Interview Techniques in Three Different Research Scenarios


This paper explores interviewing techniques in the three specific contexts separated in time and space. Manuela Deiana is utilising interview techniques to study Moroccan armed resisters during the colonial period between 1953 and 1956. Elena Caprioni is using field work and interview techniques for research on ethnic relations between Uyghurs and Han in China’s Xinjiang province, while Erik Eklund is interviewing residents in Australian mining towns about their family and community histories.

Key takeaways

  • Elena Caprioni is using field work and interview techniques for research on ethnic relations between Uyghurs and Han in China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR), while Erik Eklund is interviewing residents in Australian mining towns about their family and community histories.
  • The key point focuses on the role of the interviews in confirming other written accounts, or offering new deeper, more personal perspectives on this major event in Moroccan history.
  • By interviewing locals and living in Urumqi for several months with and like Uyghurs and Han, there was no empirical confirmation of a Xinjiang characterized by ethnic solidarity (Chinese official theory) nor for a Xinjiang as a internal colony of PRC (theory of some western scholars).
  • In this context oral history interviews play a crucial role in accessing a kind of vernacular or hidden knowledge.
  • The new regime created after independence cast a long shadow over the memories and experiences of Moroccan resisters.