A sociologia da moda na telenovela Avenida Brasil


The theme of this study is to research the sociology of fashion from Avenue Brazil Brazilian soap opera, which can be considered a case study which demonstrates how to use the peripheral layers of society. The fashion has been the subject of studies and reflections of some philosophers, economists, sociologists and psychologists over the last three centuries. The contributions of sociology to the study of fashion can be divided into two periods: the first from the late nineteenth century to the first half of the twentieth century, where authors like Spencer, Simmel, Tarde and Veblen, published books and essays containing enlightening hypotheses of this complex social phenomenon. The second period extends from the fifties of the last century to the present day and present works of scholars who with intuitive observations to also contain research on the phenomenon of fashion. This research aims to outline arguments about the phenomenon of fashion from some well-known philosophers (Kant to Rousseau, Nietzsche Benjamin) and in sociology also considered (Afternoon to Blumer, Baudrillard Spencer, Simmel and Crane). An anthology that also part of some translated for the first time the Italian texts, offering a vision of sociological theories on the diffusion of fashion and its key features.