Praveen Bioperl IJPT 2013

The aim of the paper is to provide a detailed description of the M. tuberculosis proteome by using advanced bioinformatic procedures to glean structural and functional information about some of the components whose biological roles were unknown or obscure. Novel bioinformatics routines have been used to provide a more detailed definition of the proteome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. About 10 genes which are mainly responsible in causing the disease were taken from Gene card database. From the computational studies like multiple sequence alignment using clustal W tool the protein sequence of TRIM gene family is related to each other. These genes were then studied separately further the domain analysis was carried out from which the common domains in the family were selected for motif studies. The conserved patterns present in gene family were obtained from clustal W tool. These conserved patterns with similar motifs showed mutation at certain places which were mainly involved in causing the disease. Protein similarity analysis, coupled with inspection of the genetic neighbourhood, was used to explore possible functional relatedness. For the faster analysis of domains and motifs the data of domains were taken in Bioperl programming. Bioperl provides access to data stores such as Gen Bank and Swiss Prot via a flexible series of sequence input/output modules, and to the emerging common sequence data storage format of the Open Bioinformatics Database Access project.