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2022, Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion…
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The Holy Spirit is a scriptural spiritual tradition, 9 which has evolved into a doctrine, in the Christian 10 tradition. It is present throughout the Christian 11 Scriptures and has arisen and evolved from "the 12 Spirit," "Spirit of the LORD," or "Spirit of God" 13 in the Hebrew Scriptures. Michael Ramsay (1977, 14 pp. 14-15) summarizes this evolution.
Most Christians will agree that it is by the power of the Holy Spirit that God communicates, directs, instructs, corrects, convicts, reproves, advises and finally seals those who are willing to listen and obey. The prophet Zechariah tells us, "Then he answered und spuke unto me, saying, This is the word of the Lord unto Zerabbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by *y spiril, saith the Lord of hosts." (Zech.4:6)If it is only by His Holy Spirit that God has determined to save mankind, then it is no wonder that in Matthew l2:3I we are cautioned that the only sin for which one cannot be forgiven is blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Therefore it is a great sin to ignore or belittle the promptings of God's Holy Spirit. Furthermore, Ephesians 4:30 tells us, "And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed anto the day of redemption." So we see that it is very important that the Christian pay very close attention to that still small voice that is guiding us unto salvation.
Revive, 2021
spatio-temporal; for example, one can imagine empty space but one cannot imagine anything, say a table, that does not occupy space. But, since God is Spirit, He cannot be imagined in spatio-temporal terms. Therefore, idolatry or representation of the Divine in spatio-temporal terms is forbidden in the Bible. Christ as God is Spirit; Christ as Man is flesh and bones. Through His incarnation and resurrection, Christ made it possible that we receive the Promise of the Spirit, so that those who are born of God by faith in Christ will rise again from the dead in a spiritual body on the Last Day (1Cor.15:44-49).
Peacemakers' Press, 2022
The Greek word for SPIRIT is pneûma. It is found around 385 times in the New Testament texts. However, nowhere does it appear as THE Holy Spirit. Nowhere in the Old Testament does it appear either as THE Holy Spirit. If the word THE does not appear in a Bible verse you cannot add one without changing the meaning. “Let’s eat grandma is very different from “Let’s eat, grandma.”
Какво е Светия Дух? Възгледите на Свидетелите на Йехова за "святия дух" // Was ist der Heilige Geist? Die Ansicht der Zeugen Jehovas über den "Heiligen Geist" // ¿Qué es el Espíritu Santo? El punto de vista de los testigos de Jehová sobre el "espíritu santo", 2020
Recently while browsing the internet I came at an article in by the name “What is the Holy Spirit”. I have read it with interest. As a Christian believing in the Holy Trinity I decided to analyze the article. Contrary to the position of Jehovah’s Witnesses that “the holy spirit is God’s power in action, his active force”, I shall argue and defend the position that the Holy Spirit is a divine Person. For this my task is to use only their New World Translation. So all Bible verses unless in Greek are from the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition). The Greek version I have used is Nestle 1904. I shall now place the main question: Is God Jehovah the Person that is behind the “holy spirit” as an impersonal power of Jehovah? With other words does the Holy Spirit have a separate personality as the God Jehovah and the Son have?
Cover photograph by Cathy Wood. "La PcntccostCs" -1\ll Rights Reserved© MUSEO NACIONAL DEL Pll.AD()-J\fi\DRJI).
Journal of the Adventist Theological Society, 2018
John K. McVay. "The Holy Spirit in the New Testament." Journal of the Adventist Theological Society 29, no. 1-2 (2018): 156-191.
The Bible Translator, 2010
The Thomist: A Speculative Quarterly Review, 2015
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The Holy Spirit Doctrine by Wm. F. Bekgaard, 2024
Religious Studies Review, 2013
Dictionary of Paul and His Letters, 2nd Edition, 2023
The Ecumenical Review, 1990