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Large graphs involving millions of vertices are common in many practical applications and are challenging to process. Practical-time implementations using high-end computers are reported but are accessible only to a few. Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) of today have high computation power and low price. They have a restrictive programming model and are tricky to use. The G80 line of Nvidia GPUs can be treated as a SIMD processor array using the CUDA programming model. We present a few fundamental algorithms-including breadth first search, single source shortest path, and all-pairs shortest path-using CUDA on large graphs. We can compute the single source shortest path on a 10 million vertex graph in 1.5 seconds using the Nvidia 8800GTX GPU costing $600. In some cases optimal sequential algorithm is not the fastest on the GPU architecture. GPUs have great potential as high-performance co-processors.
The basic operations on the graphs with millions of vertices are common in various applications. To have faster execution of such operations is very essential to reduce overall computation time. Today's Graphics processing units (GPUs) have high computation power and low price. This device can be treated as an array of Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) processors using CUDA software interface by Nvidia. Massively Multithreaded architecture of a CUDA device makes various threads to run in parallel and hence making optimum use of available computation power of GPU. In case of graph algorithms, vertices of the graphs are processed in parallel by mapping them to various threads on device. By making thousands of threads to run in parallel, computation time required for these algorithms is drastically decreased as compared to their CPU implementation.
Many practical applications include image processing, space searching, network analysis, graph partitioning etc. in that large graphs having a millions of vertices are commonly used and to process on that vertices is difficult task. Using high-end computers practical-time implementations are reported but are accessible only to a few. Efficient performance of those applications requires fast implementation of graph processing and hence Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) of today having a high computational power of accelerating capacity are deployed. The NVIDIA GPU can be treated as a SIMD processor array using the CUDA programming model. In this paper Breadth-First Search and All Pair shortest path and traveling salesmen problem graph algorithms are performed on GPU capabilities. The algorithms are introduced to optimize such that they can efficiently adopt GPU. Also an optimization technique that reduce data transfer rate CPU to GPU and reduce access of global memory is designed to reduce latency. Analysis of All pair shortest path algorithm by performing on different memories of GPU which shows that using shared memory can reduce execution time and increase speedup over CPU than global memory and coalescing access of data. TSP algorithm shows that increasing number of blocks and iteration obtained optimized tour length.
—Graph 1 processing has always been a challenge, as there are inherent complexities in it. These include scalability to larger data sets and clusters, dependencies between vertices in the graph, irregular memory accesses during processing and traversals, minimal locality of reference, etc. In literature, there are several implementations for parallel graph processing on single GPU systems but only few for single and multi-node multi-GPU systems. In this paper, the prospects of improvement in large graph traversals by utilizing multi-GPU cluster for Breadth First Search algorithm has been studied. In this regard, a DiGPU, a CUDA-based implementation for graph traversal in shared memory multi-GPU and distributed memory multi-GPU systems has been proposed. In this work, an open source software module has also been developed and verified through set of experiments. Further, evaluations have been demonstrated on local cluster as well as on CDER cluster. Finally, experimental analysis has been performed on several graph data sets using different system configurations to study the impact of load distribution with respect to GPU specification on performance of our implementation.
International Journal of Parallel Programming, 2015
The Single-Source Shortest Path (SSSP) problem arises in many different fields. In this paper, we present a GPU SSSP algorithm implementation. Our work significantly speeds up the computation of the SSSP, not only with respect to a CPU-based version, but also to other state-of-the-art GPU implementations based on Dijkstra. Both GPU implementations have been evaluated using the latest NVIDIA architectures. The graphs chosen as input sets vary in nature, size, and fan-out degree, in order to evaluate the behavior of the algorithms for different data classes. Additionally, we have enhanced our GPU algorithm implementation using two optimization techniques: The use of a proper choice of threadblock size; and the modification of the GPU L1 cache memory state of NVIDIA devices. These optimizations lead to performance improvements of up to 23% with respect to the non-optimized versions. In addition, we have made a platform comparison of several NVIDIA boards in order to distinguish which one is better for each class of graphs, depending on their features. Finally, we compare our results with an optimized sequential implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm included in the reference Boost library, obtaining an improvement ratio of up to 19× for some graph families, using less memory space.
ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing, 2015
Breadth-First Search (BFS) is a core primitive for graph traversal and a basis for many higher-level graph analysis algorithms. It is also representative of a class of parallel computations whose memory accesses and work distribution are both irregular and data dependent. Recent work has demonstrated the plausibility of GPU sparse graph traversal, but has tended to focus on asymptotically inefficient algorithms that perform poorly on graphs with nontrivial diameter. We present a BFS parallelization focused on fine-grained task management constructed from efficient prefix sum computations that achieves an asymptotically optimal O(|V| + |E|) gd work complexity. Our implementation delivers excellent performance on diverse graphs, achieving traversal rates in excess of 3.3 billion and 8.3 billion traversed edges per second using single- and quad-GPU configurations, respectively. This level of performance is several times faster than state-of-the-art implementations on both CPU and GPU p...
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, 2012
This paper presents a blocked united algorithm for the allpairs shortest paths (APSP) problem. This algorithm simultaneously computes both the shortest-path distance matrix and the shortest-path construction matrix for a graph. It is designed for a high-speed APSP solution on hybrid CPU-GPU systems. In our implementation, two most compute intensive parts of the algorithm are performed on the GPU. The first part is to solve the APSP sub-problem for a block of sub-matrices, and the other part is a matrix-matrix "multiplication" for the APSP problem. Moreover, the amount of data communication between CPU (host) memory and GPU memory is reduced by reusing blocks once sent to the GPU. When a problem size (the number of vertices in a graph) is large enough compared to a block size, our implementation of the blocked algorithm requires CPU GPU exchanging of three blocks during a block computation on the GPU. We measured the performance of the algorithm implementation on two different CPU-GPU systems. A system containing an Intel Sandy Bridge CPU (Core i7 2600K) and an AMD Cayman GPU (Radeon HD 6970) achieves the performance up to 1.1 TFlop/s in a single precision.
GraphBLAS is an emerging paradigm for graph computation that makes it easy to program new graph algorithms in a highly abstract language of linear algebra. The promise of GraphBLAS is that an abstract graph program will execute in a wide variety of programming environments, ranging from embedded environments to distributed memory computers. In this paper we present our initial implementation of GraphBLAS primitives for graphics processing unit (GPU) systems called GraphBLAS Template Library (GBTL). Our implementation is an ongoing effort in the context of GraphBLAS standardization efforts by a diverse group of academics and representatives of the industry. Our implementation consists of a high-level C ++ frontend, and the GPU functionality is implemented with a combination of the CUSP library for sparse-matrix computation on GPU and the NVIDIA Thrust framework for abstract GPU programs. We give initial performance results of our implementations, and we discuss solutions to the problems we encountered when providing a low-level implementation for a high-level generic interface.
HPDC, 2019
Attracted by the enormous potentials of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), an array of efforts has surged to deploy Breadth-First Search (BFS) on GPUs, which, however, often exploits the static mechanisms to address the challenges that are dynamic in nature. Such a mismatch prevents us from achieving the optimal performance for offloading graph traversal on GPUs. To this end, we propose XBFS that leverages the runtime optimizations atop GPUs to cope with the nondeterministic characteristics of BFS with the following three techniques: First, XBFS adaptively exploits four either new or optimized frontier queue generation designs to accommodate various BFS levels that present dissimilar features. Second, inspired by the observation that the workload associated with each vertex is not proportional to its degree in bottom-up, we design three new strategies to better balance the workload. Third, XBFS introduces the first truly asynchronous bottom-up traversal which allows BFS to visit vertices for multiple levels at a single iteration with both theoretical soundness and practical benefits. Taken together, XBFS is, on average, 3.5×, 4.9×, 11.2× and 6.1× faster than the state-of-the-art Enterprise, Tigr, Gunrock on a Quadro P6000 GPU and Ligra on a 24-core Intel Xeon Platinum 8175M CPU. Note, the CPU used for Ligra is more expensive than the GPU for XBFS.
Proceedings of the 1st ACM conference on High Performance Graphics - HPG '09, 2009
Graphics Processor Units are used for many general purpose processing due to high compute power available on them. Regular, data-parallel algorithms map well to the SIMD architecture of current GPU. Irregular algorithms on discrete structures like graphs are harder to map to them. Efficient data-mapping primitives can play crucial role in mapping such algorithms onto the GPU. In this paper, we present a minimum spanning tree algorithm on Nvidia GPUs under CUDA, as a recursive formulation of Borůvka's approach for undirected graphs. We implement it using scalable primitives such as scan, segmented scan and split. The irregular steps of supervertex formation and recursive graph construction are mapped to primitives like split to categories involving vertex ids and edge weights. We obtain 30 to 50 times speedup over the CPU implementation on most graphs and 3 to 10 times speedup over our previous GPU implementation. We construct the minimum spanning tree on a 5 million node and 30 million edge graph in under 1 second on one quarter of the Tesla S1070 GPU.
ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 2011
Graphs are powerful data representations favored in many computational domains. Modern GPUs have recently shown promising results in accelerating computationally challenging graph problems but their performance suffered heavily when the graph structure is highly irregular, as most real-world graphs tend to be. In this study, we first observe that the poor performance is caused by work imbalance and is an artifact of a discrepancy between the GPU programming model and the underlying GPU architecture.We then propose a novel virtual warp-centric programming method that exposes the traits of underlying GPU architectures to users. Our method significantly improves the performance of applications with heavily imbalanced workloads, and enables trade-offs between workload imbalance and ALU underutilization for fine-tuning the performance. Our evaluation reveals that our method exhibits up to 9x speedup over previous GPU algorithms and 12x over single thread CPU execution on irregular graphs...
ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 2012
Breadth-first search (BFS) is a core primitive for graph traversal and a basis for many higher-level graph analysis algorithms. It is also representative of a class of parallel computations whose memory accesses and work distribution are both irregular and data-dependent. Recent work has demonstrated the plausibility of GPU sparse graph traversal, but has tended to focus on asymptotically inefficient algorithms that perform poorly on graphs with non-trivial diameter. We present a BFS parallelization focused on fine-grained task management constructed from efficient prefix sum that achieves an asymptotically optimal O (| V |+| E |) work complexity. Our implementation delivers excellent performance on diverse graphs, achieving traversal rates in excess of 3.3 billion and 8.3 billion traversed edges per second using single and quad-GPU configurations, respectively. This level of performance is several times faster than state-of-the-art implementations both CPU and GPU platforms.
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment
Due to the limited capacity of GPU memory, the majority of prior work on graph applications on GPUs has been restricted to graphs of modest sizes that fit in memory. Recent hardware and software advances make it possible to address much larger host memory transparently as a part of a feature known as unified virtual memory. While accessing host memory over an interconnect is understandably slower, the problem space has not been sufficiently explored in the context of a challenging workload with low computational intensity and an irregular data access pattern such as graph traversal. We analyse the performance of breadth first search (BFS) for several large graphs in the context of unified memory and identify the key factors that contribute to slowdowns. Next, we propose a lightweight offline graph reordering algorithm, HALO (Harmonic Locality Ordering), that can be used as a pre-processing step for static graphs. HALO yields speedups of 1.5x-1.9x over baseline in subsequent traversa...
2013 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS), 2013
The Single-Source Shortest Path (SSSP) problem arises in many different fields. In this paper we present a GPUbased version of the Crauser et al. SSSP algorithm. Our work significantly speeds up the computation of the SSSP, not only with respect to the CPU-based version, but also to other state-ofthe-art GPU implementation based on Dijkstra, due to Martín et al. Both GPU implementations have been evaluated using the last Nvidia architecture (Kepler). Our experimental results show that the new GPU-Crauser algorithm leads to speed-ups from 13× to 220× with respect to the CPU version and a performance gain of up to 17% with respect the GPU-Martín algorithm.
The Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) provide high computation power at a low cost and is an important compute accelerator with a massively multithreaded architecture. In this paper, we present fast implementations of common graph operations like breadth-first search, st-connectivity, single-source shortest path, all-pairs shortest path, minimum spanning tree, and maximum flow for undirected graphs on the GPU using the CUDA programming model. Our implementations exhibit high performance, especially on large graphs. We use two data-parallel programming methodologies for these algorithms. One is an iterative, mask-based approach that processes valid data elements like vertices and edges using independent threads for each. The other is a divide-and-conquer approach that reduces the problem into smaller problems that are handled later using the same approach. Parallel algorithms for such problems have been reported in the literature before, especially on supercomputers. The massively mul...
2014 IEEE 28th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2014
Finding the shortest paths from a single source to all other vertices is a fundamental method used in a variety of higher-level graph algorithms. We present three parallelfriendly and work-efficient methods to solve this Single-Source Shortest Paths (SSSP) problem: Workfront Sweep, Near-Far and Bucketing. These methods choose different approaches to balance the tradeoff between saving work and organizational overhead. In practice, all of these methods do much less work than traditional Bellman-Ford methods, while adding only a modest amount of extra work over serial methods. These methods are designed to have a sufficient parallel workload to fill modern massively-parallel machines, and select reorganizational schemes that map well to these architectures. We show that in general our Near-Far method has the highest performance on modern GPUs, outperforming other parallel methods. We also explore a variety of parallel load-balanced graph traversal strategies and apply them towards our SSSP solver. Our work-saving methods always outperform a traditional GPU Bellman-Ford implementation, achieving rates up to 14x higher on low-degree graphs and 340x higher on scalefree graphs. We also see significant speedups (20-60x) when compared against a serial implementation on graphs with adequately high degree.
We consider the computation of shortest paths on Graphic Processing Units (GPUs). The blocked recursive elimination strategy we use is applicable to a class of algorithms (such as all-pairs shortest-paths, transitive closure, and LU decomposition without pivoting) having similar data access patterns. Using the all-pairs shortest-paths problem as an example, we uncover potential gains over this class of algorithms. The impressive computational power and memory bandwidth of the GPU make it an attractive platform to run such computationally intensive algorithms. Although improvements over CPU implementations have previously been achieved for those algorithms in terms of raw speed, the utilization of the underlying computational resources was quite low. We implemented a recursively partioned all-pairs shortest-paths algorithm that harnesses the power of GPUs better than existing implementations. The alternate schedule of path computations allowed us to cast almost all operations into matrix-matrix multiplications on a semiring. Since matrix-matrix multiplication is highly optimized and has a high ratio of computation to communication, our implementation does not suffer from the premature saturation of bandwidth resources as iterative algorithms do. By increasing temporal locality, our implementation runs more than two orders of magnitude faster on an NVIDIA 8800 GPU than on an Opteron. Our work provides evidence that programmers should rethink algorithms instead of directly porting them to GPU.
There is the significant interest nowadays in developing the frameworks of parallelizing the processing for the large graphs such as social networks, Web graphs, etc. Most parallel graph processing frameworks employ iterative processing model. However, by benchmarking the state-of-art GPUbased graph processing frameworks, we observed that the performance of iterative traversing-based graph algorithms (such as Bread First Search, Single Source Shortest Path and so on) on GPU is limited by the frequent data exchange between host and GPU. In order to tackle the problem, we develop a GPU-based graph framework called WolfPath to accelerate the processing of iterative traversing-based graph processing algorithms. In WolfPath, the iterative process is guided by the graph diameter to eliminate the frequent data exchange between host and GPU. To accomplish this goal, WolfPath proposes a data structure called Layered Edge list to represent the graph, from which the graph diameter is known before the start of graph processing. In order to enhance the applicability of our WolfPath framework, a graph preprocessing algorithm is also developed in this work to convert any graph into the format of the Layered Edge list. We conducted extensive experiments to verify + .
Single source shortest path (SSSP) calculation is a common prerequisite in many real world applications such as traveler information systems, network routing table creation etc., where basic data are depicted as a graph. To fulfill the requirements of such applications, SSSP calculation algorithms should process their data very quickly but these data are actually very large in size. Parallel implementation of the SSSP algorithm could be one of the best ways to process large data sets in real time. This paper proposes two different ways of parallel implementation of SSSP calculation on a CPU-GPU (Graphics Processing Unit)-based hybrid machine and demonstrates the impact of the highly parallel computing capabilities of today’s GPUs. We present parallel implementations of a modified version of Dijkstra’s famous algorithm of SSSP calculation, which can settle more than one node at any iteration. This paper presents a comparative analysis between both implementations. We evaluate the results of our parallel implementations for two Nvidia GPUs; the Tasla C2074 and the GeForce GTS 450. We compute the SSSP on graph having 5.1 million edges in 191 milliseconds. Our modified parallel implementation shows the three-fold improvement on the parallel implementation of simple Dijkstra’s algorithm.
Traversing huge graphs is a crucial part of many real-world problems, including graph databases. We show how to apply Fixed Length lightweight compression method for traversing graphs stored in the GPU global memory. This approach allows for a significant saving of memory space, improves data alignment, cache utilization and, in many cases, also processing speed. We tested our solution against the state-of-the-art implementation of BFS for GPU and obtained very promising results.
IEICE Electronics Express, 2016
The bidirectional shortest path problem has important applications in VLSI floor planning and other areas. We introduce a new algorithm to solve bidirectional shortest path problems using parallel architectures provided by general purpose computing on graphics processing units. The algorithm performs parallel searches from the source and sink using Dijkstra's classic approach modified with pruning and early termination. We achieve substantial speedup over a parallel method that performs a single parallel search on the GPGPU from the source to all other nodes but early terminates when the shortest path to the specified target node is found. Experimental results demonstrate a speedup of nearly 2Â over the parallel method that performs a parallel search from the source with early termination on the GPGPU.
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