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2014, Aelius Falado 1.0
111 pages
1 file
This project is included in the area of Corpus Linguistics and morphological analysis of Brazilian Portuguese, which is about automatic morphological annotation corpus of spoken language. The work aims to contribute to the improvement of the automatic morphosyntactic tagger Aelius, originally developed by prof. Dr. Leonel Alencar, from Universidade Federal do Ceará, coordinator of the project CompLin - Natural Language and Computation. The tags used in Aelius are the same tags of Tycho-Brahe historical Portuguese corpus (electronic corpus already tagged, composed of texts in Portuguese written by authors born between 1380 and 1845). The texts that were used for tagging come from the bank of Varsul project, which studies the linguistic variation in southern Brazil. We worked with automatic tag of 20 texts, containing 154.530 words. This project presents the tool for automatic tagging, the automatic morphosyntactic analysis process executed by the tagger and our auto-tagging manual review work, besides some suggestions of improvement to deal specifically with aspects of orality. We will verify the Aelius’ performance in automatic morphosyntactic tagging of a corpus of spoken language, an unprecedented challenge to this tool. From the errors of the tagger, we seek to infer certain patterns of annotation to overcome limitations presented by the program, proposing some suggestions of implementations so that Aelius can tag even more satisfactorily corpus of spoken language. We will deal especially with cases of interjections, apheresis, onomatopoeia and conversational markers.
Neste artigo, propomos que Horácio, ao tomar como modelo para a disposição das Odes a edição helenística de Alceu, que se iniciava por um hino a Apolo (fr. 307a V.), cria a expectativa de louvor a um deus. o primeiro hino nas Odes, porém, é a mercúrio (carm. 1. 10), o inventor da lira, que assim 'rouba' a posição de destaque dada a Apolo na edição-modelo. Numa leitura metapoética, entendemos que o roubo, característica ressaltada ao longo do poema, não só é das vacas e da aljava, mas também da própria voz de Febo. Além disso, a habilidade em enganar de mercúrio parece incidir no engano que se tem ao considerar a ode como fim do livro. Ao criar ainda a expectativa de conclusão, ao deslocar o hino para o final da primeira parte do livro, o carm. 1. 10 mostra-se um falso fim na continuidade da leitura. esse jocoso mercúrio, como jocosa é a lírica de Horácio (carm. 3. 3. 69: non hoc iocosae conveniet lyrae), parece disputar ainda a posição com Apolo em outros lugares estratégicos de Odes 1. Palavras-chave: Horácio; Odes; hino; mercúrio; Apolo; falso fim.
Tradução e adaptação para Português de Portugal de Júlio Sameiro Aclimatação para o Português do Brasil de Ibrahim Cesar O objetivo de um argumento é expor as razões que sustentam uma conclusão. Um argumento é falacioso quando parece que as razões apresentadas sustentam a conclusão, mas na realidade não sustentam. Da mesma maneira que há padrões típicos, largamente usados, de argumentação correta, também há padrões típicos de argumento falacioso. A tradição lógica e filosófica procurou inventariar e batizar essas falácias típicas e este guia pretende listá-las.
A razão principal pela qual escolhemos este tema-problema deveu-se ao facto de presenciarmos, diariamente, cenários de puro desmazelo na nossa localidade (troço entre Laborim e Carvalhos -Rechousa), dos quais destacamos, o mau estado dos pavimentos o que provoca insegurança aos transeuntes, aos automobilistas e à população local.
Apostila Sobre Análise de Estabilidade de Taludes
1 Introdução Entende-se por talude qualquer superfície inclinada que limita um maciço de terra, de rocha ou de terra e rocha. Podem ser naturais, no caso das encostas, ou artificiais, construídos pelo homem, como cortes e aterros, para construção de barragens, rodovias, diques,canais, fundações, e outras. A figura mostra as terminologias usualmente adotadas: A estabilidade do talude é decisivamente condicionada à natureza dos materiais e agentes perturbadores, quer de natureza geológica, hidrológica ou geotécnica, o que os torna da maior complexidade, abrindo amplos horizontes aos especialistas da área de solos. Esta análise de estabilidade de taludes, naturais ou artificiais, prevalece mais a probabilidade que a certeza. A estabilidade é um problema de grande importância, devido ao grande número de acidentes ocorridos, iminentes ou receados, em várias épocas dos anos e em vários países. Podendo-se citar os escorregamentos ocorridos no RJ, com inúmeras baixas. Apesar dos avanços da ciência, ainda hoje, esses fenômenos constituem um dos maiores problemas relacionados a Mecânica dos Solos, no que se refere aos aspectos teóricos de previsão de seu mecanismo de evolução com o tempo, correta quantificação dos parâmetros dos materiais e exata análise dos esforços solicitantes e resistentes.
Ciudades Romanas de Hispania Cities of Roman Hispania, 2021
Abstract The paper presents a brief synthesis on how was built the actual knowledge about the Roman town of Felicitas Iulia Olisipo, underneath modern Lisbon (Portugal). An Atlantic city located in the mouth of Tagus River, and a major port of Lusitania. Felicitas Iulia Olisipo was first just one town name in classical literature. A place of some relevant historical events described by Strabo and also a place of mirabilia, according to Pliny the Elder. Was also a place name inscribed in some Latin epigraphs recorded by scholars. From the actual Ancient Roman town, just the notice of one Roman dam was mentioned, in the context of all the studies related to the new water supply system that should be done to Lisbon. Documents and studies about the water supply system, from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Centuries always put on the table the hypothesis of following the ancient Roman piping. It looks like the Roman aqueduct was still visible in those times, at least in some of its sections. After the great 1755 earthquake, the reconstruction of the town revealed a couple of monumental public buildings. First, a cryptoporticus that now we know was the substructure of the monumental Bath house of the Port, then another great public baths, the so called thermae cassiorum, from an epigraph found there; and, at the end, the theatre. Despite some intents from an Italian Architect to preserve in situ the theatre ruins, all three monuments were not preserved. On one hand, due to the necessity of building the new town of Lisbon, on the other hand, for all the political instability of the early Nineteenth Century (the Napoleonic invasions and the displacement of the Portuguese crown to Brazil, then the civil war between Liberals and Absolutists). These discoveries related to the rebuilding of the town are important for the knowledge of Felicitas Iulia Olisipo major public buildings, but it is rather strange why no private houses with stucco paintings and mosaics and neither the fish salted tanks related to the fish processing factories, archaeological structures that we now know are very frequent at the down town, were noticed and recorded during the huge process of reconstruction. It looks they didn’t attracted the scholars attention. From the second half of Nineteenth Century to de end of Twentieth Century, few attention or protection was payed to the Roman town. Some rescue excavations were done: at a large necropolis and at some remains of the circus found during the works to set the first Metro network or the Roman theatre once again discovered, but no actual policy for archaeological remains preservation was settled. In this period, many studies were published on the history of Lisbon, some with relevant interest to the better understanding of the Roman town, but they deal chiefly with already published information, not searching nor using new fresh data. At the end of the Twentieth Century, when Lisbon was the European Cultural Capital (1994), a great exhibition done, named “Subterraneous Lisbon”, was important to put the Archaeological remains underneath the modern town on the media agenda and in full display to the so called general public, but it was also a clear proof of the few progresses in the Roman town knowledge all over de Twentieth Century, as the exhibition exposes chiefly what was already known at the beginning of the Century, with no relevant fresh information besides the recognition of the relevant fish processing (salsamenta) industry of Felicitas Iulia Olisipo. In the last decades, the changing in Portuguese archaeological activity legislation produced a major change. We pass from some accidental rescue excavations to contract excavations to be done previous to any subsoil * Felicitas Ivlia Olisipo (Lisboa): o grande porto da Lusitania. ** Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa. Centro de Arqueologia (Uniarq). [email protected] Esta publicação foi financiada por fundos nacionais através da FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., no âmbito do Projecto UIDB/00698/2020 / This work was financed by Portuguese funds through FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, in the framework of the Project UIDB/00698/2020 — 110 — Felicitas Ivlia Olisipo 1 Faria, 2001: 353-355; Fernandes; Fernandes, 2020. 2 Geog. III, 3, 1, Deserto; Marques, 2019: 59-60. 3 Plínio-o-Velho, Nat.: 4.116; Guerra, 1995; Guerra, 2019a. 4 Plínio-o-Velho, Nat.: 9. 9; Guerra, 1995; Guerra, 2019a. 5 Plínio-o-Velho, 4, 113; Guerra, 1995; Guerra, 2019a. 6 Fernandes, 1985; Guerra; Cachão; Freitas, 2019, particularmente Guerra, 2019b. 7 Góis, [1554], 1988. 8 Silva, 1944, com extensas referências às diferentes descobertas de epígrafes, p. 10-39. 9 D’Hollanda [1571], 1984. intervention. We pass also from amateur and academic archaeology to professional archaeology. Many different agents in many different conditions and situations worked from then on in Lisbon. The major renewal of the historic buildings, increased chiefly by touristic demand, produced a huge amount of new excavations. Nowadays the Roman town is better known day by day by the several urban excavation done in the context of urban rehabilitation. Unfortunately, excavations are much more than the recommended publication of the results and there is some lack of truly historical knowledge coming from all that activity. We have now much more dots related to Roman occupation in the modern urban map, but those dots didn’t mean truly information about the historical sequences of building / transformations / abandonment, what we expect to know from any archaeological excavation. In the last years Lisbon municipality was aware of the problem and creates a new institution, the Centro de Arqueologia de Lisboa (CAL), aiming to centralize and managed the huge amount of new information generated by the new excavation dynamics. The CAL launch a new cycle of Conferences on Lisbon Archaeology (two of them already done and a third one in preparation) with the aim of sharing information about the progresses of urban archaeology (not just about the Roman period, but all periods considered). It was launched a research / divulgation Project, Lisboa Romana / Felicitas Iulia Olisipo with a coherent program of publication and dissemination of the knowledge on the Roman town. So, we may be optimists about the future of the knowledge of the many towns underneath the modern Lisbon, including Felicitas Iulia Olisipo.
O estudo de acordes pode ser realizado por meio do solfejo. A atividade de cantar um arpejo para identificar as notas do acorde auxilia na identificação e fixação tanto das alturas quanto dos nomes das notas, e também dos intervalos que estão sendo cantados. A utilização da metodologia do Solfejo Fixo-ampliado permite um trabalho de convergência dos conhecimentos musicais, pois quando uma nota muda, seu nome também muda, e desta maneira, torna-se possível compreender as notas que fazem a diferença na classificação dos acordes. Foram elaborados três exercícios:
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O Rap Como Forma de Resistência Cultural em Moçambique: caso Cubaliwa de Azagaia , 2021