Deterioro del valor de propiedad, planta y equipo en PYMES



The aim of this study is to determine the most important aspects when evaluating whether there is evidence of Impairment Loss in Item Property, Plant and Equipment and procedures for determining the value of assets exceeds the recoverable amount, value that may be recovered through use to the end of life or sale of assets. If so, the asset shall be recognized as impaired and subject to compliance with the provisions of the IFRS for SMEs, which states that an entity must record the appropriate accounting for impairment loss of value will be defined key concepts related to the topic, most of which are accompanied with simple examples, to allow the reader a good understanding of them. Policies will be established for accounting for the impairment losses, analyzing the asset valuation method being Historical Cost: Cost less depreciation and impairment Historical Accumulated if any. Also be specified when the entity shall reverse the amount of Impairment Loss because these assets have improved their ability to produce cash flows or market value has increased, the reversal may be partial or total, depending on the evidence that led to the loss, disappeared entirely or not, with the passage of time.