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Abstract:-Steganography is the method of hiding data in such a way that no one, except the sender and the intended recipient, expects the existence of the hidden data. Thus the goal here is always to conceal the very existence of the secret data embedded in an innocent data in such a way that it will be undetectable, robust and the innocent data should be able to accommodate high capacity of the secret data.
The art of information hiding has received much attention in the recent years as security of information has become a big concern in this internet era. As sharing of sensitive information via a common communication channel has become inevitable, Steganography -the art and science of hiding information has gained much attention. We are also surrounded by a world of secret communication, where people of all types are transmitting information as innocent as an encrypted credit card number to an online-store and as insidious as a terrorist plot to hijackers. Steganography derives from the Greek word steganos, meaning covered or secret, and graphy (writing or drawing) . Steganography is a technology where modern data compression, information theory, spread spectrum, and cryptography technologies are brought together to satisfy the need for privacy on the Internet. This paper is an attempt to analyse the various techniques used in steganography and to identify areas in which this technique can be applied, so that the human race can be benefited at large.
Steganography has been derived from the Greek word Steganous (covered, concealed or protected) and Graphie (writing) which means “covered writing”. It is the process of hiding a secret message with an ordinary message. Which when viewed by someone else will be able to see only the ordinary message they will fail to identify that it contains a hidden or encrypted message. The hidden message can be extracted once it reaches its destination. Steganography is now gaining popularity among the masses because of ease in use and abundant tools available. In this paper, the emphasis is given on the basic technique used to implement Steganography and also how to extract the data and check whether the file received by the reader carries some hidden message. Paper also depicts various tools available for the same.
International Conference …, 2008
The growth of high speed computer networks and that of the Internet, in particular, has increased the ease of Information Communication. Ironically, the cause for the development is also of the apprehension -use of digital formatted data. In comparison with Analog media, Digital media offers several distinct advantages such as high quality, easy editing, high fidelity copying, compression etc. But this type advancement in the field of data communication in other sense has hiked the fear of getting the data snooped at the time of sending it from the sender to the receiver. So, Information Security is becoming an inseparable part of Data Communication. In order to address this Information Security, Steganography plays an important role. Steganography is the art and science of writing hidden messages in such a way that no one apart from the sender and intended recipient even realizes there is a hidden message. This paper is a tutorial review of the steganography techniques appeared in the literature.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
Nowadays, the volume of data shared over the Internet is growing. As a result, data security is referred to as a major issue while processing data communications through the Internet. During communication procedures, everyone requires their data to remain secure. Steganography is the science and art of embedding audio, message, video, or image into another audio, image, video, or message to conceal it. It is used to secure confidential information from harmful attacks. This research offers a classification of digital steganography based on cover object categories, as well as a classification of steganalysis art. Image visual quality, structural similarity, mean square error, Image Fidelity, embedding capacity, and robustness are some of the important aspects of steganography. Researchers have made tremendous advances in the realm of digital steganography. Nonetheless, it is vital to emphasize the advantages and disadvantages of modern steganography techniques. This paper first presents a literature survey of information hiding, then classifies the proposed methods, and finally introduces a comparative study between the different methods.
With the explosive growth of internet and the fast communication techniques in recent years the security and the confidentiality of the sensitive data has become of prime and supreme importance and concern. To protect this data from unauthorized access and tampering various methods for data hiding like cryptography, hashing, authentication have been developed and are in practice today. In this paper we will be discussing one such data hiding technique called Steganography. Stegnography is the process of concealing sensitive information in any media to transfer it securely over the underlying unreliable and unsecured communication network. Our paper presents a survey on various data hiding techniques in steganography that are in practice today along with the comparative analysis of these techniques. Data hiding, a form of steganography, embeds data into digital media for the purpose of identification, annotation, and copyright. Several constraints affect this process: the quantity of...
—steganography is defined as the study of invisible co mmun ication. Steganography usually deals with the ways of hiding the existence of the communicated data in such a way that it remains confidential. It maintains secrecy between two communicat ing parties. In image steganography, secrecy is achieved by embedding data into cover image and generating a stego-image. There are different types of steganography techniques each have their strengths and weaknesses. In this paper, we review the different security and data hiding techniques that are used to implement a steganography such as LSB, ISB, M LSB etc. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I. INTRO DUCTION In today's world, the commun ication is the basic necessity of every growing area. Everyone wants the secrecy and safety of their communicat ing data. In our daily life, we use many secure pathways like internet or telephone for transferring and sharing informat ion, but it's not safe at a certain level. In order to share the information in a concealed manner two techniques cou ld be used. These mechanisms are cryptography and steganography.. In cryptography, the message is modified in an encrypted form with the help o f encryption key which is known to sender and receiver only. The message cannot be accessed by anyone without using the encryption key. However, the transmission of encrypted message may easily arouse attacker's suspicion, and the encrypted message may thus be intercepted, attacked or decrypted violently. In order to overco me the shortcomings of cryptographic techniques, steganography techniques have been developed. Steganography is the art and science of communicat ing in such a way that it hides the existence of the communicat ion. Thus, steganography hides the existence of data so that no one can detect its presence. In steganography the process of hiding in formation content inside any mult imedia content like image , audio, video is referred as a " Embedding ". For increasing the confidentiality of co mmun icating data both the techniques may be combined. The remain ing paper consist of following section : II. Steganography III. Conclusion and Future Work II. STEGANOGRAPHY Steganography is a Greek word wh ich means concealed writing. The word " steganos " means " covered " and " graphical " means " writing ". Thus, steganography is not only the art of hiding data but also hiding the fact of transmission of secret data. Steganography hides the secret data in another file in such a way that only the recipient knows the existence of message. In ancient time, the data was protected by hiding it on the back of wax, writing tables, stomach of rabbits or on the scalp of the slaves. But today's most of the people transmit the data in the form of text, images, video, and audio over the medium. In or der to safely transmission of confidential data, the multimed ia o bject like audio, video, images are used as a cover sources to hide the data A. Types of Steganography : ii. Text Steganography: It consists of hiding informat ion inside the text files. In this method, the secret data is hidden behind every nth letter of every words of text message. Numbers of methods are available for hiding data in text file. These methods are i) Format Based Method; ii) Random and Statistical Method; iii) Linguistics Method. iii. Image Steganography: Hid ing the data by taking the cov er object as image is referred as image steganography. In image steganography pixel intensities are used to hide the data. In digital steganography, images are widely used cover source because there are number of bits presents in digital representation of an image. iv. Audio Steganography: It involves hiding data in audio files. This method hides the data in WAV, AU and MP3 sound files. There are different methods of audio steganography. These methods are i) Low Bit Encoding ii) Phase Coding iii) Spread Spectru m. v. Video Steganography: It is a technique of hiding any kind of files or data into digital video format. In this case video (combination of pictures) is used as carrier for h iding the data. Generally discrete cosine transform (DCT) alter the values (e.g., 8.667 to 9) wh ich is used to hide the data in each of the images in the video, which is unnoticeable by the human eye. H.264, Mp4, MPEG, A VI are the formats used by video steganography. vi. Network or Protocol Steganography: It involves hiding the info rmat ion by taking the network protocol such as TCP, UDP, ICMP, IP etc, as cover object.. In the OSI layer network model there exist covert channels where steganography can be used.
IRJET, 2022
With the exponential rise of digital multimedia content, the data hiding techniques came into popular demands in order to securely transmit information around. This review paper focusses on one such technique of data hiding i.e., steganography. It is the art and science of embedding secret messages in a normal message in a way that anyone without knowledge of hidden message cannot suspect the presence of the message, except sender and receiver. Proper analysis has been done and the data collection for review were taken from several research databases namely, Springer, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar and IEEE Explorer to increase the scope of objectivity of this paper.
Steganography is defined as study of imperceptible conversation. Steganography typically deals with approaches of hiding presence of communicated information in sort of manner that it stays confidential. It preserves secrecy among two communicating groups. In image steganography, secrecy is attained by means of embedding records into cover image and producing a stego- image. There are distinct kind of steganography strategies each have their strengths and weaknesses. In this paper, we review distinct security and data hiding approaches that are utilized to implement a steganography for instance LSB, ISB, and MLSB etc.
With the explosive growth of internet and the fast communication techniques in recent years the security and the confidentiality of the sensitive data has become of prime and supreme importance and concern. To protect this data from unauthorized access and tampering various methods for data hiding like cryptography, hashing, authentication have been developed and are in practice today. In this paper we will be discussing one such data hiding technique called Steganography. Steganography is the process of concealing sensitive information in any media to transfer it securely over the underlying unreliable and unsecured communication network. Our paper presents a survey on various data hiding techniques in steganography that are in practice today along with the comparative analysis of these techniques.
Steganography is the art of hiding the fact that communication is taking place, by concealing information in other information. This paper focus on study of various steganographic methods used to hide information. This paper explores the different method of data hiding in image steganography spatial domain, transform domain and adaptive steganography. The different aspects on which the steganography method depends are: robustness, capacity, detectability and invisibility,
The paper explore about an overview of steganography, different methods of steganography, its applications and how it is different from cryptography Digital communication has become an essential part of infrastructure. Nowadays, a lot of applications are Internet-based and demand of internet applications requires data to be transmitted in a secure manner. Data transmission in public communication system is not secure because of interception and improper manipulation by eavesdropper. So different techniques like cryptography and steganography are used to secure the communication. Steganography is the scheme of hiding the existence of secret information in the cover file.
Steganography is the study and analysis of the art and science of concealing or protecting sensitive communication. The concealed entity might be anything from a file, message, video, image or even audio and it is embedded into other videos ,images or files, etc. In this paper we will be presenting various types of Steganography as well as the factors driving the success of a good stego system.
Steganography is the science of hiding the fact that communication is taking place, by hiding information behind information. Many different carrier file formats can be used, but digital media are the most popular because of their usage on the Internet. For hiding secret information in digital media, there exists a large variety of steganography techniques some are more complex than others and all of them have some advantages and disadvantage. Various applications have different requirements of the steganography technique used. For example, some applications may require absolute invisibility of the secret data, while others require a larger secret data to be hidden. This paper intends to give an overview of Digital media steganography, its uses and techniques. It also attempts to identify the requirements of a good steganography algorithm and briefly reflects on which stenographic techniques are more suitable for which applications.
International Journal of Emerging Research in Management and Technology, 2017
oday the exponential growth in internet users demand secure data communication, for that it is required to send the data in the form of encrypted or hidden form. Many information system security techniques are available. They are classified into three classes as cryptography, steganography and watermarking. This paper presents a review on steganography techniques and their uses and attacks on these. The steganography is commonly known as covert writing and mainly used in hidden communication. A reliable internet communication is free from the attacks on it.
Steganography is the art and science of invisible communication which takes place between two different entities. This is done by hiding the information in other information. It is the way of hiding the existence of the communicated information. Steganography is often confused with cryptography because the two are similar in the way that they both are used to protect confidential information. Steganography is different from cryptography. Cryptography focuses on keeping the contents of a message secret, while steganography focuses on keeping the existence of a message secret. This paper intends to give an overview of security systems with a main concentration on steganography, its uses and techniques.
Steganography is a art of communicating by hiding a type of information in other information.In the present era, the more attention is given to the art of displaying and sending hidden information because of security purpose.Therefore, different methods have been proposed so far for hiding information in different cover media. In this review paper, we are highlights the various study and research done before.Steganography's primary goal is to hide data within some other data such that the hidden data cannot be detected even if it is being sought.A lot of researchers has done tremendous work in this art but there is lack of a single means to concrete all the information in single study.This paper aims to fulfill that dearth.
Steganography is an art of hiding information in innocuous looking cover objects. The main goal of steganography is to avoid drawing intuition about transmission of message. The terms 'Steganography' and 'Steganalysis' are used in information hiding process. Steganography basically deals with hiding information in digital media while steganalysis is the method of detecting the presence of hidden message in it. The term 'Steganography' is often confused with 'Cryptography' which converts message into indecipherable form. Progress made in the field of steganography in terms of using different multimedia files such as images, audio, video, text files as cover objects for hiding information is attracting more people to work in this area.
In today’s era, Most of the persons anxious about the security of confidential information because confidentiality is an energetic part. Sensitive information should be confidential because data can be accessed by intruders. Secrecy of message has always been a challenging task. For securing our communication, we use several types of steganography techniques. Steganography is the most popular technique to hide the data from intruders and none other than observer can recognizes the existence of content. The existence of content cannot be presumed out by the smart reader. Steganography is the technique by which we can share sensitive information surreptitiously and securely. For researchers, it has ever been an attracted subject to improve protect procedures to share message with authorized person only. In this review paper, we have premeditated several approaches proposed by research scholars in the field of steganography and analyse various steganography techniques, security issues ...
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2021
Information hiding is a subject of study from past to present. Information hiding processes, called steganography, have been the focus of interest since the beginning of history because they are strategically interested in valuable information. In our study, the applications of Steganography with different fields from basic and primitive applications to today's technological applications have been studied.
Steganography is going to gain its importance due to the exponential growth and secret communication of potential computer users over the internet. It can also be defined as the study of invisible communication that usually deals with the ways of hiding the existence of the communicated message. Generally data embedding is achieved in communication, image, text, voice or multimedia content for copyright, military communication, authentication and many other purposes. In image Steganography, secret communication is achieved to embed a message into cover image (used as the carrier to embed message into) and generate a stego-image (generated image which is carrying a hidden message). In this paper we have critically analyzed various steganographic techniques and also have covered steganography overview its major types, classification, applications.
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