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2005, Physical Review D
In this work we perform a detailed numerical analysis of (1+1) dimensional lattice φ 4 theory. We explore the phase diagram of the theory with two different parameterizations. We find that symmetry breaking occurs only with a negative mass-squared term in the Hamiltonian. The renormalized mass m R and the field renormalization constant Z are calculated from both coordinate space and momentum space propagators in the broken symmetry phase. The critical coupling for the phase transition and the critical exponents associated with m R , Z and the order parameter are extracted using a finite size scaling analysis of the data for several volumes. The scaling behavior of Z has the interesting consequence that φ R does not scale in 1 + 1 dimensions. We also calculate the renormalized coupling constant λ R in the broken symmetry phase. The ratio λ R /m 2 R does not scale and appears to reach a value independent of the bare parameters in the critical region in the infinite volume limit.
Physical Review D, 1994
We compute, on the (λΦ 4) 1+1 model on the lattice, the soliton mass by means of two very different numerical methods. First, we make use of a "creation operator" formalism, measuring the decay of a certain correlation function. On the other hand we measure the shift of the vacuum energy between the symmetric and the antiperiodic systems. The obtained results are fully compatible. We compute the continuum limit of the mass from the perturbative Renormalization Group equations. Special attention is paid to ensure that we are working on the scaling region, where physical quantities remain unchanged along any Renormalization Group Trajectory. We compare the continuum value of the soliton mass with its perturbative value up to one loop calculation. Both quantities show a quite satisfactory agreement. The first is slightly bigger than the perturbative one; this may be due to the contributions of higher order corrections.
International Journal of Modern Physics C, 1998
We present a perturbative calculation of finite-size effects near Tc of the φ4 lattice model in a d-dimensional cubic geometry of size L with periodic boundary conditions for d>4. The structural differences between the φ4 lattice theory and the φ4 field theory found previously in the spherical limit are shown to exist also for a finite number of components of the order parameter. The two-variable finite-size scaling functions of the field theory are nonuniversal whereas those of the lattice theory are independent of the nonuniversal model parameters. One-loop results for finite-size scaling functions are derived. Their structure disagrees with the single-variable scaling form of the lowest-mode approximation for any finite ξ/L where ξ is the bulk correlation length. At Tc, the large-L behavior becomes lowest-mode like for the lattice model but not for the field-theoretic model. Characteristic temperatures close to Tc of the lattice model, such as T max (L) of the maximum of the s...
We compute, on the (λΦ^4)_1+1 model on the lattice, the soliton mass by means of two very different numerical methods. First, we make use of a "creation operator" formalism, measuring the decay of a certain correlation function. On the other hand we measure the shift of the vacuum energy between the symmetric and the antiperiodic systems. The obtained results are fully compatible. We compute the continuum limit of the mass from the perturbative Renormalization Group equations. Special attention is paid to ensure that we are working on the scaling region, where physical quantities remain unchanged along any Renormalization Group Trajectory. We compare the continuum value of the soliton mass with its perturbative value up to one loop calculation. Both quantities show a quite satisfactory agreement. The first is slightly bigger than the perturbative one; this may be due to the contributions of higher order corrections.
Journal of Statistical Physics, 1986
Monte-Carlo calculations are performed for the model Hamiltonian ~= Yl [(r/2) #2(i) + (u/4) #4(i)] + Y<v> (C/2)[#(i)-q~(j)]2 for various values of the parameters r, u, C in the crossover region from the Ising limit (r ~-oo, u ~ +or) to the displacive limit (r = 0). The variable ~b(i) is a scalar continuous spin variable which can lie in the range-oo < ~6(i)< +0% for each lattice site (i). ~b(i) is a priori selected proportional to the single-site probability in our Monte Carlo algorithm. The critical line is obtained in very good agreement with other previous approaches. A decrease of apparent critical exponents, deduced from a finite-size scaling analysis, is attributed to a crossover toward mean-field values at the displacive limit. The relation of this model to the coarse-grained Landau-Ginzburg Wilson free-energy functional of Ising models is discussed in detail, and, by matching local moments (r (~4(i)) to corresponding averages of subsystem blocks of Ising systems with linear dimensions l= 5 to l= 15, an explicit construction of this coarse-grained free energy is attempted; self-consistency checks applied to this matching procedure show qualitatively reasonable behavior, but quantitative difficulties remain, indicating that higher-order terms are needed for a quantitatively satisfactory description.
We compute, on the (λΦ 4) 1+1 model on the lattice, the soliton mass by means of two very different numerical methods. First, we make use of a "creation operator" formalism, measuring the decay of a certain correlation function. On the other hand we measure the shift of the vacuum energy between the symmetric and the antiperiodic systems. The obtained results are fully compatible. We compute the continuum limit of the mass from the perturbative Renormalization Group equations. Special attention is paid to ensure that we are working on the scaling region, where physical quantities remain unchanged along any Renormalization Group Trajectory. We compare the continuum value of the soliton mass with its perturbative value up to one loop calculation. Both quantities show a quite satisfactory agreement. The first is slightly bigger than the perturbative one; this may be due to the contributions of higher order corrections.
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 1985
Using block spin renormalization group techniques, we rigorously control the functional integral of a weakly coupled critical lattice φ 4 theory in four euclidean dimensions proving the infrared asymptotic freedom of the model. This solves the infrared counterpart of and sheds some light on the problem of existence of continuum renormalizable ultraviolet asymptotically free models.
We compute the bare step-scaling function s b for SU(3) lattice gauge theory with N f = 12 massless fundamental fermions, using the non-perturbative Wilson-flow-optimized Monte Carlo Renormalization Group two-lattice matching technique. We use a short Wilson flow to approach the renormalized trajectory before beginning RG blocking steps. By optimizing the length of the Wilson flow, we are able to determine an s b corresponding to a unique discrete β function, after a few blocking steps. We carry out this study using new ensembles of 12-flavor gauge configurations generated with exactly massless fermions, using volumes up to 32 4 . The results are consistent with the existence of an infrared fixed point (IRFP) for all investigated lattice volumes and number of blocking steps. We also compare different renormalization schemes, each of which indicates an IRFP at a slightly different value of the bare coupling, as expected for an IR-conformal theory.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2008
We include spontaneous symmetry breaking into the functional renormalization group equations for the irreducible vertices of Ginzburg-Landau theories by augmenting these equations by a flow equation for the order parameter, which is determined from the requirement that at each renormalization group (RG) step the vertex with one external leg vanishes identically. Using this strategy, we propose a simple truncation of the coupled RG flow equations for the vertices in the broken symmetry phase of the Ising universality class in D dimensions. Our truncation yields the full momentum dependence of the self-energy Σ(k) and interpolates between lowest order perturbation theory at large momenta k and the critical scaling regime for small k. Close to the critical point, our method yields the self-energy in the scaling form Σ(k) = k 2 c σ − (|k|ξ, |k|/k c), where ξ is the order parameter correlation length, k c is the Ginzburg scale, and σ − (x, y) is a dimensionless two-parameter scaling function for the broken symmetry phase which we explicitly calculate within our truncation.
Physical Review E, 2012
High-temperature expansions are presently the only viable approach to the numerical calculation of the higher susceptibilities for the spin and the scalar-field models on high-dimensional lattices. The critical amplitudes of these quantities enter into a sequence of universal amplitude-ratios which determine the critical equation of state. We have obtained a substantial extension through order 24, of the high-temperature expansions of the free energy (in presence of a magnetic field) for the Ising models with spin s ≥ 1/2 and for the lattice scalar field theory with quartic self-interaction, on the simple-cubic and the body-centered-cubic lattices in four, five and six spatial dimensions. A numerical analysis of the higher susceptibilities obtained from these expansions, yields results consistent with the widely accepted ideas, based on the renormalization group and the constructive approach to Euclidean quantum field theory, concerning the no-interaction ("triviality") property of the continuum (scaling) limit of spins Ising and lattice scalar-field models at and above the upper critical dimensionality.
Physical Review E, 1998
We perform a microcanonical study of classical lattice ϕ 4 field models in 3 dimensions with O(n) symmetries. The Hamiltonian flows associated to these systems that undergo a second order phase transition in the thermodynamic limit are here investigated. The microscopic Hamiltonian dynamics neatly reveals the presence of a phase transition through the time averages of conventional thermodynamical observables. Moreover, peculiar behaviors of the largest Lyapounov exponents at the transition point are observed. A Riemannian geometrization of Hamiltonian dynamics is then used to introduce other relevant observables, that are measured as functions of both energy density and temperature. On the basis of a simple and abstract geometric model, we suggest that the apparently singular behaviour of these geometric observables might probe a major topological change of the manifolds whose geodesics are the natural motions. PACS numbers(s): 05.20.-y; 05.45.+b; 02.40.-k Typeset using REVT E X
Nuclear Physics B, 2005
Measurements of various physical quantities in the symmetry broken phase of the one component lattice φ 4 4 with standard action, are shown to be consistent with the critical behavior obtained by renormalization group analyses. This is in contrast to recent conclusions by another group, who further claim that the unconventional scaling behavior they observe, when extended to the complete Higgs sector of the Standard Model, would alter the conventional triviality bound on the mass of the Higgs.
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 1999
A lattice simulation in the broken phase of (λΦ 4)4 theory in the Ising limit suggests that, in the continuum limit, the scalar condensate rescales by a factor different from the conventional wavefunction renormalization. Possible effects on the present bounds of the Higgs mass are discussed.
Physical Review D, 2009
We use Monte Carlo simulations to obtain an improved lattice measurement of the critical coupling constant λ/µ 2 crit for the continuum (1 + 1)-dimensional (λ/4)φ 4 theory. We find that the critical coupling constant depends logarithmically on the lattice coupling, resulting in a continuum value of λ/µ 2 crit = 10.8 +.10 −.05 , in considerable disagreement with the previously reported λ/µ 2 crit = 10.26 +.08 −.04 .
Nuclear Physics B, 1997
The study of nonlinear phenomena in systems with many degrees of freedom often relies on complex numerical simulations. In trying to model realistic situations, these systems may be coupled to an external environment which drives their dynamics. For nonlinear field theories coupled to thermal (or quantum) baths, discrete lattice formulations must be dealt with extreme care if the results of the simulations are to be interpreted in the continuum limit. Using techniques from renormalization theory, a self-consistent method is presented to match lattice results to continuum models. As an application, symmetry restoration in φ 4 models is investigated.
The spontaneous symmetry breaking in the four component scalar $\lambda \phi^4$ model (O(4) model) is investigated on a lattice dependently on the value of the coupling constant $\lambda$. A general approach for dealing with this phenomenon is developed. In the spherical coordinates in the internal space of the scalar field, the Goldstone modes are integrated out by the saddle point method that reduces the functional integral of the model to the effective one component theory convenient for lattice investigations. The partition function of the model is calculated analytically up to the one-loop order. Monte Carlo simulations are performed with a QCDGPU software package on a HGPU cluster. It is shown that for $\lambda < 10^{-5}$ the scalar field condensate does not create. For larger values of coupling symmetry breaking happens. Qualitatively, this is similar to that of observed already in the O(1) model.
Proceedings of The 32nd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory — PoS(LATTICE2014)
Three-dimensional Z(N) lattice gauge theories are studied numerically at finite temperature for N = 5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 20 and for N t =2,4,8. For each model the location of phase transitions and its critical indices are determined. The scaling of critical points with N is proposed. The data obtained enable us to verify the scaling near the continuum limit for the Z(N) models at finite temperatures.
Physical Review D, 1994
We propose a new Real Space Renormalization Group transformation useful for Monte Carlo calculations in theories with global or local symmetries. From relaxation arguments we dene the block-spin transformation with two tunable free parameters, adapted to the system's action. Varying them it is possible to place the xed point v ery close to the simulation point. We show h o w the method works in a simple model with global symmetry:
Physical review, 1982
This thesis is divided into two parts. In Part I, we give an explicit construction for a class of lattices with effectively non-integral dimensionality. A reasonable definition of dimensionality applicable to lattice systems is proposed. The construction is illustrated by several examples. We calculate the effective dimensionality of some of these lattices. The attainable values of the dimensionality d, using our construction, are densely distributed in the interval 1 The variation of critical exponents with dimensionality is studied for a variety of Hamiltonians. It is shown that the critical exponents for the spherical model, for all d, agree with the values derived in literature using formal arguments only. We also study the critical behavior of the classical p-vector Heisenberg model and the Fortuin-Kasteleyn cluster model for lattices with d<2. It is shown that no phase transition occurs at nonzero temperatures. The renormalization procedure is used to determine the exact va...
The finite temperature QCD transition for physical quark masses is a crossover. For smaller quark masses a first-order phase transition is expected. Using Symanzik improved gauge and stout improved fermion action for 2+1 flavour staggered QCD we give estimates/bounds for the phase line separating the first-order region from the crossover one. The calculations are carried out on two different lattice spacings. Our conclusion for the critical mass is m0 � 0.07 · mphys for NT = 4 and m0 � 0.12 · mphys for NT = 6 lattices.
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