Religion and Human Rights


Africa Whatever one thinks of the politics and practices of other African States, South Africa alone continues to be the only country on the continent about which absolute statements can be made. It isn't simply that South Africa is a dictatorshipdictatorships are to be had wholesale, and not only in Africa-but that the legal system itself has been subverted by the State. South Africa, after all, is the only country on the continent that discriminates between citizens in law. In modern history that is paralleled by the Nazi rule in Germany in the 1930's. It is in this literal sense that the 'government' of South Africa is fascist. The preponderance of writers from South Africa is a reflection of this condition. Some, like Mbulelo Mzamane and Mongane Serote, have opted for exile; others, like Miriam Tlali and Njabulo Ndebele, continue to live in their country, albeit with long spells abroad. All of them concentrate on what it means to live in a fascist State, where even children-but always 'black': colour being, apparently, a meaningful attribute of human beings-are tortured and killed by uniformed vigilantes. This is not to detract from the problems in the rest of the continent. To be sure, the violation of fundamental human freedoms has been an increasing feature of life in, amongst other places, Kenya. Ngugi, who was imprisoned for a year because of a play he wrote, now lives in exile in London as a result. His latest novel, which appeared in his native Gikuyu last year, was promptly banned by the authorities within a month of publication. But repressive regimes never learn: when the bari'on his play, I Will Marry