Monte Carlo studies of two-dimensional polymer–solvent systems

2017, Journal of Molecular Modeling


The static properties of two-dimensional athermal polymer solutions were studied by performing Monte Carlo lattice simulations using the cooperative motion algorithm (CMA) and taking into account the presence of explicit solvent molecules. The simulations were performed for a wide range of polymer chain lengths N (16-1024) and concentrations φ (0.0156-1). The results obtained for short chains (N < 256) were in good agreement with those given by previous simulations. For the longest chains (512 or 1024 beads), some unexpected behavior was observed in the dilute and semidilute regimes. A pronounced change in the concentration dependence of chain size and shape was observed below a certain critical concentration (0.6 for the longest chains under consideration, consisting of 1024 beads). Longer chains became more extended below this concentration. The behavior of the single-chain structure factor confirmed these changes in the fractal dimension of the chain as a function of the concentration. The observed phenomena are related to the excluded volume of solvent molecules, which causes the chain statistics to be modified in the vicinity of other chains; this effect is important in strictly 2D systems.