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2021, Academia Letters…
6 pages
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The constant availability of huge repositories of professional and educational information, the continuous emergence of new educational resources leads to profound changes in educational processes and methods of obtaining and improving knowledge and skills. Intelligent educational portals should be built by forming an ontologically-oriented model of educational content, which provides formalization of information, ontological modeling of the subject area and didactic function, which provides presentation and visualization of the required educational information. In [1] the influence of visualization on the effectiveness of training in the field of computer science is investigated. Emphasis is placed on the importance of visualization tools and increasing user interest when visualization is involved. The method of visualization of professional and educational information in the form of concept maps of different types has become widespread [3]-[11]. In previous studies [12] it was proposed to build a didactic ontology based on the concept-thesis model (CTM), and also presented a way to visualize the ontology in the form of semantic-didactic maps. The aim of the work is to develop a method of automated construction of interactive concept maps in ontology-oriented web systems. The task is to provide a convenient display of graphs for users of the educational web system using content formalization based on the concept-thesis model [12]. The construction of interactive concept maps proposed in [2]-[8], [10] is based on the ontological modeling of the subject area, carried out by an expert in manual mode, and this involves significant labor and time costs. At the same time, the approach to domain modeling based on semantic networks and Semantic Web for educational systems has a number of difficulties [13]. In particular, this approach requires a complete detailed picture of the
The properties of ontological models to reflect the conceptual view of a researcher on a certain subject area and uniquely determine its concept, structure, accumulate and reuse knowledge repeatedly and make it possible to widely use it in the educational process. However, the existing tools for constructing ontological models of ontology knowledge (Protégé in integration with OWLViz, OntoGraf, 3D Hyperbolyc, Tree, TODOS, etc.) only partially satisfy the needs of the educational process. Currently, many methods and tools for visualizing ontologies are used. The choice of a particular visualization method is specific and has its own characteristics depending on the task. When choosing visualization tools, it is important that they do not only help to effectively reflect all the information, but, at the same time, allow the user to perform easily various operations on ontologies. There is no single definite method that is universal. So, a viable solution is to provide the user with several visualization options so that it is able to choose the one that is suitable for its current needs. The article describes the author's web resource , designed to create and visualize the hierarchical structure of subject areas using an ontograph. An ontograph is implemented as a combination of content-containing concepts (vertices, nodes) and the relationships between these concepts. The authors determine the possibilities of using the ontological approach in the pedagogical process by the example of working with the web resource they created, which provides convenient use of ontologies. The article discusses examples of using ontologies to provide semantic annotation for collections of images, sound and other non-text objects; for the development of documentation of arbitrary volume; for building directories with the ability to support the surjective connection of objects (nodes); to simplify the performance of search work, etc. The purpose of the article is to reveal the features of the use of ontological structures for visualizing knowledge schemes and components of the operational management of information objects.
Abstract An ontology is a classification model for a given domain. In information retrieval, ontologies are used to perform broad searches. An ontology can be visualized as nodes and edges. Each node represents an element and each edge a relation between a parent and a child element. Working with an ontology becomes easier with a visual representation. An idea is to use the expressive power of 3D representation to provide visualization for the user.
Abstract. Information visualization has been a research topic for many years, leading to a mature field where guidelines and practices are well established. Knowledge visualization, in contrast, is a relatively new area of research that has received more attention recently due to the interest from the business com-munity in Knowledge Management. In this paper we present the CmapTools software as an example of how concept maps, a knowledge visualization tool, can be combined with recent technology to provide integration between knowl-edge and information visualizations. We show how concept map-based knowl-edge models can be used to organize repositories of information in a way that makes them easily browsable, and how concept maps can improve searching algorithms for the Web. We also report on how information can be used to complement knowledge models and, based on the searching algorithms, im-prove the process of constructing concept maps. 1 Introduction: Information and Knowledge V...
KPI Science News, 2020
Background. The hypermedia environment, which has received a powerful technical infrastructure thanks to the WWW, has led to the study and emergence of new forms and tools of information and educational content presentation. Various methods and means of visualization of educational information increase clarity and facilitate the process of new knowledge perception. Such tools include a wide range of concept maps that have become widespread in many areas related to information technology and education. The challenge here is to find comprehensive solutions that will reduce computing and labor costs for the multifunctional use of concept maps in information and learning systems. Objective. The work is focused on the review of concept maps, research of preconditions for their origin, analysis of their types and purposes of application in the educational process and learning systems. The main task is to analyze the requirements for interactive concept maps in ontology-oriented information systems to support lifelong learning. Methods. The use of concept maps in educational systems is based on knowledge modeling, graph theory, ontological modeling of educational content and methods of adaptive e-learning systems. The paper reviews and analyzes the application of concept maps and requirements for them within the information and learning systems. Results. Concept maps have significant foundation in cognitive and educational psychology, computational linguistics, knowledge engineering and have widespread application in computer supported learning. Concept maps are used as a means of meaningful learning when constructed by students, used to assess knowledge, as well as a means of navigating information resources. Concept maps in educational systems are used to present knowledge to users and serve as interfaces in the process of exploratory search and review of study areas. Information systems provide enrichment of concept maps by means of interactivity, which allows diversifying and expanding its use. Conclusions. The key requirements for interactive concept maps in information and learning systems are formed, including automation of interactive concept map construction, availability of wide navigation capabilities together with cognitive load control, implementation of interdisciplinary links, media annotation of map elements, complex application of graph interfaces for different parts of the system and adaptation to mobile devices.
Artificial intelligence in …, 2003
This paper describes a novel system designed to build scrutable student models from minimal information about the student. It uses MECURIO, our tool for automatic generation of ontologies from online sources. The system takes a simple statement of the student's knowledge or interest in a topic. It uses the ontology to generate a larger set of components for the student model. The student is then able to scrutinise these inferences with a visualisation tool, VlUM.
2007 11th International Conference Information Visualization (IV '07), 2007
In this article, Visual Concept Explorer (VCE), a concept mapping tool, is introduced and its design principles are described. VCE creates dynamic concept maps for the user and facilitates user's visual interaction to concepts and documents. Its central idea is to make implicit knowledge structures explicit. As an example of practical knowledge mapping application, VCE has characteristics of both information visualization and knowledge visualization.
Ab s t rac t : Visualizing the contents to be learned about an instructional material is an effective way to facilitate learning. However, the effectiveness is not always obtained only by looking at the visualized representation. The knowledge visualization accordingly requires learners to devote more attention it. Considering the context of learning a text, this paper gives an effective knowledge visualization called Diagram Tailoring, and demonstrates an intelligent learning system. This system presents part of a diagram as a visual representation, and encourages learners to construct the whole diagram so that their attention can be devoted to the visualized representation. This paper also describes an experiment on Diagram Tailoring. As a result, we have ascertained that partial diagram presentation makes a contribution to retaining knowledge to be learned from a text. Diagram Tailoring can be consequently viewed as an available way for allowing learners to obtain the intrinsic fruitfulness of knowledge visualization.
Visual knowledge maps are being used to improve the communication processes within global organizations. Knowledge maps are graphical presentations of ontological knowledge as well as of business processes. Especially for enterprises working in a multi-cultural space the explicit formaliza-tion of knowledge and business rules using graphical models seems to be a very promising approach in order to improve discussion and learning processes. Publishing and automatic inference or search techniques are becoming available due to the latest standards for Semantic Web worked out by W3C. This article gives an impression how to create end user interfaces for the ”Corporate Knowledge Base” using MS Office and Visio with the modeling tool SemTalk. Several problems on capturing and maintaining large scale knowledge bases are discussed. Specific attention is given to the problem of weighting and association of information from orthogonal ontologies, which arises while using the same concepts in different graphical scenarios.
The problem of the quality of architectural representation, in a dynamic use finalized in web or database publication, represents the main theme of the current debate regarding the ways in which to share knowledge between different disciplinary fields. Starting with the surveying operations with the laser scanner technology, it is possible to obtain complex three-dimensional models that, through the three-dimensional photogrammetry and UV mapping systems, are integrated in a useful model for various studies. The numeric models, however, that are characterized by a high level of detail cannot be used in web navigation; the restitution of formal, dimensional and chromatic data explain a communication problem linked by the expansion of it's users and the quality of the information transmitted. Therefore, the construction of a web site that organizes the acquired and elaborated materials require two different categories of models: one linked by immediate web navigation and one in high detail that is capable of accurately describing the studied object. In such a system, the three-dimensional models become instruments of immediate visual communication, providing many links for in-depth examination. The diminishing of geometric information is substituted with maps that represent detailed and embossed maps. The normal-map are capable of increasing the perceptive quality of the low-poly models because it can substitute the normals of the model with the one obtained by RGB bitmaps that associate the components of the normal vector to the faces of the detailed numeric model with these three canals. The synergy use of the PHP language, database MySQL and VRML allows for the creation of a web site that gives the user the opportunity to study the object differently, visualizing the outcomes in real time.
X Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación, 2008
Visualization is the process of mapping data into visual dimensions to create a visual representation to amplify cognition. Visual representations are essential aids to human cognitive tasks and are valued to the extent that they provide stable and external reference points upon which dynamic activities and thought processes may be calibrated and upon which models and theories can be tested and confirmed. The active use and manipulation of visual representations makes many complex and intensive cognitive tasks feasible. A visual representation is able to convey relationships among many elements in parallel and provides an individual with directly observable memory. A successful visualization allows the user to gain insight into the data, in other words to communicate different aspect of the data in an effective way. Even with today's visualization systems that give the user a considerable control over the visualization process, it can be difficult to produce an effective visualization. To obtain useful results, a user had to know which questions to pose. Problems had to be framed in very precise terms. A strategy to improve this situation is to guide the user in the selection of the parameters involved in the visualization. Our research goal is the design of a visualization system that assist the user to do the work, by considering the semantic of the data together with the semantic of the stages through all the visualization process.
Bartın Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
Concept maps are two-dimensional visual tools providing the definition of the relationships between the concepts in a certain subject area. Although various studies indicate that the graphical display of information has a positive contribution to the process of learning, the creation of concept maps in contents especially with a high text density brings some difficulties with it. It is observed that since studies are conducted on the automatic creation of concept maps for the purpose of overcoming these difficulties, but the algorithms used in these kinds of studies are generally developed according to the language structure, the products introduced do not adjust to the language structure of Turkish. From this viewpoint, a web-based application was developed for the creation of concept maps for Turkish texts by using the term frequency and inverse document frequency algorithms and the application developed was published at The concept maps created by the application can be downloaded in a format that can be used directly in web-based learning environments.
This paper describes the process followed for visualizing, using DynMap, the student's evolution through the learning process in a Computer Security course at the University. DynMap is a system based on Concept Maps developed with the aim of providing the education community with a tool that facilitates the inspection student data. After a brief introduction, the paper describes the problem to face up. Then, the main characteristics, functionality and components of DynMap are described. Next, the summary of two studies conducted to validate DynMap are presented. Finally, some conclusions and the future perspective are pointed out.
As the importance of visualization grows day by day due to the massive knowledge, information and data generated by various sources like the World Wide Web, books etc. various tools and techniques have been designed and developed to handle complex visualizations. We propose a novel framework for classification of such tools and techniques with special emphasis on concept maps.
International Conference on Information Visualisation, 2001
The main contribution of this paper is to show how vi- sual representations of information can be based on onto- logical classifications of that information. We first discuss the central rˆ ole of ontologies on the Semantic Web. We sub- sequently outline our general approach to the construction of ontology-based visualisations of data. This is followed by a set of
This paper discusses a knowledge-based model for the design and development of units of learning and teaching aids. The idea behind this model originates from both the analysis of the open issues in instructional authoring systems, and the lack of a well-defined process able to merge pedagogical strategies with systems for the knowledge organization of the domain. In particular, it is presented the Educational Concept Map (ECM): a, pedagogically founded (derived from instructional design theories), abstract annotation system that was developed with the aim of guaranteeing the reusability of both teaching materials and knowledge structures. By means of ECMs, it is possible to design lessons and/or learning paths from an ontological structure characterized by the integration of hierarchical and associative relationships among the educational objectives. The paper also discusses how the ECMs can be implemented by means of the ISO/IEC 13250 Topic Maps standard. Based on the same model, it is also considered the possibility of visualizing, through a graphical model, and navigate, through an ontological browser, the knowledge structure and the relevant resources associated to them.
In this paper a general purpose tool for editing Concept Maps (CM-ED) is presented. This tool exhibits the following features: templates, views and facilities for multilingual concept maps. The tool has been used in different tasks of the Computer Aided Teaching/Learning area. Concretely: domain representation, exercise design and student model visualization.
Current educational theories emphasize assessment as a vital part of teaching-learning process. Alternative assessment techniques aim to expose and promote the process of the learning rather than the final outcome. Concept mapping is a technique for representing conceptual knowledge and relationships between concepts in a graphical form. Requiring to construct concept maps encourages learners to organize concepts and the relationships between them in a hierarchical structure. Although constructing concept maps might be difficult in every domain including mathematics and might require extensive domain knowledge, it is essential to employ concept mapping technique in order to reveal learner’s conceptual understanding. Hence, asking learners construct their concept maps or to fill missing parts in a pre-designed concept maps might be used as a part of the assessment process. A prototype computer system, called Concept Map Assessor (CMA), is designed to help learners to construct concep...
The purpose of the project was to "conduct research and design concept maps about the knowledge base in higher education" and to "prototype these concept maps and the ways in which they may be used to help navigate and search Internet resources." This Technical Report and demonstrations to ERIC staff are the primary deliverables.
Nowadays, Semantic web and ontology applications which came with it, are commonly used in social media, entertainment and shopping sites. But usage of semantic web in education field is limited. Semantic web applications are useful developing tools and ELearning objects can be used for creation and editing. It is important that Individuals on the internet arrange educational techniques based on their interests and needs (Stutt & Motta 2004). Thus, it is envisaged that, semantic web applications will have large contribution conception when moving to individualized education in future education. The aim of this study is to create concept maps for educators, which is one of the significant learning techniques and widely applied in the teaching process, by using ontologies. In accordance to this aim, an ontology based system made with “Protege 4.3” developing tool based on RDF(Resource Description Framework) language and can be queried in E-Learning environment by using ontology query l...
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