Triadic shrine paper (On E-Groups)


A typical architectural assemblage of the monumental site core of upper Belize River valley sites includes three structures in a linear, north to south, arrangement on the east side of large public plazas. To the west of this triadic assemblage are often found a pyramidal structure or a range-type building. Often, and primarily on the basis of this spatial configuration, several researchers have classified these architectural assemblages as E-Group complexes. According to Aimers and Rice , E-Groups may have originally functioned as astronomical observatories then transitioned to "settings for valedictory ceremonies" such as katun endings in the Classic period. Actual archaeological investigations of these purported E-Groups in the Belize Valley, however, do not support either of these two functions. Instead, the evidence suggests that these architectural assemblages were primarily used for ancestor related rituals and that classifying them as Eastern Triadic Shrines may be a more appropriate label.