Conclusion : the promises and challenges of the Arab revolutions

2012, The Arab Revolutions in Context Civil Society and Democracy in a Changing Middle East

The Arab Revolutions have caused a lot of excitement about the prospects of change for the better in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). 1 These momentous events have been praised as a bottomup movement for democracy and political accountability. Some analysts have even compared them with the anti-colonial movement that kicked European empires out of the region. For this and many other reasons, these events have been represented as a second chance for the Arab world to build an authentic and democratic system of government. 2 Both in the region and outside of it many are branding this political breakthrough as a form of 'second independence'-a popular uprising demanding freedom, not from the colonial West, but from the despotic and illegitimate ruling classes supported and in some cases imposed by the West. To this extent, the Arab Revolutions represent a significant historical development for the MENA as the Revolutions promise to usher the region into the twenty-first century, not via dictatorship but via democracy-something which many people thought would never occur. 3 Many important questions remain unanswered, however, including: How are authenticity and democracy defined in the