Critiquing Interviewing as a Data Collection Method

2014, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences


Interviewing is one of the data collection methods which are employed when one adopts the qualitative methodology to conduct research. This article relies on extensive literature review to critique interviewing as a data collection method. Although interviews have various forms and styles, it is important to note that there is no one interview style that fits every occasion or all respondents. The interviewer must work diligently to ensure the validity and reliability of the interview data otherwise, interviewers themselves, can turn out to be weaknesses due to their own bias, subjectivities and lack of interviewing skills. It is also important to note that interviewers themselves become part of the "interviewing picture" by asking questions and responding to the respondent and sometimes even sharing their experiences with interviewees; working with the interview data, selecting from it, interpreting and describing and analysing it regardless of their discipline and dedication in keeping the interview data as the product of the respondent. Weaknesses of interviewing have been both discussed and critiqued from different theoretical perspectives which are "postmodern, feminist, sociolinguistic" "conversation analytic", "ethnomethodological perspectives" and even data analysis.