Trapped Xe and I-Xe ages in aqueously altered CV3 meteorites

2004, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


Twenty-two dark inclusions (DIs) from Allende (18), Leoville (2), Vigarano (1) and Efremovka (1) were studied by the I-Xe method. All except two of these DIs (Vigarano 2226 and Leoville LV2) produce well-defined isochrons, and precise I-Xe ages. The Allende DIs formed a tight group about 1.6 Ma older than Shallowater (4.566 Ϯ 0.002 Ga), about 5 Ma older than four previously studied Allende CAIs. Most of the dark inclusions require trapped Xe with less 129 Xe (or more 128 Xe) than conventional planetary Xe (well restricted in composition by Q-Xe or OC-Xe). Studies of an irradiated/unirradiated DI pair from Allende demonstrate that the 128 Xe/ 132 Xe ratio in trapped is normal planetary, so that a 129 Xe/ 132 Xe ratio below planetary seems to be required. Yet, this is not possible given constraints on 129 Xe evolution in the early solar system. Trends among all of the Allende DIs suggest that an intimate mixture of partially decayed iodine and Xe formed a pseudo trapped Xe component enriched in both 129 Xe and 127 I, and subsequently in 128 Xe after n-capture during reactor irradiation. Enrichment in radiogenic 129 Xe, but with a 129 Xe/ 127 I ratio less than that observed in the iodine host phase, places closure of this trapped mixture Ն13 Ma after precipitation of the major iodine-bearing phase. Because the I-Xe isochron is a mixing line between iodine-derived and trapped Xe (pseudo or not), I-Xe ages, given by the slope of this mixing line, are not compromised by the presence of pseudo trapped Xe, and the precision of the I-Xe ages is given by the statistics of the line fit. Copyright