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2010, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
We study F (R) modified gravity models which are capable of driving the accelerating epoch of the Universe at the present time whilst not destroying the standard Big Bang and inflationary cosmology. Recent studies have shown that a weak curvature singularity with |R| → ∞ can arise generically in viable F (R) models of present dark energy (DE) signaling an internal incompleteness of these models. In this work we study how this problem is cured by adding a quadratic correction with a sufficiently small coefficient to the F (R) function at large curvatures. At the same time, this correction eliminates two more serious problems of previously constructed viable F (R) DE models: unboundedness of the mass of a scalar particle (scalaron) arising in F (R) gravity and the scalaron overabundance problem. Such carefully constructed models can also yield both an early time inflationary epoch and a late time de Sitter phase with vastly different values of R. The reheating epoch in these combined models of primordial and present dark energy is completely different from that of the old R + R 2 /6M 2 inflationary model, mainly due to the fact that values of the effective gravitational constant at low and intermediate curvatures are different for positive and negative R. This changes the number of e-folds during the observable part of inflation that results in a different value of the primordial power spectrum index. 1. Introduction 1 2. Review of cosmological evolution 7 2.1 Non-linear oscillations and existence of a "sudden" singularity with |R| → ∞ 8 2.2 General viable F (R) models of present DE 11 2.3 Determination of the Hubble parameter 12 2.4 Structure of a singularity with F ′′ (R) = 0 for a finite R 13 3. Avoiding the weak singularity and solving the problems of F (R) DE models 13 4. Inflation and late time acceleration from one F (R) function 17 4.1 New problem 18 4.2 Resolution of the problem and the improved AB model 19 4.3 de Sitter attractors 19 4.4 Slow-roll inflation 20 4.5 Reheating 21 4.5.1 Evolution of H(t) without backreaction 22 4.5.2 Effect of backreaction 27 4.6 Cosmological evolution 29 5. Conclusions and discussion 32
Power-law corrections (having the exponent strictly between 2 and 3) to the Einstein-Hilbert action yield an extended theory of gravity which is consistent with Solar-System tests and properly reproduces the main phases of the Universe thermal history. We find two distinct constraints for the characteristic length scale of the model: a lower bound from the Solar-System test and an upper bound by requiring the existence of the matter-dominated era. We also show how the extended framework can accommodate the existence of an early de Sitter phase. Within the allowed range of characteristic length scales, the relation between the expansion rate and the energy scale of inflation is modified, yielding a value of the rate several orders of magnitude smaller than in the standard picture. The observational implication of this fact is that a tiny value of the tensor-to-scalar ratio is expected in the extended framework. The suppression of primordial tensor modes also implies that the inflationary scale can be made arbitrarily close to the Planck one according to the current limits. Finally, an analysis of the propagation of gravitational waves on a Robertson-Walker background is addressed.
Physical Review D, 2008
Using techniques from singular perturbation theory, we explicitly calculate the cosmological evolution in a class of modified gravity models. By considering the (m)CDTT model, which aims to explain the current acceleration of the universe with a modification of gravity, we show that Einstein evolution can be recovered for most of cosmic history in at least one f (R) model. We show that a standard epoch of matter domination can be obtained in the mCDTT model, providing a sufficiently long epoch to satisfy observations. We note that the additional inverse term will not significantly alter standard evolution until today and that the solution lies well within present constraints from Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. For the CDTT model, we analyse the "recent radiation epoch" behaviour (a ∝ t 1/2 ) found by previous authors. We finally generalise our findings to the class of inverse power-law models. Even in this class of models, we expect a standard cosmological evolution, with a sufficient matter domination era, although the sign of the additional term is crucial.
In the present model, a unified picture of cosmology from early inflation to late acceleration is obtained from $ f(R)-$ gravity with non-linear terms $ R^2 $ and $ R^5 $ of scalar curvature $R$. It is discussed that elementary particles and radiation are produced during early inflation. The emitted radiation thermalizes the universe to a very high temperature $ \sim 10^{18}{\rm GeV}$. The exit of the universe from inflationary phase is followed by deceleration due to radiation-dominance heralding the standard cosmology with background radiation having the initial temperature $ \sim 10^{18}{\rm GeV}$. It is found that dark matter is induced by curvature and baryonic matter is produced during inflation. Radiation-dominated phase is followed by deceleration due to matter-dominance. The curvature-induced phantom dark energy dominates at the red-shift $ z = 0.303 $ causing the late acceleration. It is found that the universe will collapse in future. Further, it is investigated that back-reaction of quantum particles produced near the collapse time can avoid cosmic collapse and the universe will escape to revival of the state of early universe.
Physical Review D, 2008
We study the f (R) theory of gravity using metric approach. In particular we investigate the recently proposed model by Hu-Sawicki, Appleby − Battye and Starobinsky. In this model, the cosmological constant is zero in flat space time. The model passes both the Solar system and the laboratory tests. But the model parameters need to be fine tuned to avoid the finite time singularity recently pointed in the literature. We check the concordance of this model with the H(z) and baryon acoustic oscillation data. We find that the model resembles the ΛCDM at high redshift. However, for some parameter values there are variations in the expansion history of the universe at low redshift.
A generic feature of viable F (R) gravity is investigated: It is demonstrated that during the matter dominated era the large frequency oscillations of the effective dark energy may influence the behavior of higher derivatives of the Hubble parameter with the risk to produce some singular unphysical solutions at high redshift. This behavior is explicitly analyzed for realistic F (R) models, in particular, exponential gravity and a power form model. To stabilize such oscillations, we consider the additional modification of the models via a correction term which does not destroy the viability properties. A detailed analysis on the future evolution of the universe and the evolution history of the growth index of the matter density perturbations are performed. Furthermore, we explore two applications of exponential gravity to the inflationary scenario. We show how it is possible to obtain different numbers of e-folds during the early-time acceleration by making different choices of the model parameters in the presence of ultrarelativistic matter, which destabilizes inflation and eventually leads to the exit from the inflationary stage. We execute the numerical analysis of inflation in two viable exponential gravity models. It is proved that at the end of the inflation, the effective energy density and curvature of the universe decrease and thus a unified description between inflation and the ΛCDM-like dark energy dominated era can be realized.
The European Physical Journal C, 2014
In the present work we derive an exact solution of an isotropic and homogeneous Universe governed by f (T ) gravity. We show how the torsion contribution to the FRW cosmology can provide a unique origin for both early and late acceleration phases of the Universe. The three models (k = 0, ±1) show a built-in inflationary behavior at some early Universe time; they restore suitable conditions for the hot Big bang nucleosynthesis to begin. Unlike the standard cosmology, we show that even if the Universe initially started with positive or negative sectional curvatures, the curvature density parameter enforces evolution to a flat Universe. The solution constrains the torsion scalar T to be a constant function at all time t, for the three models. This eliminates the need for dark energy (DE). Moreover, when the continuity equation is assumed for the torsion fluid, we show that the flat and closed Universe models violate the conservation principle, while the open one does not. The evolution of the effective equation of state (EoS) of the torsion fluid implies a peculiar trace from a quintessence-like DE to a phantom-like one crossing a matter and radiation EoS in between; then it asymptotically approaches a de Sitter fate.
International Journal of Modern Physics D, 2011
We have investigated the evolution of a homogeneous isotropic background of the Universe and inhomogeneous subhorizon matter density perturbations in viable f(R) models of present dark energy and cosmic acceleration analytically and numerically. It is found that viable f(R) models generically exhibit recent crossing of the phantom boundary w DE = -1. Furthermore, it is shown that the growth index of perturbations depends both on time and wavenumber. This anomalous growth may explain properties of the observational matter power spectrum from the SDSS data and can also partially counteract the spectrum suppression by massive neutrinos making larger values of the total sum of neutrino rest-masses possible.
A generic feature of viable exponential F (R)-gravity is investigated. An additional modification to stabilize the effective dark energy oscillations during matter era is proposed and applied to two viable models. An analysis on the future evolution of the universe is performed. Furthermore, a unified model for early and late-time acceleration is proposed and studied.
JETP Letters, 2007
For higher-derivative f (R) gravity where R is the Ricci scalar, a class of models is proposed which produce viable cosmology different from the LambdaCDM one at recent times and satisfy cosmological, Solar system and laboratory tests. These models have both flat and de Sitter spacetimes as particular solutions in the absence of matter. Thus, a cosmological constant is zero in flat space-time, but appears effectively in a curved one for sufficiently large R. A 'smoking gun' for these models would be small discrepancy in values of the slope of the primordial perturbation power spectrum determined from galaxy surveys and CMB fluctuations. On the other hand, a new problem for dark energy models based on f (R) gravity is pointed which is connected with possible overproduction of new massive scalar particles (scalarons) arising in this theory in the very early Universe.
Symmetry, 2020
Modified gravity models with and exponential function of curvature and R 2 corrections are proposed. At low curvature, the model explains the matter epoch and the late time accelerated expansion while at the inflation epoch the leading term is R 2 . At R → 0 the cosmological constant disappears, giving unified description of inflation and dark energy in pure geometrical context. The models satisfy the stability conditions, pass local tests and are viable in the ( r , m ) -plane, where the trajectories connect the saddle matter dominated critical point ( r = − 1 , m = 0 ) with the late time de Sitter attractor at r = − 2 and 0 < m ≤ 1 . Initial conditions were found, showing that the density parameters evolve in a way consistent with current cosmological observations, predicting late time behavior very close to the Λ CDM with future universe evolving towards the de Sitter attractor.
Cornell University - arXiv, 2012
We consider a class of metric f (R) modified gravity theories, analyze them in the context of a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmology and confront the results with some of the known constraints imposed by observations. In particular, we focus in correctly reproducing the matter and effective cosmological constant eras, the age of the Universe, and supernovae data. Our analysis differs in many respects from previous studies. First, we avoid any transformation to a scalar-tensor theory in order to be exempted of any potential pathologies (e.g. multivalued scalar potentials) and also to evade any unnecessary discussion regarding frames (i.e. Einstein .vs. Jordan). Second, based on a robust approach, we recast the cosmology equations as an initial value problem subject to a modified Hamiltonian constraint. Third, we solve the equations numerically where the Ricci scalar itself is one of the variables, and use the constraint equation to monitor the accuracy of the solutions. We compute the "equation of state" (EOS) associated with the modifications of gravity using several inequivalent definitions that have been proposed in the past and analyze it in detail. We argue that one of these definitions has the best features. In particular, we present the EOS around the so called "phantom divide" boundary and compare it with previous findings.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2015
A complete analysis of the dynamics of the Hu-Sawicki modification to General Relativity is presented. In particular, the full phase-space is given for the case in which the model parameters are taken to be n = 1, c1 = 1 and several stable de Sitter equilibrium points together with an unstable "matter-like" point are identified. We find that if the cosmological parameters are chosen to take on their ΛCDM values today, this results in a universe which, until very low redshifts, is dominated by an equation of state parameter equal to 1 3 , leading to an expansion history very different from ΛCDM. We demonstrate that this problem can be resolved by choosing ΛCDM initial conditions at high redshift and integrating the equations to the present day.
Modern Physics Letters A
A remarkable property of modern cosmology is that it allows for a special case of symmetry, consisting in the possibility of describing the early-time acceleration (inflation) and the late-time acceleration using the same theoretical framework. In this paper, we consider various cosmological models corresponding to a generalized form for the equation of state for the fluid in a flat Friedmann–Robertson–Walker (FRW) universe, emphasizing cases where the so-called type IV singular inflation is encountered in the future. This is a soft (non-crushing) kind of singularity. Parameter values for an inhomogeneous equation of state leading to singular inflation are obtained. We present models for which there are two type IV singularities, the first corresponding to the end of the inflationary era and the second to a late-time event. We also study the correspondence between the theoretical slow-roll parameters leading to type IV singular inflation and the recent results observed by the Planck...
Viable models of modified gravity which satisfy both local as well as cosmological tests are investigated. It is demonstrated that some versions of such highly nonlinear models exhibit multiply de Sitter universe solutions, which often appear in pairs, being one of them stable and the other unstable. It is explicitly shown that, for some values of the parameters, it is possible to find several de Sitter spaces (as a rule, numerically); one of them may serve for the inflationary stage, while the other can be used for the description of the dark energy epoch. The numerical evolution of the effective equation of state parameter is also presented, showing that these models can be considered as natural candidates for the unification of early-time inflation with late-time acceleration through dS critical points. Moreover, based on the de Sitter solutions, multiply SdS universes are constructed which might also appear at the (pre-)inflationary stage. Their thermodynamics are studied and free energies are compared. 95.36.+x,
Arxiv preprint arXiv:0903.4775, 2009
We consider perturbative modifications of the Friedmann equations in terms of energy density corresponding to modified theories of gravity proposed as an alternative route to comply with the observed accelerated expansion of the universe. Assuming that the present matter content of the universe is a pressureless fluid, the possible singularities that may arise as the final state of the universe are surveyed. It is shown that, at most, two coefficients of the perturbative expansion of the Friedman equations are relevant for the analysis. Some examples of application of the perturbative scheme are included.
A generic homogenous and isotropic cosmology is investigated based on the scalar-tensor theory of gravitation involving general metric coupling and scalar potential functions. We show that for a broad class of such functions, the scalar gravitational field can be dynamically trapped using a recently suggested mechanism. The corresponding scalar potential can drive inflation, accelerating expansion in the early and late universe respectively, with features consistent with standard requirements. Remarkably, the inflationary phase admits a natural exit with a well-defined value of the Hubble parameter dictated by the duration of inflation in a parameter independent manner, regardless of the detailed forms of the metric coupling and scalar potential. For an inflation duration consistent with the GUT description of the early universe, the resulting Hubble parameter is found to be consistent with its observed value.
In this paper we study scalar perturbations of the metric for nonlinear $f(R)$ models. We consider the Universe at the late stage of its evolution and deep inside the cell of uniformity. We investigate the astrophysical approach in the case of Minkowski spacetime background and two cases in the cosmological approach, the large scalaron mass approximation and the quasi-static approximation, getting explicit expressions for scalar perturbations for both these cases. In the most interesting quasi-static approximation, the scalar perturbation functions depend on both the nonlinearity function $f(R)$ and the scale factor $a$. Hence, we can study the dynamical behavior of the inhomogeneities (e.g., galaxies and dwarf galaxies) including into consideration their gravitational attraction and the cosmological expansion, and also taking into account the effects of nonlinearity. Our investigation is valid for functions $f(R)$ which have stable de Sitter points in future with respect to the present time, that is typical for the most popular $f(R)$ models.
In the present work we derive an exact solution of an isotropic and homogeneous Universe governed by f (T ) gravity. We show how the torsion contribution to the FRW cosmology can provide a unique origin for both early and late acceleration phases of the Universe. The three models (k = 0, ±1) show a built-in inflationary behavior at some early Universe time; they restore suitable conditions for the hot Big bang nucleosynthesis to begin. Unlike the standard cosmology, we show that even if the Universe initially started with positive or negative sectional curvatures, the curvature density parameter enforces evolution to a flat Universe. The solution constrains the torsion scalar T to be a constant function at all time t, for the three models. This eliminates the need for dark energy (DE). Moreover, when the continuity equation is assumed for the torsion fluid, we show that the flat and closed Universe models violate the conservation principle, while the open one does not. The evolution of the effective equation of state (EoS) of the torsion fluid implies a peculiar trace from a quintessence-like DE to a phantom-like one crossing a matter and radiation EoS in between; then it asymptotically approaches a de Sitter fate.
New Astronomy
In this article, we study the expanding nature of universe in the contest of f (R, Lm) gravity theory, here R represents the Ricci scalar and Lm is the matter Lagrangian density. With a specific form of f (R, Lm), we obtain the field equations for flat FLRW metric. We parametrize the deceleration parameter in terms of the Hubble parameter and from here we find four free parameters, which are constraints and estimated by using H(z), P antheon, and their joint data sets. Further, we investigate the evolution of the deceleration parameter which depicts a transition from the deceleration to acceleration phases of the universe. The evolution behaviour of energy density, pressure, and EoS parameters shows that the present model is an accelerated quintessence dark energy model. To compare our model with the ΛCDM model we use some of the diagnostic techniques. Thus, we find that our model in f (R, Lm) gravity supports the recent standard observational studies and delineates the late-time cosmic acceleration.
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