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2001, Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras
Analytic continuations to C '~ of solutions to elliptic differential equations defined over domains in R ~ have been studied in a general context by Kiselman [5]. For the ease where the elliptic operator is the Laplacian a detailed analysis of these analytic continuations have been given by Lelong [6], Siciak [10] and Jarnicki [4]. Related results have also been described by Hayman [2]. In this paper we consider some of the properties of analytic continuations to C 2 of analytic functions defined over domains in the complex plane. The main result proved is: Theorem 1. Suppose that ~ is a domain lying in the complex plane. Then there exist two unbounded domains ~1 and ~2 lying in C 2 and containing ~, such that for each analytic function f (z) defined on ~ there are two holomorphic functions
Annales Polonici Mathematici, 2003
For functions that are separately solutions of an elliptic homogeneous PDE with constant coefficients, we prove an analogue of Siciak's theorem for separately holomorphic functions.
Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 1990
This paper studies the extensions of harmonic and analytic functions defined on the unit disk to continuous functions defined on a certain compactification of the disk.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 1982
The following extension theorem is proved. Let O C C be an open set containing A, the open unit disc in C, and the point 1. Suppose that / is holomorphic on B, the open unit ball of CN, let x £ dB and assume that for all y G dB in a neighborhood of x the function c-» f(cy), holomorphic on A, continues analytically into Q. Then / continues analytically into a neighborhood of x.
Siberian Mathematical Journal, 1979
Annales Polonici Mathematici, 2003
This note is an attempt to describe a part of the historical development of the research on separately holomorphic functions.
Analytic functions in the Hardy class H^2 over the upper half-plane H_+ are uniquely determined by their values on any curve Γ lying in the interior or on the boundary of H_+. The goal of this paper is to provide a quantitative version of this statement. Given that f from a unit ball in H^2 is small on Γ (say, its L^2 norm is of order ϵ), how does this affect the magnitude of f at a point z away from the curve? When Γ⊂∂H_+, we give a sharp upper bound on |f(z)| of the form ϵ^γ, with an explicit exponent γ=γ(z) ∈ (0,1) and describe the maximizer function attaining the upper bound. When Γ⊂H_+ we give an implicit sharp upper bound in terms of a solution of an integral equation on Γ. We conjecture and give evidence that this bound also behaves like ϵ^γ for some γ=γ(z) ∈ (0,1). These results can also be transplanted to other domains conformally equivalent to the upper half-plane.
In the theory of one complex variable it is well known that for any domain G ⊂ C there is an f ∈ O(G) (i.e. f is a holomorphic function on G) that cannot be holomorphically extended beyond G. In many variables the situation becomes different. There are pairs of domains D1 $ D2 ⊂ C, n ≥ 2, such that the restriction mapping O(D2) −→ O(D1) is surjective. Domains which carry a non extendible holomorphic function are called domains of holomorphy. They can be characterized by being pseudoconvex, i.e. − log dist(·, ∂D) is a plurisubharmonic function. Moreover, in contrast to the case of real partial differentiability, a separately holomorphic (i.e. a partially complex differentiable) function f : D −→ C (write f ∈ Os(D)) — D ⊂ C, n ≥ 2, a domain — is already continuous (Theorem of Hartogs (1906)) and, therefore, using the Cauchy integral formula holomorphic on D. Recall that a function f : D −→ C is called separately holomorphic if for any a ∈ D and any j ∈ {1, . . . , n} the function of o...
Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2020
The present paper is a natural continuation of our last articles on the Riemann, Hilbert, Dirichlet, Poincaré, and, in particular, Neumann boundary-value problems for quasiconformal, analytic, harmonic functions and the so-called A-harmonic functions with arbitrary boundary data that are measurable with respect to the logarithmic capacity. Here, we extend the corresponding results to generalized analytic functions h : D→C with sources g : ∂z-h = g ∈ Lp , p > 2, and to generalized harmonic functions U with sources G : ΔU =G ∈Lp , p > 2. Our approach is based on the geometric (functional-theoretic) interpretation of boundary values in comparison with the classical operator approach in PDE. Here, we will establish the corresponding existence theorems for the Poincaré problem on directional derivatives and, in particular, for the Neumann problem to the Poisson equations ΔU =G with arbitrary boundary data that are measurable with respect to the logarithmic capacity. A few mixed bou...
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 1999
A characterization of CR− functions in terms of analytic extensions into attached analytic discs is obtained for smooth functions defined in domains in C or on smooth hypersurfaces in C. The first result, for domains in the plane, solves, under certain regularity conditions, an open problem on characterization of analytic functions in C in terms of analytic extendabitlty into one-dimensional family of Jordan curves (strip-problem). The second result, for the case when Ω is a hypersurface in C, gives a characterization of CR− functions on such hypersurfaces by analytic extensions in arbitrary generic families of attached analytic discs. Applying this result to 2-dimensional complex sections, proves, for smooth functions, a conjecture of Globevnik and Stout about characterization of boundary values of holomorphic functions in bounded domains in Cn, n ≥ 2, in terms of analytic extendability into cross-sections by complex lines tangent to a fixed hypersurface. 1. Formulation of the prob...
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, 2010
The holomorphic functions of several complex variables are closely related to the continuously differentiable solutions f : R 2n → Cn of the so-
Annales Polonici Mathematici, 2003
Let D j ⊂ C k j be a pseudoconvex domain and let A j ⊂ D j be a locally pluripolar set, j = 1, . . . , N . Put
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 1982
The technique devised by D. J. Patil to recover the functions of the Hardy space Hp (1 « p < oo) from the restrictions of their boundary values to a set of positive measure on the unit circle was modified by S. E. Zarantonello in order to extend the result to Hp (0 < p < I). In this paper, we show that Zarantonello's technique can be slightly modified to extend the result to a larger class of analytic functions in the unit disc. In particular, if/(2) is analytic in the unit disc and satisfies lim(l-r)ß\o%M(r,f) = 0 for some ß > 1, r-l then /(;) can be recovered from the restriction of its boundary value to an open arc.
Let BR be the ball in the euclidean space R n with center 0 and radius R and let f be a complex-valued, infinitely differentiable function on BR. We show that the Laplace-Fourier series of f has a holomorphic extension which converges compactly in the Lie ball BR in the complex space C n when one assumes a natural estimate for the Laplace-Fourier coefficients.
Studia Mathematica, 2010
We prove a generalization of the well-known Hörmander theorem on continuation of holomorphic functions with growth conditions from complex planes in C p into the whole C p. We apply this result to construct special families of entire functions playing an important role in convolution equations, interpolation and extension of infinitely differentiable functions from closed sets. These families, in their turn, are used to study optimal or canonical, in a certain sense, weight sequences defining inductive and projective type spaces of entire functions with O-growth conditions. Finally, we give a natural and complete description of multipliers for spaces given by canonical weight sequences.
2013 IEEE Business Engineering and Industrial Applications Colloquium (BEIAC), 2013
A new class of analytic functions ( ) b k US , λ is introduced by applying Salagean operators. Some properties such as the coefficient bounds and growth and distortion theorems for this class are found.
Bulletin of The American Mathematical Society, 1989
A subclass A (n, k) of analytic functions f (z) in the unit disc U is considered. By means of the result due to K. Sakaguchi (J. Math. Soc. Japan 11(1959), 72-75) for f (z) ∈ A (1, 1), some generalization properties of f (z) ∈ A (n, k) with several applications are discussed.
Scientific reports of Bukhara state University, 2021
Introduction. Quoting from a well-known American mathematician Lipman Bers [1]-It would be tempting to rewrite history and to claim that quasiconformal transformations have been discovered in connection with gas-dynamical problems. As a matter of fact, however, the concept of quasiconformality was arrived at by Grotzsch [2] and Ahlfors [3] from the point of view of function theory‖. The present work is devoted to the theory of analytic solutions of the Beltrami equation () () (), (1) z z f z A z f z which directly related to the quasi-conformal mappings. The function () Az is, in general, assumed to be measurable with | () | 1 A z C almost everywhere in the domain D under consideration. Solutions of equation (1) are often referred to as () Az analytic functions in the literature. Research methods. The solutions of equation (1), as well as quasi-conformal homeomorphisms in the complex plane have been studied in suffient details. The purpose of this paper is to study () Az analytic functions in a particular case, when the function () Az is anti-holomorphic in a considered domain [19]. As we can see below, in this spesial case the solution of (1) possesses many properties of analytic functions, has an integral in the norm is a function of the Hardy class and this class is generalized. Results and discussions. The aim of this paper is to investigate () Az analytic functions in special case when the function () Az is an anti-analytic function in a domain. Also, in paper introduces some classes for () Az analytic functions. Nevanlinn's theorem for () Az analytic functions is proved and its results are given. Examples of functions belonging to these classes in different cases are given. The theorems of Riesz and Smirnov for () Az analytic functions are proved. Conclusion. The theory of boundary properties made considerable advances in the first third of the 20th century, owing to the work of several scientists; it resumed its rapid advance in the second half of that century, accompanied by the appearance of new ideas and methods, novel directions and objects of study. Its development is closely connected with various fields of mathematical analysis and mathematics in general, first and foremost with probability theory, the theory of harmonic functions, the theory of conformal mapping, boundary value problems of analytic function EXACT AND NATURAL SCIENCES 30 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS OF BUKHARA STATE UNIVERSITY 2021/4 (86) theory. The theory of boundary properties of analytic functions is closely connected with various fields of application of mathematics by way of boundary value problems. The theory of boundary properties of analytical functions, which grew out of the
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