The Rural Medical Practitioner of India

Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences


An unqualified healthcare practitioner without any formal registration practicing allopathic medicine can be called an RMP. Widely identified as a rural medical practitioner, the RMP in India enjoys much standing among rural residents and people living in urban slums. This group of self-styled practitioners, despite their lack of knowledge, skills and qualification are doing good business by taking advantage of the lacunae in the public health care system. One common excuse given is that as there is no qualified doctor, people have no choice but to use the services of these itinerant quacks. In earlier times, they indulged in medical practice of a limited nature. However, today their role has widened to that of a tout for city based doctors giving rise to a new system called RMP practice. The nexus between pharmaceutical companies and quacks is a much worse arrangement where numerous fledgling pharmaceutical companies support quacks, because they are a cheap source of marketing to unfortunate patients. The solution may rest in the establishment of proper round the clock hospitals in rural areas making basic health care of an acceptable degree available to the people. RMP practice must be condemned by all. If mainstreaming the RMP is considered, severe limitations as to invasiveness and hazards of drugs and procedures must be set with an emphasis on first aid and prompt referral. A better alternative is to educate people and empower them to promote their own health and prevent disease by following healthy lifestyles.