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2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Much recent work has been devoted to approximate nearest neighbor queries. Motivated by applications in recommender systems, we consider approximate furthest neighbor (AFN) queries. We present a simple, fast, and highly practical data structure for answering AFN queries in high-dimensional Euclidean space. We build on the technique of Indyk (SODA 2003), storing random projections to provide sublinear query time for AFN. However, we introduce a di↵erent query algorithm, improving on Indyk's approximation factor and reducing the running time by a logarithmic factor. We also present a variation based on a queryindependent ordering of the database points; while this does not have the provable approximation factor of the query-dependent data structure, it o↵ers significant improvement in time and space complexity. We give a theoretical analysis, and experimental results.
SIAM Journal on Computing, 2013
We study the Approximate Nearest Neighbor problem for metric spaces where the query points are constrained to lie on a subspace of low doubling dimension, while the data is high-dimensional. We show that this problem can be solved efficiently despite the high dimensionality of the data.
Information Systems, 2016
Much recent work has been devoted to approximate nearest neighbor queries. Motivated by applications in recommender systems, we consider approximate furthest neighbor (AFN) queries and present a simple, fast, and highly practical data structure for answering AFN queries in high-dimensional Euclidean space. The method builds on the technique of Indyk (SODA 2003), storing random projections to provide sublinear query time for AFN. However, we introduce a different query algorithm, improving on Indyk's approximation factor and reducing the running time by a logarithmic factor. We also present a variation based on a query-independent ordering of the database points; while this does not have the provable approximation factor of the query-dependent data structure, it offers significant improvement in time and space complexity. We give a theoretical analysis, and experimental results. As an application, the querydependent approach is used for deriving a data structure for the approximate annulus query problem, which is defined as follows: given an input set S and two parameters r > 0 and w ≥ 1, construct a data structure that returns for each query point q a point p ∈ S such that the distance between p and q is at least r/w and at most wr.
Given a set P of N points in a ddimensional space, along with a query point q, it is often desirable to find k points of P that are with high probability close to q. This is the Approximate k-Nearest-Neighbors problem. We present two algorithms for AkNN. Both require O(N 2 d) preprocessing time. The first algorithm has a query time cost that is O(d+log N ), while the second has a query time cost that is O(d). Both algorithms create an undirected graph on the points of P by adding edges to a linked list storing P in Hilbert order. To find approximate nearest neighbors of a query point, both algorithms perform bestfirst search on this graph. The first algorithm uses standard one dimensional indexing structures to find starting points on the graph for this search, whereas the second algorithm using random starting points. Despite the quadratic preprocessing time, our algorithms have the potential to be useful in machine learning applications where the number of query points that need to be processed is large compared to the number of points in P . The linear dependence in d of the preprocessing and query time costs of our algorithms allows them to remain effective even when dealing with highdimensional data.
A randomized algorithm employs a degree of randomness as part of its logic with uniform random bits as an auxiliary input to guide its behavior, in the hope of achieving good average runtime performance over all possible choices of the random bits. In this paper, we formulate a randomized algorithm capable of finding approximate nearest neighbors, specifically in high dimensional datasets. The random bits of this algorithm are sets of kernels chosen from the Gaussian normal distribution, which are used to create a data structure that guarantees sublinear runtime complexity and retrieval accuracy. The algorithm focuses on selecting the optimal cardinalities of the kernels and their members. These cardinalities influence computational, memory and runtime complexities of the algorithm. We demonstrate that using the cardinality of the kernels to determine the kernel size guarantees the highest provable lower bound of the probability of collision of related items; thus accurate retrieval of nearest neighbors. When implemented on Cray XE6 machine using 76 processes, our algorithm achieves speedup of 69 and approximately 48x performance gain in average query runtime with the retrieval accuracy of 90.5%.
Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Conference on Machine Learning - ICML '09, 2009
High dimensionality can pose severe difficulties, widely recognized as different aspects of the curse of dimensionality. In this paper we study a new aspect of the curse pertaining to the distribution of k-occurrences, i.e., the number of times a point appears among the k nearest neighbors of other points in a data set. We show that, as dimensionality increases, this distribution becomes considerably skewed and hub points emerge (points with very high k-occurrences). We examine the origin of this phenomenon, showing that it is an inherent property of highdimensional vector space, and explore its influence on applications based on measuring distances in vector spaces, notably classification, clustering, and information retrieval.
We investigate the problem of approximate similarity (nearest neighbor) search in high-dimensional metric spaces, and describe how the distance distribution of the query object can be exploited so as to provide probabilistic guarantees on the quality of the result. This leads to a new paradigm for similarity search, called PAC-NN (probably approximately correct nearest neighbor) queries, aiming to break the "dimensionality curse". PAC-NN queries return, with probability at least 1 ; , a (1 + )-approximate NN -an object whose distance from the query q is less than (1 + ) times the distance between q and its NN. Analytical and experimental results obtained for sequential and index-based algorithms show that PAC-NN queries can be efficiently processed even on very high-dimensional spaces and that control can be exerted in order to tradeoff the accuracy of the result and the cost.
Information Processing Letters, 1993
Bern, M., Approximate closest-point queries in high dimensions, Information Processing Letters 45 (1993) 95-99. Given n points in d dimensions, we show how to construct a data structure of space O(d2dn) that approximately answers closest-point queries in time O . The returned point is at most Ofd 'j2) times further from the query point than the true closest point. We also show how to construct a data structure of space O(dn log m), that-with high probability-can answer a sequence of m closest-point queries in time O(d log n log m) per query, with approximation ratio 0(d3/2). Our data structures are based on quadtrees.
Proceedings of the twelfth international conference on Information and knowledge management - CIKM '03, 2003
Reverse Nearest Neighbor (RNN) queries are of particular interest in a wide range of applications such as decision support systems, profile based marketing, data streaming, document databases, and bioinformatics. The earlier approaches to solve this problem mostly deal with two dimensional data. However most of the above applications inherently involve high dimensions and high dimensional RNN problem is still unexplored. In this paper, we propose an approximate solution to answer RNN queries in high dimensions. Our approach is based on the strong correlation in practice between k-NN and RNN. It works in two phases. In the first phase the k-NN of a query point is found and in the next phase they are further analyzed using a novel type of query Boolean Range Query (BRQ). Experimental results show that BRQ is much more efficient than both NN and range queries, and can be effectively used to answer RNN queries. Performance is further improved by running multiple BRQ simultaneously. The proposed approach can also be used to answer other variants of RNN queries such as RNN of order k, bichromatic RNN, and Matching Query which has many applications of its own. Our technique can efficiently answer NN, RNN, and its variants with approximately same number of I/O as running a NN query.
The $c$-approximate Near Neighbor problem in high dimensional spaces has been mainly addressed by Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH), which offers polynomial dependence on the dimension, query time sublinear in the size of the dataset, and subquadratic space requirement. For practical applications, linear space is typically imperative. Most previous work in the linear space regime focuses on the case that $c$ exceeds $1$ by a constant term. In a recently accepted paper, optimal bounds have been achieved for any $c>1$ \cite{ALRW17}. Towards practicality, we present a new and simple data structure using linear space and sublinear query time for any $c>1$ including $c\to 1^+$. Given an LSH family of functions for some metric space, we randomly project points to the Hamming cube of dimension $\log n$, where $n$ is the number of input points. The projected space contains strings which serve as keys for buckets containing the input points. The query algorithm simply projects the query...
Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Data Engineering (Cat. No.00CB37073), 2000
In high-dimensional and complex metric spaces, determining the nearest neighbor (NN) of a query object Õ can be a very expensive task, because of the poor partitioning operated by index structures-the so-called "curse of dimensionality". This also affects approximately correct (AC) algorithms, which return as result a point whose distance from Õ is less than´½ •¯µ times the distance between Õ and its true NN. In this paper we introduce a new approach to approximate similarity search, called PAC-NN queries, where the error bound¯can be exceeded with probability AE and both¯and AE parameters can be tuned at query time to trade the quality of the result for the cost of the search. We describe sequential and index-based PAC-NN algorithms that exploit the distance distribution of the query object in order to determine a stopping condition that respects the error bound. Analysis and experimental evaluation of the sequential algorithm confirm that, for moderately large data sets and suitableā nd AE values, PAC-NN queries can be efficiently solved and the error controlled. Then, we provide experimental evidence that indexing can further speed-up the retrieval process by up to 1-2 orders of magnitude without giving up the accuracy of the result.
Pattern Recognition, 2010
A novel approach for k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) searching with Euclidean metric is described. It is well known that many sophisticated algorithms cannot beat the brute-force algorithm when the dimensionality is high. In this study, a probably correct approach, in which the correct set of k-nearest neighbors is obtained in high probability, is proposed for greatly reducing the searching time. We exploit the marginal distribution of the kth nearest neighbors in low dimensions, which is estimated from the stored data (an empirical percentile approach). We analyze the basic nature of the marginal distribution and show the advantage of the implemented algorithm, which is a probabilistic variant of the partial distance searching. Its query time is sublinear in data size n, that is, O(mnδ) with δ = o(1) in n and δ ≤ 1 , for any fixed dimension m.
Similarity search in multimedia databases requires an efficient support of nearest-neighbor search on a large set of high-dimensional points as a basic operation for query processing. As recent theoretical results show, state of the art approaches to nearest-neighbor search are not efficient in higher dimensions. In our new approach, we therefore precompute the result of any nearest-neighbor search which corresponds to a computation of the voronoi cell of each data point. In a second step, we store the voronoi cells in an index structure efficient for high-dimensional data spaces. As a result, nearest neighbor search corresponds to a simple point query on the index structure. Although our technique is based on a precomputation of the solution space, it is dynamic, i.e. it supports insertions of new data points. An extensive experimental evaluation of our technique demonstrates the high efficiency for uniformly distributed as well as real data. We obtained a significant reduction of the search time compared to nearest neighbor search in the X-tree (up to a factor of 4).
Proceedings of the 35th SIGMOD international conference on Management of data - SIGMOD '09, 2009
Nearest neighbor (NN) search in high dimensional space is an important problem in many applications. Ideally, a practical solution (i) should be implementable in a relational database, and (ii) its query cost should grow sub-linearly with the dataset size, regardless of the data and query distributions. Despite the bulk of NN literature, no solution fulfills both requirements, except locality sensitive hashing (LSH). The existing LSH implementations are either rigorous or adhoc. Rigorous-LSH ensures good quality of query results, but requires expensive space and query cost. Although adhoc-LSH is more efficient, it abandons quality control, i.e., the neighbor it outputs can be arbitrarily bad. As a result, currently no method is able to ensure both quality and efficiency simultaneously in practice.
In this paper we introduce a new paradigm for similarity search, called PAC-NN (probably approximately correct nearest neighbor) queries, aiming to break the "dimensionality curse" which inhibits current approaches to be applied in high-dimensional spaces. PAC-NN queries return, with probability at least 1 − δ, a (1 +)-approximate NN-an object whose distance from the query q is less than (1 +) times the distance between q and its NN. We describe how the distance distribution of the query object can be used to determine a suitable stopping condition with probabilistic guarantees on the quality of the result, and then analyze performance of both sequential and index-based PAC-NN algorithms. This shows that PAC-NN queries can be efficiently processed even on very high-dimensional spaces and that control can be exerted in order to tradeoff between the accuracy of the result and the cost.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012
We propose a novel approach for solving the approximate nearest neighbor search problem in arbitrary metric spaces. The distinctive feature of our approach is that we can incrementally build a non-hierarchical distributed structure for given metric space data with a logarithmic complexity scaling on the size of the structure and adjustable accuracy probabilistic nearest neighbor queries. The structure is based on a small world graph with vertices corresponding to the stored elements, edges for links between them and the greedy algorithm as base algorithm for searching. Both search and addition algorithms require only local information from the structure. The performed simulation for data in the Euclidian space shows that the structure built using the proposed algorithm has navigable small world properties with logarithmic search complexity at fixed accuracy and has weak (power law) scalability with the dimensionality of the stored data.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 1997
The problem of finding the closest point in high-dimensional spaces is common in pattern recognition. Unfortunately, the complexity of most existing search algorithms, such as k-d tree and R-tree, grows exponentially with dimension, making them impractical for dimensionality above 15. In nearly all applications, the closest point is of interest only if it lies within a user-specified distance e. We present a simple and practical algorithm to efficiently search for the nearest neighbor within Euclidean distance e. The use of projection search combined with a novel data structure dramatically improves performance in high dimensions. A complexity analysis is presented which helps to automatically determine e in structured problems. A comprehensive set of benchmarks clearly shows the superiority of the proposed algorithm for a variety of structured and unstructured search problems. Object recognition is demonstrated as an example application. The simplicity of the algorithm makes it possible to construct an inexpensive hardware search engine which can be 100 times faster than its software equivalent. A C++ implementation of our algorithm is available upon request to [email protected]/CAVE/.
Proceedings of the fifth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining - KDD '99, 1999
We consider the problem of performing nearest-neighbor queries e ciently over large high-dimensional databases. Assuming that a full database scan to determine the nearest neighborentries is not acceptable, we study the possibility of constructing an index structure over the database. It is well-accepted that traditional database indexing algorithms fail for high-dimensional data (say d > 10 or 20 depending on the scheme). Some arguments have a d v ocated that nearest-neighbor queries do not even make sense for high-dimensional data since the ratio of maximum and minimum distance goes to 1 as dimensionality increases. We show that these arguments are based on over-restrictive assumptions, and that in the general case it is meaningful and possible to perform such queries. We present an approach for deriving a multidimensional index to support approximate nearestneighbor queries over large databases. Our approach, called DBIN, scales to high-dimensional databases by exploiting statistical properties of the data. The approach is based on statistically modeling the density of the content of the data table. DBIN uses the density model to derive a single index over the data table and requires physically rewriting data in a new table sorted by the newly created index (i.e. create what is known as a clustered-index in the database literature). The indexing scheme produces a mapping between a query point (a data record) and an ordering on the clustered index values. Data is then scanned according to the index until the probability that the nearest-neighbor has been found exceeds some threshold. We present theoretical and empirical justi cation for DBIN. The scheme supports a family of distance functions which includes the traditional Euclidean distance measure.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005
Kernel based methods (such as k-nearest neighbors classifiers) for AI tasks translate the classification problem into a proximity search problem, in a space that is usually very high dimensional. Unfortunately, no proximity search algorithm does well in high dimensions. An alternative to overcome this problem is the use of approximate and probabilistic algorithms, which trade time for accuracy. In this paper we present a new probabilistic proximity search algorithm. Its main idea is to order a set of samples based on their distance to each element. It turns out that the closeness between the order produced by an element and that produced by the query is an excellent predictor of the relevance of the element to answer the query. The performance of our method is unparalleled. For example, for a full 128-dimensional dataset, it is enough to review 10% of the database to obtain 90% of the answers, and to review less than 1% to get 80% of the correct answers. The result is more impressive if we realize that a full 128dimensional dataset may span thousands of dimensions of clustered data. Furthermore, the concept of proximity preserving order opens a totally new approach for both exact and approximated proximity searching.
2009 Second International Workshop on Similarity Search and Applications, 2009
Retrieving the k-nearest neighbors of a query object is a basic primitive in similarity searching. A related, far less explored primitive is to obtain the dataset elements which would have the query object within their own k-nearest neighbors, known as the reverse k-nearest neighbor query. We already have indices and algorithms to solve k-nearest neighbors queries in general metric spaces; yet, in many cases of practical interest they degenerate to sequential scanning. The naive algorithm for reverse k-nearest neighbor queries has quadratic complexity, because the k-nearest neighbors of all the dataset objects must be found; this is too expensive. Hence, when solving these primitives we can tolerate trading correctness in the solution for searching time. In this paper we propose an efficient approximate approach to solve these similarity queries with high retrieval rate. Then, we show how to use our approximate k-nearest neighbor queries to construct (an approximation of) the k-nearest neighbor graph when we have a fixed dataset. Finally, combining both primitives we show how to dynamically maintain the approximate k-nearest neighbor graph of the objects currently stored within the metric dataset, that is, considering both object insertions and deletions.
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