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2009, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Robotic Communication and Coordination
This paper describes flexible software for industrial robots. WinRS232ROBOTcontroi and winEthernetROBOTcontrol software were developed to be used in industrial robots. With this software, industrial robots can be integrated in modern production systems, in an easy and efficient way. A Robotic Bar and a Flexible Manufacturing Cell (FMC) were developed with the objective of showing the potentialities of the developed software. I.
Robotics, 1987
The use of computer controlled manufacturing systems incorporating robots and flexable control xs of paramount interest today A number of econormsts have noted that strength m high technology industries such as atrcraft, massdes, commumcations, electromc and computers, m contrast to older industries, gtves the economy of any country strong long-term growth prospects
IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2009
Robots have played a very important role in the growing popular flexible manufacturing environments. However, state-of-art industrial robots with high accuracy are rather costly and static. Our works aims at providing a low-cost fast integrating platform with advanced middleware support to seamlessly integrate off-the-shelf or future robot sensors, robots, and actuators as well as industrial IT system. To support such approach, a component-based reconfigurable middleware system is designed. A system runtime service is employed to manage the dependence and whole lifecycle of realtime components by reasoning from component's contract-based service description. A continues deployment mechanism is also designed The software architecture was implemented by so called-Hybrid component model. The evaluation shows that the ARFLEX system achieve the goal of enhance in accuracy, flexibility while provide good real-time characteristics.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2012
Although an automated flexible production cell is an intriguing prospect for small to median enterprises (SMEs) in current global market conditions, the complexity of programming remains one of the major hurdles preventing automation using industrial robots for SMEs. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the recent research progresses on the programming methods for industrial robots, including online programming, offline programming (OLP), and programming using Augmented Reality (AR). With the development of more powerful 3D CAD/PLM software, computer vision, sensor technology, etc. new programming methods suitable for SMEs are expected to grow in years to come. (C)
Robotica, 1994
The paper presents an approach to automatic synthesis of program for robots in a flexible manufacturing cell (FMC). The system of program generation consists of two layers: Task-Level Programming Layer and Program Interpretation and Verification Layer. The first layer uses robot-independent planning techniques to create a work plan for robots (set of elementary actions) and program for each elementary action. The second layer uses robot-dependent planning methods to plan robot's trajectories and calculate the robot's motion times. A simulation model of whole FMC, which is created based on a description of FMC and program for robots, makes possible evaluation of efficiency of FMC work.
Industrial Robotics - New Paradigms [Working Title], 2020
In this study, we present the requirements of a real-time robot software (SW) platform that can be used for industrial robots and examine whether various kinds of existing middleware satisfy them. Moreover, we propose a real-time robot SW platform that extends RTMIA to various industrial applications, which is implemented on Xenomai real-time operating system and Linux. The proposed SW platform utilizes the timer-interrupt based approach to keep strict period and the shared memory for convenient usage, on which the shared variable is designed and used. We verify the proposed platform by showing that the robot task and the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) program are performing with interlocking each other on the presented platform.
Integrated Intelligent Research, 2012
With the sophistication of life of the human with many embedded technologies use of sensors in all the intelligent systems has become unavoidable. The robot vehicle designed here is wirelessly controlled with the joystick and can find application in the areas where human cannot have access. The first objective of the work is to create the Graphical User Interface (GUI) in PC to interface joy stick with the industrial robot. The robot movement and its position can be controlled easily by a joystick and monitored through application software. Microsoft visual studio is used to develop Graphical User Interface for the application. The Joystick Reference Value is stored in joystick library code and robot control code accesses the joystick reference data and process to send the command to the robot. The interfacing is done through the USB port. The combination of joystick library code and robot control code is used to implement a user friendly robot. The second objective of the system is to provide live video monitoring and temperature and Gas detection in hazardous environment in industries. ZigBee protocol is used as the communication medium between rover robot and PC.
International Journal of Modeling and Optimization, 2017
Industrial robots (IR) is a popular and perspective technological equipment of modern, complex automation of production processes, which characterized by high precision, speed and flexibility of technological operations. The coordination of robotic end-effectors (EF) provided by advanced automation control systems working on IR and using various sensors and software. The main tasks of IR control systems, which realized in software, include the design of work areas of technological equipment (TE) interaction, planning and on/off line control of IR effectors movements, configuration and synchronization interaction with the TE, human safety control and so on. The forming of complex approach to solve all of these tasks is of great interest and should take into account the systematization of information about conditions and the complexity of operations, ways of system control and software realizations.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2007
Flexible manufacturing cells (FMC) are capable of producing a broad variety of products and changing their characteristics quickly and frequently. This flexibility provides for more efficient use of resources but makes the control of these systems more difficult. This paper presents several software applications developed for industrial robots and computer numerical control (CNC) machines. The objective of this software is
Engineering for Rural Development, 2019
The paper shows and compares the functional features of off-line software environments of selected manufacturers of industrial robots. These softwares used for modelling, programming and simulation of robotic workcells are created for industrial and service needs (e.g. agricultural services), or simulation use of robots adapted to cooperate with humans. The use of such solutions greatly improves the assessment of the safety and exploitation conditions of robotic systems in various areas and aspects of life. It gives the investor an opportunity to make an opinion on the economic and social aspects of using robots in the manufacturing and service sector, too. Such systems (in particular Festo COSIMIR ® and ROS programs described in the paper) are becoming an important element of the so-called Industry 4.0, so you should have knowledge about them.
Revista de Operaciones Tecnologicas, 2021
Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) are more commonly used in modern industry due to the benefits offered, such as: low-cost production, easy adaptation to elaborate different products according to the client necessities. A Flexible Manufacturing Cell (FMC) has two or three workstations; moreover, a system to control and manipulate de process. Industrial communications protocols are used to communicate workstations of a FMC, such as: Profibus, Ethernet, Device Net, etc. For the case of not have such protocol to communicate devices, due to an incompatibility between protocols, an alternative solution has been implemented in order to perform the same function. In this work, is presented the obtained results of a preliminary development of a system capable to manipulate and monitoring a flexible manufacturing cell using a communication card using a microcontroller to communicate a HAAS VF2 machining center and a FANUC robot M6iB. Moreover, an user interface is developed using LabVIEW ...
Pomiary Automatyka Robotyka, 2020
Zezwala się na korzystanie z artykułu na warunkach licencji Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 3.0 1. Introduction The International Federation of Robotics (IFR) reported that globally, in 2018, the value of sales of robots increased to USD 16.5 billion, which corresponds to the use of 422,000 robots and an annual increase of 6%. In just 5 years, from 2013, the number of machines installed annually increased by as much as 135%. These values, despite the currently visible economic recession, are also to remain in 2019 and then increase until 2022 even at double-digit rate. At the same time, it should be noted that in 2018 as much as 74% of new robot applications were made in the industries of only five countries: China, Japan, South Korea, the USA and Germany. In this group, however, China's industry is by far the largest recipient of robots-in 2018, 154,000 were installed in it new machines, it is also the largest user in the world-it has completed as much as 36% of all global robotization installations in production processes. All this confirms the aforementioned thesis about the global importance of robotics and its place as currently the main tool for rationalizing production processes on a global scale [33, 46, 54]. In the last few year the density of robotization has been adopted as a modern indicator of just technical rationalization
Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 1993
Abstract This paper discusses issues of design for software systems for computer controlled manipulators. A short review of the features which have become important in present soft-ware systems for industrial applications is presented, including how various desirable ..., 1996
Mechanical systems for manufacturing in the past have represented monolithic, dedicated machines which remain expensive and inflexible relative to product changes due to market demands. It is the goal of the Robotics Research Group at the University of Texas at Austin (UTRRG) to develop a complete generalized modular architecture for intelligent machines (robots). This paper discusses the various issues involved in the design and selection of system controller hardware, servo controller hardware, real-time software, operating systems, and the software design methodologies. These constructs are required for the realization of a revolutionary, advanced intelligent flexible manufacturing system which offers the same success potential as that of a personal computer.
Robotics, 2022
Small-scale production is relying more and more on personalization and flexibility as an innovation key for success in response to market needs such as diversification of consumer preferences and/or greater regulatory pressure. This can be possible thanks to assembly lines dynamically adaptable to new production requirements, easily reconfigurable and reprogrammable to any change in the production line. In such new automated production lines, where traditional automation is not applicable, human and robot collaboration can be established, giving birth to a kind of industrial craftsmanship. The idea at the base of this work is to take advantage of collaborative robotics by using the robots as other generic industrial tools. To overcome the need of complex programming, identified in the literature as one of the main issues preventing cobot diffusion into industrial environments, the paper proposes an approach for simplifying the programming process while still maintaining high flexibi...
Robotics, 1987
The work of the Industrial Robot Destgn Research Group workang at the Umvermy of Genoa, Italy, ts summarized The reasons for developing speoal-purpose CAD codes are noted, together w~th a d~scusslon of the approach that has been uuhzed An example procedure concerning the selecUon of the controlling strategtes ts presented, wath typtcal output results The integration of the robotic devices into manufacturing lines ts &scussed wtth an mdacatlon of the computaUonal codes presently under development 1. Introduction The continued econormc development of the mdustnahzed countries depends on tmprovmg manufactunng productivity The reorgamzatlon under development is based on new fabncatlon modules (e g flexible manufacturing cells) that integrate, wxth the machining heads and toohng rigs, addmonal capacity and make automatic the selection, handhng, and mspecUon of parts and components Extensive, efficient exploitation of tugh-perfor-Keywords Robot archatectures, Robot dynamacs and control, Integrataon of RoboUc mampulators, CAD-codes for industrial robots llllllddo C Mldldinl doctor m Mechamcal Engmeenng (1960) from the Umverstty of Genova (Italy), work experiences m Switzerland HSS-Gen~ve and ETH-Ztmch, professor of Mechameal Engineering (Industrial Measurements and Instrumentauon, Machine Design) at the Umverslty of Genova, voth mtemattonal research/teaching experiences (ws~tmg professor at the Information System Laboratory, Stanford Umverslty, Cal USA) Leader of 1 ~ "l the Indttstnal Robot Research Group, estabhsbed m Genova wath the support of the Itahan CNR, nattonal coordinator of the research program "Smerm programmablh ch mampolazaone e ch movamentaztone mdustrlah" Author or coauthor of some 200 papers and 3 books m the areas of stabthty of moUon, atUtude control of spacecrafts, ~dentaflcataon and filtering theory and practice, multtvanable control theory and appheattons, industrial robottcs, factory automatton, CAD~CAM and CAT developments, etc Member of ASME, SCI, etc North-Holland Robotics 3 (1987) 371-387 Gabriella M. Acacc,a doctor m Mathemattcs (1965) from the Umverstty of Genova, work experience m Compu-taUon Center of Umverslty of Genova, professor of Computational Techtuques for mechamcal Engineering, member of the Industnal Robot Research Group, estabhsbed m Genova voth the support of the I~an Councd of Research Author or coauthor of some 70 papers m the areas of stmula-Uon, of moUon of spaeecr~ts, des~ of meehamsm and robots, appheaaon of A I tools on factory automaUon Member of I~CS, It~an Socaety for Computer Stmulaaon, ~socmzaone I~ana per fl c~colo Automataco, Socaeta It~ana RoboUca Industn-Me Rezia M Molfino doctor m Electrotechnical Engmeenng (1966) from the Umvermy of Genova, work expenences as member of research and development staff m CETENA, sbap research Centre and m ELSAG, San Cnorg~o Eleetromcs of Genova, prolessor of Mechamcal System Control at the Umverslty of Genova, member of Industrial Robot Research Group Author or coauthor of some 70 papers m the areas of modeling and stmula-__ tlon of complex dynarmc systems (weapon systems, satelhtes, robots), multavanable control synthesis, CAD/CAM programs for FMS and robot design wtth A I apphcaUons Member of SIRI Sooet/t Itahana ch Robottca Industnale
Springer Handbook of Robotics, 2008
Most robots today can trace their origin to early industrial robot designs. Much of the technology that makes robots more human-friendly and adaptable for different applications has emerged from manufacturers of industrial robots. Industrial robots are by far the largest commercial application of robotics technology today. All the important foundations for robot control were initially developed with industrial applications in mind. These applications deserve special attention in order to understand the origin of robotics science and to appreciate many unsolved problems that still prevent the wider use of robots in manufacturing. In this chapter we present a brief history and descriptions of typical industrial robotics applications. We show how robots with different mechanisms fit different applications. Even though robots are well established in large-scale manufacturing, particularly in automobile and related component assembly, there are still many challenging problems to solve. The range of feasible applications could significantly increase if robots were easier to install, to integrate with other manufacturing processes, 42.
this book deal about the aplication of industrial robots their tools and the types of industrial robots like their DOF (degrees of freedom), the type of actuators of their aplications. this book deal whit the configurations of the robots in an industrial chain of manufacturing their layouts and more
International Journal of Computers Communications & Control, 2011
This paper presents Petri Nets Model, the implementation and application of a Assembly Flexible Cell. The Cell is composed by a robotic manipulator, a computer vision system and a conveyor. The system is applied to assembly several products, showing only two of them.
Industrial robots have become an important part of every technical institution. The experiment was held on the flexible manufacturing cell for robot movement and cell control. The executed robot movements are transferred to the software for the model used called SCORBASE. The software is able to control the entire flexible cell, including the robot movement, the control of the machine door and the clamping device, and the transport of the parts with pneumatic feeding. The robot is mounted on a mobile axis, which allows additional movement of the robot, as the robot is located in a flexible cell with two machines (CNC Mill and CNC Lathe) and pallets for picking up and placing objects. In this paper, the movement of the robot in its workspace is described using the positions created with the teach pendant device for manual robot movement. These stored positions are used to program part priorities for transferring individual parts from the part feeders to the machine for the manufacturing process and then back to the pallet for the finished parts. The part priorities described in this paper are used to supply machines with six parts, four parts on the CNC lathe and two parts on the CNC Mill.
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