Globalization: An Inexorable Phenomenal Force

International Journal of Humanities and Innovation (IJHI)


Globalization is a wide-ranging universal influence on humanity’s existence, experience, and intercourse, as it is tending towards reducing the world into a singularized society. In the presence of this omnipresent phenomenon, the physical barriers between nations are illusive because communicative technologies which are the driving force of globalization know no physical barriers. It enables trans-border interactions in whatever aspect of the lives of nations possible in real time. The questions that are often raised when discourse on globalization feature at the local and international scene are: what is the nature and essence of globalization? Is the phenomenon of globalization establishing symbiotic political and economic relationships between nations? Or is the globalization a neocolonialism and western imperialism and hegemony? Is globalization not creating a new form of imbalanced dependencies between “the haves and the have not”? There are two contrary views regarding the si...