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Physical Review C
16 pages
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Numerical semi-classical calculations are carried out to study the angular distribution of deuterons from the p,d pickup reaction of 25 MeV protons incident on the nucleus 156 Gd and also its proton elastic scattering. It is found that, due to the rapid fall of the real optical potential in the vicinity of the target nucleus, the classical trajectories are very sensitive to the proton impact parameters. A selection of 276,983 trajectories is used for protons with impact parameters p b satisfying p 7.23018 f m 10 f m b ≤ ≤ with steps of 5 10 f m −. Using the imaginary part of the optical potential for protons, a simple quantum approach is constructed to evaluate the probability of a surviving proton throughout its path. In addition, a simple three-body quantum approach is developed to calculate the probability of a neutron transfer by a surviving proton at closest approach. The formed deuteron is then allowed to start its trajectory while keeping its identity until detected. Throughout this journey, the deuteron trajectory is under the influence of its Coulomb and real optical potential, while its absorption is determined by the imaginary optical potential component. Within estimated uncertainties, the resulting theoretical angular distribution achieves a comparable fit with experimental results for the angular momentum transfer L=0 compared to other theoretical models, and concludes that the strong p,d cross sections are due to the dominant s 1/2 component of the Nilsson 1 2 + [400] level in 155 Gd.
Nuclear Physics A, 1972
The elastic scattering cross section of deuterons on hydrogen (dcr/d.Q)¢ ..... is measured in the proton's c.m. angular range 0p-115"-170 ° at bombarding energies of 433, 362 and 291 MeV. The results at 291 MeV agree with earlier measurements at 140 MeV proton bombarding energy. The differential cross section at 180: obtained by extrapolation of the data to 0 o =:,r decreases rapidly with increasing energy as predicted by a nucleon-exchange mechanism. Furtherevidence that nucleon-exchange dominates is found in the behavior of (dcr/d.Q) .... at large angles. In this energy range, as well as at higher bombarding energies (equivalent to 632 MeV deuterons), (dcr,'dY2) .... is universally dependent on the momentum-transfer variable of the nucleon-exchange mechanism [d-(~ cos (-)p-~tt)½] (tr is the four-momentum transfer squared for elastic scattering). The purpose of the experiment has been to determine the D-state probability Po through the medium of the neutron-exchange mechanism. Preliminary calculations not reported here suggest that the differential cross section between 1 and 2 fm-~ is quite sensitive to Po. El NUCLEAR REACTIONS 'H(d,d)~H, E-433, 362 and 291 MeV; i I measured ~r(0).
Nuclear Physics A, 2010
Total reaction cross sections for 38, 67 and 97 MeV deuteron for several nuclei have been analyzed within the theoretical framework of the Glauber model. The Glauber elastic S-matrix element to the deuteronnucleus system is evaluated in the rigid projectile model which takes as the input N -d elastic scattering amplitude evaluated in terms of the nucleon-nucleon amplitude and ground state density of the deuteron. The analysis takes into consideration the Coulomb modification of the projectile trajectory, downward energy shift of the projectile nucleon due to the Coulomb field and the modification on nucleon-nucleon total cross section. The contribution to the total reaction cross section from the photo-disintegration of the deuteron is also considered. Using the semi-phenomenological proton and neutron densities for the target, we find that in general, the theoretical predictions are in fairly good agreement with the experimental data.
Physical Review C, 2007
Microscopic optical model potential results for reaction cross sections of proton elastic scattering are presented. The applications cover the 10-1000 MeV energy range and consider both stable and unstable nuclei. The study is based on in-medium g-matrix full-folding optical model approach with the appropriate relativistic kinematic corrections needed for the higher energy applications. The effective interactions are based on realistic NN potentials supplemented with a separable non-Hermitian term to allow optimum agreement with current NN phase-shift analyzes, particularly the inelasticities above pion production threshold. The target ground-state densities are obtained from Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov calculations based on the finite range, density dependent Gogny force. The evaluated reaction cross sections for proton scattering are compared with measurements and their systematics is analyzed. A simple function of the total cross sections in terms of the atomic mass number is observed at high energies. At low energies, however, discrepancies with the available data are observed, being more pronounced in the lighter systems.
Physics Letters B, 1977
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2012
A current interest in nuclear reactions, specifically with rare isotopes concentrates on their reaction with neutrons, in particular neutron capture. In order to facilitate reactions with neutrons one must use indirect methods using deuterons as beam or target of choice. For adding neutrons, the most common reaction is the (d,p) reaction, in which the deuteron breaks up and the neutron is captured by the nucleus. Those (d,p) reactions may be viewed as a three-body problem in a many-body context. This contribution reports on a feasibility study for describing phenomenological nucleon-nucleus optical potentials in momentum space in a separable form, so that they may be used for Faddeev calculations of (d,p) reactions.
Nuclear Physics B, 1970
The theory of high-energy hadron-nucleus collisions is discussed by means of the multiple-diffraction theory. Effects of the Coulomb field are accounted for in elastic scattering by light and heavy nuclei. Inelastic scattering is treated by means of the shadowed single collision approximation at small momentum transfer and the corresponding multiple collision expansion at large momentum transfers. The theory is compared with the measurements of Bellettini et al. on proton-nucleus scattering at 20 GeV/c by finding density distributions for the nuclei which provide least-squares fits to the data. The nucleon densities found are closely comparable in dimensions to the known charge densities. The predicted sums of the angular distributions of elastic and inelastic scattering reproduce the experimental angular distributions fairly closely. × j [l+~tj(b,b')]-i d2bd2b ' .
Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2018
This study aims to analyze the differential cross sections (DCSs) of elastic scattering and total reaction cross sections (TRCSs) of the loosely-bound deuteron projectile impinging on 1p-shell nuclei, such as 9 Be, 12 C, and 16 O, at incident energies ranging between 10.6 and 171 MeV using the continuum discretized coupled channel (CDCC) method. By fitting the experimental data for the DCSs and TRCSs, energy-dependent renormalization factors for the real and imaginary parts of the nucleon-nucleus opticalmodel potentials deduced from the studies proposed by Koning and Delaroche (KD02) and by Watson, Singh, and Segel (WSS), are obtained. It is found that with the WSS potential, which was obtained specifically for 1p-shell nuclei, the CDCC calculations can simultaneously reproduce both the DCSs and the TRCSs. The results show that it is important to choose appropriate optical potentials to describe deuteron-induced reactions. total reaction cross sections, differential cross sections, deuteron, 1 p-shell nuclei
Few-Body Systems, 2008
Physical Review C, 2002
Physical Review Letters, 1998
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Nuclear Physics A, 1981
Nuclear Physics, 1962
The European Physical Journal A, 2011
Physical Review C, 1983
Physical Review C, 1994
Physical Review A, 2008
Physical Review Letters, 1998
Laser and Particle Beams, 2015
Physics Letters B, 1981
Physical Review Letters, 2007
Nuclear Physics A, 1973
Nuclear Physics A, 1984
Lettere Al Nuovo Cimento Series 2, 1976
Physics Reports, 1991
Nuclear Physics A, 1977
EPJ Web of Conferences, 2014
Physical Review C, 2008
Physical Review C, 1996
Nuclear Physics A, 1995
Physical Review C, 1994