Dictionary Entry: Equality

2021, Political Ethics

In trying to define the term "equality" in its socio-political context, we will use two different reference points: the first is having a "sense of equality", and the second is the Aristotelian distinction between numerical and proportional equality, the latter of which plays a special role. HISTORICAL ANALYSIS OF THE TERM: this section concisely presents the prevailing attitudes to the idea of equality from antiquity to modern times. Particular emphasis is placed on the most important sources of our modern and contemporary understanding of this idea. DISCUSSION OF THE TERM: this section analyses various aspects and ways of understanding the concept of equality in a socio-political context, with emphasis on equality before the law, equality of political rights, and social equality. SYSTEMATIC REFLECTION WITH CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: this section discusses the most important socioeconomic and political challenges that are related to the idea of equality, including the need to take into account the demand for a more egalitarian distribution of goods and to broaden the scope of the political subjectivity of the individual.