Using NDVI values for comparing parks in different scales

Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment


In this article, a method was developed to be used in determining and evaluation of the existing urban green areas from the ecological point of view. To this extent, Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) values of urban parks were used as the ecological indicator. Vegetation cover size and temporal growing rates in three parks with different size in Ankara City were determined by using Remote Sensing Technology. It was stated that although total vegetated areas in the parks were less than total park layouts, this expression is not itself enough in disclosing real plant's assets in the parks due to structural and phonological changes of the plants in course of time. This statement was demonstrated in studied parks in this paper and it was seen that, vegetation cover amount of the parks in different sizes could be equal to each other. Therefore, vegetation cover amount should be taken under consideration both temporally and spatially in determining and evaluation as well a...