Structured queries for semistructured probabilistic data



This talk describes research done at the University of Washington on the SQL query evaluation problem on probabilistic databases. The motivation comes from managing imprecisions in data: fuzzy object matching, information extracted from text, constraint violations. There are three dimensions to the query evaluation problem: the probabilistic data model, the complexity of the SQL queries, and whether output probabilities are exact or approximated. In the simplest probabilistic data model every tuple t is an independent probabilistic event, whose probability p represents the probability that t belongs to the database. For example, in information extraction every fact (tuple t) extracted from the text has a probability p of being correct, and for any two tuples t, t their probabilities are independent. Single block SQL queries without duplicate elimination can be evaluated simply by multiplying probabilities during join operations. But when duplicate elimination or other forms of aggregations are present, then the story is more complex. For some queries we can find a query plan such that independence still holds at each projection/duplicate-elimination operator, and thus evaluate the query efficiently. But other queries are #P-hard, and it is unlikely that they can be evaluated efficiently, and there is a simple criterion to distinguish between these two kinds of queries. Moving to a slightly more complex data model, we consider the case when tuples are either independent or exclusive (disjoint). For example, in fuzzy object matching an object ''Washington U.'' in one database matches both ''University of Washington'' with probability 0.4 and ''Washington University in St. Louis'' with probability 0.3 in a second database. This can be represented by two tuples t, t with probabilities 0.4 and 0.3, which are exclusive events. Here, too, there is a crisp separation of queries that can be evaluated efficiently and those that are #P-hard. Finally, we considered a slightly different query semantics: rank the query's answers by their probabilities, and return only the top k answers. Thus, the exact output probabilities are not important, only their ranking, and only for the top k answers. This is justified in applications of imprecise data, where probabilities have little semantics and only the top answers are meaningful. We have found that a combination of Monte Carlo simulation with in-engine SQL query evaluation scales both with the data size and the query complexity.