, to develop organizational culture to sustain harmonious superior-subordinate relationships, teamwork, motivation, quality and a sense of belongingness. The study also analyses the Kliman Model of HRM to show the path of mechanisms which could lead to competitive advantage. Today's fast changing environment modern organizations are more careful to sustain in the competitive advantage relating to HRD our study has been developed to help the management students, academicians, and professionals to understand the subject properly and enhance their knowledge about HRD network within the organization for its effectiveness.
Advances in Developing Human Resources, 2010
A considerable body of research exists on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate sustainability (CS). However, there is significantly less on the influence of employees on the adoption of CSR and CS initiatives. Given the centrality of employees as stakeholders in CSR/CS adoption, it is important to understand how barriers at individual, organizational, and institutional levels of analysis influence the adoption of CSR/CS initiatives. An understanding of these barriers will illuminate the potential contribution of human resource development (HRD) to their removal. HRD has a major role to play in changing employee behavior and organizational values and there are significant affinities between HRD and CSR/CS concerning behavior and change. This article discusses a typology of HRD interventions that may be used to address barriers to the implementation of CSR/CS initiatives.
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to examine an employee's unique experience of being engaged in their work. Design/methodology/approach–Following Yin's case study design method, researchers collected documents, conducted semi-structured interviews and recorded observations at a large multinational service corporation ranked as one of the best places to work. Post data collection, content analysis is used to interpret engagement efforts and experiences. Work by Kahn and Maslow are integrated as conceptual frameworks.
This book contains original chapters by some of the leading researchers and writers in the field of human resource development. It acts as a definitive source of information on the design and conduct of research in HRD and simultaneously identifies key issues and debates concerning methodological principles, and the possibilities and limitations of particular methods and techniques. Each chapter in the book includes the following features: • statement of aims • description of theoretical and empirical context • identification and examination of methodological issues • description and assessment of research design • critical analysis and evaluation • key learning points. Understanding Human Resource Development is essential reading for all students, teachers and practitioners involved in HRD.
The intent of this research was to identify Malaysian Human Resource Development (HRD) practitioners’ perceptions of competencies needed by HRD practitioners in organizations. The research was based on the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) models for Workplace Learning and Performance (WLP) (Rothwell, Sanders, & Soper, 1999). The purpose was to assess the perceptions of Malaysian HRD practitioners in organizations regarding the importance of competencies for human resource development in organizational contexts. This study employed quantitative, cross-sectional survey, and an existing ASTD competencies instrument. Organizations were chosen based on the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturer’s (FMM) database. Data for this study were collected from 144 HRD practitioners from various organizations in Malaysia who successfully completed the web-based survey. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Exploratory Factor Analysis, ANOVA, t-test, and Pearson correlation. The findings of the study indicated that the Malaysian HRD practitioners perceived certain competencies as currently important and others as important in the future for their organization. The results were supported by a number of statistical findings with medium to small effect sizes. By using exploratory factor analysis, this study revealed that the Malaysian HRD practitioners perceived only 25 of the 52 competency items to be important. The results from this study have implications for the ASTD competency model and provide evidence that the competencies needed by employees and in organizations are changing over time.
Manufacturing organizations attach great importance to human resource because human resources are the biggest source of competitive advantage and have the capability of converting all the other resources into products. The effective performance of this human resource depends on the type of HRD climate that prevails in the organization; if it is good then the employee's performance will be high, but if it is average or poor then the performance will be low.
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